I agree with focusing on length or girth, but I still jelqed when I mainly stretched, and stretched some when going for girth. At first I tried to do it all.
I most of my length gains at the beginning of ‘07, by focusing on stretching. I maybe gained 1/8” in girth.
My girth gains came this year. I also didn’t think I was ever going to get any girth gains. What I did for girth was I started jelqing about 100 strokes a night 2 on 1 off or 3 on 1 off. I kept increasing my jelqs until I got up to about 400 (200 each hand alternating in sets of 20 -25). Still no gains but great EQ and PIs. After reading on clamping on Thunder’s I finally started manual clamping with a tight (not a death grip) standard OK grip so I could see what was going to happen and then started counting. Wow, I could only make it to 15 seconds, probably 12 cause I was speeding up the count because the expansion kinda hurt. A couple of times each hand was all I could handle, but I mean WOW, never had that expansion before. After a couple of weeks I could count to 30 real seconds 5 times each hand. I then started moving up the shaft with the grip about an inch and wow again. Hell, I thought I invented an exercise, but after searching Thunder’s discovered I was close to a Uli. But I still kept on track and the next week moved about 2 inches up the shaft, then 3 inches, etc until I was doing a real Uli. I’ve gotta say, that was the first time I ever gained significant girth, I didn’t even have to measure, I could see it in my hands, but when I did measure I was 5 7/8” with a 6 1/8” pump after a workout WOW. Unfortunately I got carried away and bruised myself when I did a Uli then clamped the base with my other hand and tried to come back down, so I had to take time off. But back in it again now, yay.
I really think that not just the routine itself, but the month of jelqing before clamping and Ulis, and the slow way I worked into the clamping and Ulis is how I got my gains, basically conditioning myself again and again with each step. Consider this: when I got over my bruising and started again I was down to 5 5/8” (I only did the clamping to ulis for a total of 5 weeks to gain 5/8”, not enough time to cement all my gains, but 3/8” wasn’t bad, either). I thought that since I had already been through it I could jump back in. WRONG. I went mainly for Ulis and couldn’t get anything but heavy discoloration and low PIs. After 2 weeks (took me long enough!), I stopped for a week then started back the way I did the first time and viola, back on track with good PIs and EQ, good expansion, and the discoloration faded to less than half of what it was. I think the jelqing and easing into the manual clamping helped get rid of most of the discoloration.
I don’t know your routine, or how it compares to mine, but this really worked for me. If you’re going at it really hard, you might want to take a break and then work into your routine more slowly or try another routine to find out if something works better for you.