Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to increase NBPEL


Originally Posted by Rahman810
The amount of people on the planet with big bones are about as rare as a 10 inch penis naturally. Are you absolutely sure that you have big bones?

Maybe but anyway losing weight is the key and increasing BPEL through PE will naturally increase NBPEL I guess.

Lose some fat and train your low abs, it worked with me

NBPEL is increasing.

Just by PE’ing without losing alot of weight.

I’m not overweight to begin with.

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5


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