Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I gain nothing in girth


Eww, my bad, I misread his character. My fault for not reading all of the posts.

Me jelkue not very mach beccouse jelkqing is dangeraos. so focus on yor EQ all th time and does not do it very mach. that is how i becomes shane deisel. make shure you are able to do 400 pound squatz befor you start jelquing. you must be in god shapes.


04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

Back to topic, I strongly believe that length exercises kill your girth gains. I have been doing only girth exercises for 10 days (stopped length work completely - after gaining 1.5” in 7 months or so) and I am seeing some gains already.

Before that I gained zero girth although I tried fair enough. I’m not sure if my gains are temporary but in about a month I will be able to tell and that will justify my theory which is sort of common among people.

04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

Doing clamping I noticed my length go up abit in a short amount of time, probably because of so many hard ons and the more volume for the flaccid hang.

Originally Posted by Cyclope
Back to topic, I strongly believe that length exercises kill your girth gains. I have been doing only girth exercises for 10 days (stopped length work completely - after gaining 1.5” in 7 months or so) and I am seeing some gains already.

Before that I gained zero girth although I tried fair enough. I’m not sure if my gains are temporary but in about a month I will be able to tell and that will justify my theory which is sort of common among people.

I’ve been on a long decon for a while now, but when I was actively PE’ing, I found a similar thing. To try and gain in one direction is alot easier, then trying to focus on growing 2 directions at the same time. So if you want length, focus on length, and if you want girth focus on girth. When I stopped the girth stuff, length seemed to come a bit easier. Have never tried focussing on girth, but I believe you when you said it helped.

Originally Posted by CubanB
I’ve been on a long decon for a while now, but when I was actively PE’ing, I found a similar thing. To try and gain in one direction is alot easier, then trying to focus on growing 2 directions at the same time. So if you want length, focus on length, and if you want girth focus on girth. When I stopped the girth stuff, length seemed to come a bit easier. Have never tried focussing on girth, but I believe you when you said it helped.

I may be wrong, but I believe that if you were focusing on both length and girth, then you were not dedicating the same amount of time on each as you would if you done them separately. The answer is to do more each day if you are doing length and girth at the same time. I don’t see any other reason why it would hinder the gains by doing both.

I agree with focusing on length or girth, but I still jelqed when I mainly stretched, and stretched some when going for girth. At first I tried to do it all.

I most of my length gains at the beginning of ‘07, by focusing on stretching. I maybe gained 1/8” in girth.

My girth gains came this year. I also didn’t think I was ever going to get any girth gains. What I did for girth was I started jelqing about 100 strokes a night 2 on 1 off or 3 on 1 off. I kept increasing my jelqs until I got up to about 400 (200 each hand alternating in sets of 20 -25). Still no gains but great EQ and PIs. After reading on clamping on Thunder’s I finally started manual clamping with a tight (not a death grip) standard OK grip so I could see what was going to happen and then started counting. Wow, I could only make it to 15 seconds, probably 12 cause I was speeding up the count because the expansion kinda hurt. A couple of times each hand was all I could handle, but I mean WOW, never had that expansion before. After a couple of weeks I could count to 30 real seconds 5 times each hand. I then started moving up the shaft with the grip about an inch and wow again. Hell, I thought I invented an exercise, but after searching Thunder’s discovered I was close to a Uli. But I still kept on track and the next week moved about 2 inches up the shaft, then 3 inches, etc until I was doing a real Uli. I’ve gotta say, that was the first time I ever gained significant girth, I didn’t even have to measure, I could see it in my hands, but when I did measure I was 5 7/8” with a 6 1/8” pump after a workout WOW. Unfortunately I got carried away and bruised myself when I did a Uli then clamped the base with my other hand and tried to come back down, so I had to take time off. But back in it again now, yay.

I really think that not just the routine itself, but the month of jelqing before clamping and Ulis, and the slow way I worked into the clamping and Ulis is how I got my gains, basically conditioning myself again and again with each step. Consider this: when I got over my bruising and started again I was down to 5 5/8” (I only did the clamping to ulis for a total of 5 weeks to gain 5/8”, not enough time to cement all my gains, but 3/8” wasn’t bad, either). I thought that since I had already been through it I could jump back in. WRONG. I went mainly for Ulis and couldn’t get anything but heavy discoloration and low PIs. After 2 weeks (took me long enough!), I stopped for a week then started back the way I did the first time and viola, back on track with good PIs and EQ, good expansion, and the discoloration faded to less than half of what it was. I think the jelqing and easing into the manual clamping helped get rid of most of the discoloration.

I don’t know your routine, or how it compares to mine, but this really worked for me. If you’re going at it really hard, you might want to take a break and then work into your routine more slowly or try another routine to find out if something works better for you.

Creating my monster. Start (3/01/06): BPEL-7 3/8", EG-5 1/4". Current (11/01/09): BPEL-8", EG-5 7/8". Goal BPEL-8 1/2", EG-6 1/4"

About 14 months total PE time. I'm very inconsistent.

Originally Posted by Herballist
I may be wrong, but I believe that if you were focusing on both length and girth, then you were not dedicating the same amount of time on each as you would if you done them separately. The answer is to do more each day if you are doing length and girth at the same time. I don’t see any other reason why it would hinder the gains by doing both.

When you do girth exercises your dick becomes like this during work out:

When you stretch it becomes like this:

So that is why length exercises sort of nullify girth.

04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

Originally Posted by Cyclope
When you do girth exercises your dick becomes like this during work out:

When you stretch it becomes like this:

So that is why length exercises sort of nullify girth.

No, I disagree with this. You expand the tissues in the penis, not stretch them out.

I only focus on length because I give up on girth really early. I have gained about an inch and lost no girth whatsoever.

Not trying to cause an argument, I just disagree.

Originally Posted by Herballist
No, I disagree with this. You expand the tissues in the penis, not stretch them out.

I will be happy to hear about other peoples opnions about this. Don’t get me wrong, I am not insisting that it should be exactly right. I interpret it that way and will stand corrected if that’s not the way how things work.

04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

I, personally could care less about my length. My girth gains have finally sprouted, and I am most impressed. My routine consist of simple dry jelqing in the shower or bath tub. 50-75 each hand. I have my schedule set at 3 days on, 1 day off. I have never injured myself, nor plan to. I am generous with my grip and force, however I do follow the biggest rule. Warm up, and warm down!

Oct. 07 : BPEL 6.5" EG 5.5" Nov. 07: BPEL 6.875" EG 5.5''

Goal NBPEL 7.0 EG 6.0"

Use the right HEAD when doing exercises! And smile!

Originally Posted by Cyclope
I will be happy to hear about other peoples opnions about this. Don’t get me wrong, I am not insisting that it should be exactly right. I interpret it that way and will stand corrected if that’s not the way how things work.

Nice to know you are mature about it. :)

It is a very controversial topic, either way.. Good luck with your gains.


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