Thunder's Place

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How to make it "look" bigger....


How to make it "look" bigger....

Hello everyone! I have been here a while but never posted anything, so I decided this should be my first post. Does anybody know about how to make the penis look bigger.

I allways shave of all my pubic hair close to the base. Then I trim the rest of it so the eye gets some point of reference point. If you shave just a bit higher at the base, the skin “slope”(the one that the top ligs are under) is added to the eyes point of reference thus making it look bigger.

Maybe some of you allready shave this way but not all know about this. The reason why I picked up on it was because some of the pornstars uses this way of trimming their pubic hair.

Any other suggestions other than fat reduction?

Is it a missile in my pants or am I just happy to see you?


Here is a pic so you can see exactly what I mean. If you a have a more pronounced upward curvature you can also stretch/hang between the cheeks so that the penis becomes more straight and so that the exit point moves downward and shows more of your proud flesh.

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Is it a missile in my pants or am I just happy to see you?

I don’t trim to make it look bigger, but because we like it that way. I remove the hairs near the base and scrotum, and trim the rest to about 1/4”. I’ve kept it trimmed similarly since I was about 17(now 35).

It’s true that you won’t find many guys in pr0n with much hair at all. I haven’t watched much lately, but from what I’ve seen in the last couple of years, most remove more hair than I do.

trimm the rim


Hoping not to tease you for a typo, I dare to ask what a “pr0n” is? If it’s kind of a gym, I have to say (I only can speak for Frankfurt/Germany) that there are two types of males: The mid size to hung ones, who trim properly, and the small sized, who let grow. One might say: Hey, of course the trimmed ones look bigger, that’s the trick! But I am a dedicated “dick watcher” and I am convinced that I can eliminate the optical illusion when evaluating one’s dick size. However, maybe men only consider it to be worth it to pronounce their dicks starting at a certain size, while below that size they decide it to be better if people think “It just looks that small because it’s all hidden in the bushes”… I just spoke about limp dicks, I am aware of grower/shower effects, but that’s another topic…

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

That was a good one

OK, guys… I hope you had as much fun as I had, when I realized MDC’s post is about PORN. I am so naive *lol* And in porn you won’t see that many limp dicks - hopefully ;-) So I was off topic very much…

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Re: trimm the rim

Originally posted by L born XXL buried

The mid size to hung ones, who trim properly, and the small sized, who let grow.

I am mad hairy…my opinion on this is that is if you can keep the hair and still look huge your on the right track. *Hoping one day to feel this way*

plus whenever I try to remove hair I end up with a huge mess of ingrown hairs and the like.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Visit my Gym

DLD, surely I’d be crazy about meeting you in my gym’s shower one day. First of all, it would make me overcome my stereotype as set out in my previous post, Second, I enjoy to see others stare at one’s big dick, and occasionally at mine. Yesterday was such a day, my girl had to reject me due to an vaginal infection, so I was more sensitive and only had to do three jelqs in the shower to get a heavy hanging semi. It was amazing how different guys behaved when entering the shower and secretly trying to observe my dick. Watching you in this shower and other’s guys eyes bulging would be hilarious…

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Re: Visit my Gym

Originally posted by L born XXL buried
DLD, surely I'd be crazy about meeting you in my gym's shower one day. First of all, it would make me overcome my stereotype as set out in my previous post, Second, I enjoy to see others stare at one's big dick, and occasionally at mine. Yesterday was such a day, my girl had to reject me due to an vaginal infection, so I was more sensitive and only had to do three jelqs in the shower to get a heavy hanging semi. It was amazing how different guys behaved when entering the shower and secretly trying to observe my dick. Watching you in this shower and other's guys eyes bulging would be hilarious…

*rushes off to the YMCA to try this* :D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Looking bigger may be a welcome side effect, but I trim my pubes for aesthetic reasons. I just don’t like pubic hair. I hate it even more on women…ya know those big “70’s bushes”? Gross.

Plus, and this goes double for women… pubic hair traps stink. Not good.

Heres a new idea!

You are right Prickle, pubic hair is a real turn off. In fact, bodyhair is not very nice at all. DLD, you could try the hair-removing creams. You are allready hung like a horse and shaving would make you look hung like an elefant LOL!

I thought of a way to make it look bigger in the boxers and this might be a good way to let it heal in the extended state to or for ADS purposes. Take a piece of latex 4*4 and attach with glue or something else on the inside of the boxers where you would like to have your penis. Put on the boxers and stretch the penis and put it where the latex is. TADA!

Btw DLD what where your starting measurements? Im at 7.4 bp now and Im gonna get it to at least 8.5 but I think I will never really quit PE, its just to much fun! The blasters are superb!

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Is it a missile in my pants or am I just happy to see you?

pubic hair trap


Try a shower once in a while, will avoid not only the “pubic hair trap”. Being uncut I hope you won’t suggest to me to get circumcised for avoiding the “foreskin trap”. Nevertheless, I myself also prefer the trimmed look, on both males and females. Still the expression “70’s bushes” makes me recall one of my first erotic fantasies. It was a photo article in a German, quite liberal left wing weekly news magazine (the “Stern”) back in my childhood. The article was about nude bathing days in a public bath; one picture showed a naked woman standing beside the pool. I immediately had sexual fantasies, although I was used to nudism (but only at beaches, therefore throughout “open air”). This woman had an enormous bush with some hair even reaching the navel - it was the 70’s. But stay calm, I am not visiting “hairy women sites” nowadays. The fascination for bushes faded when I reached puberty and was replaced by fascination for large dicks *lol*…

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

I learned while in my 20’s that trimming was the way to go if you wanted to get more blow jobs. This was the 80’s and “big hair” was in except “down under”. Chicks don’t like getting pubic hair in their mouth. Remeber the old joke- “what does a pubic hair sound like when falling?”; spit-spit-spit!

In addition, and about the same time frame, I was a gym rat. Getting unspoken admiration in the locker room was helped by trimming the pubic hair, especially “off the top”, to coin a barber’s phrase. Too much trim however looked contrived and a bit queer. My goal was to “look” an inch longer in a flacid state for the guys taking a corner peek. The “stiffy” was reserved for the girls to behold in their mouths and in between their legs! xlhorsman

I may just get a perm with real tight figer waves. I might as well go with it. Maybe I can get Jen to give me some corn rows. :)

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

If one thing you want is a good show through your clothes, then observe the following:

light colored pants.

flat front, avoid pleated.

park johnson to the right. (the fly material is to the left and covers him, so park him to the right)

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I shave it all, looks better that way, shave my legs for cycling, for racing purposes, might as well shave there too.

Looks clean and healthy…..

Gettin Bigger

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