Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I don't know what to do anymore


Originally Posted by raulete
lucky you my friend.l’ve exactly the opposite problem.from a few months now,it’s quite hard for me to get a good erection.I have a little problem with my prostata.So,l think we are never agry with ourselves,ha,ha,ha.Next time you have an extra-big-erection,think about your mum or something lkie that,allways work,ha,ja,ja.I’m spanish,sorry if my english is not good enough.Good luck!!!

It doesn’t help. Whatever I do during PE sessions (movies, series, cartoons, forums, etc.) doesn’t help with keeping the erections down.

Originally Posted by mansun2008
If your Jelqing squeeze the base of your penis and it will subside, plus you giving your penis some quick expansion.

That’s what I used to do and at times still have to the same applies with stretches I still get semi doing them from time to time and I can say I’m a bit of a pro at PE now.

Well kind off :)

Squeeze in what way?

Originally Posted by Cummer
I wish I had your problems with excessive erections. I would easily trade 0,5” of my length for that.

10 ejaculations per week, IMO, is just a right amount. Just relax and enjoy them. That’s both very healthy and pleasurable. :)

I don’t know, I prefer around 5 per week. Less ejaculations make my erections even harder and sex feels a lot better.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
There’s no such thing as too much ejaculations, everyone has different levels of testosterone. I am good friends with a guy, he said he was gonna go as long as he could without jacking off. He lasted less than 24 hours. I asked him how often he does it, he said 3 times a day, AND he has a girlfriend.

My record is 14 days, though I have enough sex drive to masturbate 5+ times a day if I wanted to. I don’t do it because I don’t want to get desensitized and other problems related to too much masturbation.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I had one heck of a time keeping just the right amount of engorgement for jelqing. I had enough privacy to deal with it but the amount of time I ended up investing in PE was ridiculous. The amount of stopping and starting combined with doing old school PE meant that I was investing better than 10 hours a week! Months and months of that with no gains made it very easy for me to make the decision to switch to hanging. I had the privacy, was already investing the time, and was getting no gains from hands on PE.

Have you considered giving hanging a go?

At first I thought hanging weights from your dick is crazy, but with time I realized it’s just like manual stretching, only longer and with more consistent force.
My problem is not lack of gains from manual work, but, like you said, too much dead time waiting for proper erection level that could be spent doing other things. I’m still gaining and I plan to keep on doing manual work until I stop gaining from it. After that I’ll give hanging a go (if I don’t reach my length goal doing manual work, that is).
How much did you gain from hanging?

I got one inch from hanging. And yes: whatever you are doing, if it is giving you gains stick with it.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Unwanted erections during PE are annoying the **** out of me. I don’t know what to do to prevent them. I’ve tried sex or masturbation before PE but it helps only occasionally. Besided, I’m trying to keep masturbation at no more than 2 times a week.

I simply don’t understand. I’ve been doing PE for 3.5 months and my dick still won’t listen to me. As if it refuses to learn the difference between PE and sex/masturbation. I get a semi almost from the slightest touch and PE sessions take twice the time they would take without getting erect all the time.

Halp! :(

Bro, I wish I had that problem. Rock hard erections and dry jelqs always did wonders for my girth. In fact, I believe PE is at its’ best when you are totally engorged. Lucky bastard!

Just wanted to report that I don’t have problem with unwanted erections anymore. :) I don’t really know why, but I’m glad I can finally finish 20 minutes of stretching in less than 25 minutes instead of 40-50.

Weather got really cold last few days and the heating is off so it’s quite cold in my room, maybe that has something to do with it, but the coldness is not affecting my EQ (which is excellent) in any way and I can clamp perfectly fine. I guess it’s all for the best. (: Took my dick about week short of 6 months of PE to learn when it’s time for not playing around. :D

Looking to your pre-PE and current stats makes me think you are not,, well let me say you probably are doing light workouts IMO. Try more advanced methods like clamping and hanging. If you clamp hard enaugh you`ll realise that no erection strength is good enaugh.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by kaan
Looking to your pre-PE and current stats makes me think you are not,, well let me say you probably are doing light workouts IMO. Try more advanced methods like clamping and hanging. If you clamp hard enaugh you`ll realise that no erection strength is good enaugh.

Can you elaborate that? I don’t think I fully understand what you’re trying to say. :)

I do agree that my workouts are light. My regular routine consists of 10 minutes of V/A stretches and 10 minutes of manual stretches followed by 70 dry jelqs. Clamping routine is the same, but I switch dry jelqs with 3 sets of clamping (currently at 7 minutes per set, working my way up to 10 minutes per set).

Originally Posted by kaan
Looking to your pre-PE and current stats makes me think you are not,, well let me say you probably are doing light workouts IMO. Try more advanced methods like clamping and hanging. If you clamp hard enaugh you`ll realise that no erection strength is good enaugh.

Slow and steady bro. It’s not a race. The injury section is full of guys in a rush to make gains.


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