how many hours to leave between jelq/PE and intercourse?
For those of you with girlfriends or wives who don’t know about your PE activities, how much time do leave yourself between your last PE session (e.g., stretching and jelqing) and the next time you’ll probably have intercourse with her? I like having a full 24 hours’ rest, but that’s usually not feasible, which means that I’m just going to have to cut down on my number of workouts from the optimal 5 per week. If I did them in the morning, it would be better in terms of timing, but I like evening workouts because of the benefits of having nocturnal erections soon after the workout, and because it’s a good way to relax and wind down the day on those nights that I spend by myself.
Maybe 24 hours is being very generous, but I’m worried about not being able to perform or come because of the temporary loss of sensitivity from manhandling my meat so much.