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How to increase NBPEL


How to increase NBPEL

Ok guys, its me again wanted to know how to increase the non bone pressed erectile length if thats possible.

I know some will argue use the search button but nothing I found.

So my questions are simple does non bone pressed erectile length increase like our bone pressed erectile length?

Also what exercises to do or the same newbie routine can help in increasing the NBPEL?

My last question is is anyone which have increased his NBPEL by how much and how many weeks,months it took to achieve,plus which exercises did you use?

Thank you guys hope I’m not bothering anyone with my questions.

Lose fat.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Rahman810

Lose fat.

Oh ok yeah thats a good option.

Or increase BPEL while maintaining your current diet and exercise routine. Also you can “visually increase” NBPEL by trimming.

They are the same thing, except the thickness of your fat pad dictates how much dick is visible.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Yep Rahman & A unit are right you’ll get a better NBP by losing weight other than that just keep doing other PE

Gaining in progress...

Ok thanks for the great feedback guys.

Plus can I push my BPEL during sex.

I suppose lipo and pelvic carving could also do the trick.

Just lose the weight.

10 years ago I was around 8% body fat and my dick looked huge.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Don’t expect to lose it easily. I’ve lost around 50 lbs since my first legit measurement and still have a 3/4 inch fat pad. At most I lost 1/2 in of fat pad, possibly closer to 1/4 in.

I currently estimate my body fat percentage to be in the 20-25% range and dropping.

Originally Posted by MadVillian
Don’t expect to lose it easily. I’ve lost around 50 lbs since my first legit measurement and still have a 3/4 inch fat pad. At most I lost 1/2 in of fat pad, possibly closer to 1/4 in.
I currently estimate my body fat percentage to be in the 20-25% range and dropping.

You literally have to be almost ripped to shorten your fat pad down to about 10 percent bodyfat. Type it in Google and go to images and you will see what it looks like and keep in mind some of the guys at the 10 percent mark are only slightly flexing. The point where your love handles and lower back fat are pretty much completely gone. The last time I measured my pad was about .94” and I have a 6 pack as clear as day while flexing. But still have a very tiny amount of lower back fat and love handles. When that is completely gone I expect my fat pad to start changing. It’s that last 10lbs that really make the difference from what I’m seeing.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by brown dick 6.5 x 6.5
Plus can I push my BPEL during sex.

While I’m not certain of what you mean here, I’m guessing you want to reduce your fat pad to have more dick to use for intercourse?
I have a hard time to believe that the fat pad is what sets the limit for how far you can push during sex… For one the fat pad is really soft, and pushing with your entire body it shouldn’t put up any notable resistance even if it was in fact what’s in your way. I mean I can retract my fat pad with a finger or two without any problem. Secondly I’d say for myself it’s more the front of my thighs or hip that prevents me from pushing further, not the fat pad.

I think the difference between BPL and NBPL is more or less purely visual. Losing weight might make a difference anyway, especially for someone who’s overweight, but other than that I’d focus on weight loss for bigger appearance, but PE for more actual dick.

NBP should increase with your BPEL as long as you don’t gain additional weight. As everyone here has mentioned, losing weight will assist IF that is where you would lose weight. Unfortunately there is no magic body fat % number that determines what your fat pad is since we all store fat differently. I recommend cutting down your sugar intake as well as soda (if you consume that) and see if that helps. There’s no specific exercises to target the fat pad nor would strictly exercise help you shed fat to begin with. You need to look at your diet first.

As for exercise recommendations, I would look into HIIT (high intensity interval training), tabata (another form of high intensity stuff, but much shorter), or anything that keeps you moving while also utilizing strength exercises. Don’t be fooled into those that say do cardio. Although cardio is great for cardiovascular health, it won’t be full proof in shedding fat.

Hope this helps!

4/1/2017 - 7.25 BPEL and 5.25 MSEG

My progress thread - My path to a larger healthy piece

Originally Posted by Fitguy46614
NBP should increase with your BPEL as long as you don’t gain additional weight. As everyone here has mentioned, losing weight will assist IF that is where you would lose weight. Unfortunately there is no magic body fat % number that determines what your fat pad is since we all store fat differently. I recommend cutting down your sugar intake as well as soda (if you consume that) and see if that helps. There’s no specific exercises to target the fat pad nor would strictly exercise help you shed fat to begin with. You need to look at your diet first.

As for exercise recommendations, I would look into HIIT (high intensity interval training), tabata (another form of high intensity stuff, but much shorter), or anything that keeps you moving while also utilizing strength exercises. Don’t be fooled into those that say do cardio. Although cardio is great for cardiovascular health, it won’t be full proof in shedding fat.

Hope this helps!

Thanks, actually I’m not that fat or overweight you could say that my bones are huge maybe thats why decieves me.

I do HIT Interval training too.

I have done 10 days already its awesome I feel so strong and my body is getting toned already.

Originally Posted by brown dick 6.5 x 6.5
Thanks, actually I’m not that fat or overweight you could say that my bones are huge maybe thats why decieves me.

I do HIT Interval training too.

I have done 10 days already its awesome I feel so strong and my body is getting toned already.

The amount of people on the planet with big bones are about as rare as a 10 inch penis naturally. Are you absolutely sure that you have big bones?

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

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