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How often to balloon?

How often to balloon?

To all you guys who balloon, how often do you do it? Do you need to take days off with like with other PE methods, or can you do it every day? I just started a few days ago and have been loving it but I don’t want to over do it.

I would imagine you can do it as long as you want. Just be sure to blow atleast once a week or so to clean your system out. And if you get painful blue balls, blow a load.

Otherwise, edge all you like. I do not practice any PE that directly tries to manipuate the penis, but I do a lot of kegels and edging/ballooning. My dick is now definitely fatter

Cool… Thanks for the reply! I have had a problem with some sort of vein on the top of my penis for a while now and have found that ballooning doesn’t aggravate it while jelking and other PE methods do. I’m also excited in the prospect of becoming multi-orgasmic!

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