Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much gain is "typical"?


1/2” erect length gain in the first month or two is not unusual. Your flaccid size will probably also go up very noticably if you’re jelqing regularly.

I gained 1/2” length in about 5 weeks (almost exclusively jelqing), then no gains for about 3 months and I stopped PE. A couple of months later I came back and gained another 1/2” length in about a month’s time doing hard manual stretching. In the first year (9 months of PE) my total gains were 1” length, and .25” girth. I wasn’t to my goal size, but 7.5”x5.5” (BP) was satisfying enough that I didn’t have the motivation to do it non-stop. Four years later, doing periodic bouts of PE, my total gains are 1.75”x.6”

That’s my experience, but I have no idea what a “typical” gain would be. There are too many factors involved.


1. I weighed 265 lbs on 5 Jan. 2004 and now I’m 163 lbs. This
“thinned” my fat pad and exposed approx. 1 inch of shaft.

2. Since I’ve been active I’ve gained 1” in length and 1/8” in girth
in 6 months.

Just stay focused, it will work! Here’s my routine:

After reading some posts by JonPop I started doing my routine on
a 2 day on, 2 day off schedule; because it feels more “natural”.
Heres what I do:

1. (Newbie Stretch / Warm Up Routine)
2. 100 Wet Jelq Strokes
3. 50 V-Jelq Strokes
4. 10 Horse 440s
5. Warm Down
6. Try to maintain an erection for the next 2 hrs. (seems impossible right?)
7. During that same 2 hours don’t have sex.

This routine takes about 50 mins.

By the way

Werner, kontolliere deine Emotionen! :D

Sorry I thought he tried to fuck with me but the anger has passed since this situation is clear.

It was the barrier of 2 different languages. :D

If you decide to buy an extender you can expect from 2.25mm to 7.5mm per month although 4.75mm is the average growth rate. These figures are from clinical trials featured on certain manufacturers’ websites.

So far my average is 3.5mm per month, I’ve gained 12mm in length so far in just under 4 months.

Originally Posted by Werner
By the way
Werner, kontolliere deine Emotionen! :D
Sorry I thought he tried to fuck with me but the anger has passed since this situation is clear.
It was the barrier of 2 different languages. :D

Ich benuze immer die “spell check” es ist so einfach, nur die taste drucken, und danach kan man die falsche wörter endern… Leider gibt es keine german “spell check” ich habe sicher alles im wald.

Sorry, i just had to write in German, it`s so cool.

@ Northpole

Schön wenn dir deutsch gefällt :D
Das mit dem sicher I’m Wald kenn ich leider nicht. Du wolltest wahrscheinlich sagen das du alles richtig geschrieben hast, oder?


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