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I gain nothing in girth


I gain nothing in girth

Man….I’ve been doing girth PE for so long and I still can’t get any real girth gains… :(

Any suggestions from fellow hard gainers?

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

>>>I gain nothing in girth

Join the club.
Sorry, no advice.

How long and what?

I also have slow girth gains, although admittedly I don’t do as much as I should for girth.

Originally posted by goingforit
How long and what?

Yes, same question here. Lexx, it is pointless to give you advice when we don’t know what you are doing. Are you jelqing?,Are you doing uli’s, How many of what?, What size shoe do you wear?, Are you taking a quality penis enlargement pill?


Re: I gain nothing in girth

Originally posted by lexx

“I am building a weapon of ass destruction!”

Hey! That would be a W.A.D. :)

- WADzilla

yea I seem to be having problems with gaining girth, but I think it just takes time and progression, only been properly PEing for around 6 months..
I think its all state of mind, the biggest girth gainer I know Redzulu sounds like he PEs to the extreme, as with anything in life it takes hardcore dedication to get results.. so with time i’ll increase intensity etc


Re: I gain nothing in girth

Originally posted by lexx
Man….I've been doing girth PE for so long and I still can't get any real girth gains… :(

Any suggestions from fellow hard gainers?

The mind is a powerful thing and reinforcing your lack of gains with every other complaint of no gains you read reinforces your own doubts. I think that once embedded in your thoughts, you set yourself up with limitations. Sure, you may have made some initial gains as I did but, through reading the posts calling for help, i’m not gaining, I hit a plateau etc. etc. etc…. You start setting yourself up to follow in their foot steps . I too suffered from the same stalling.. One day while reading through posts at another site I came across a thread addressing this very issue. I thought about it, along other things in my life and realized that this was probably the case, I had set my own limits by what others had said. We all do it on a subconscious level. I subconsciously had set limits and fell into the frame of mind that I must be a slow or no gainer. Months went by with no gains and thus begun the spiral downward into being lazy about doing the exercises. This in turn led me to believe i wasn’t going to gain any more because I had stopped gaining. I decided one day something had to change. I slowly changed my beliefs and restructured my routine and then went all out. It has been 2 months now and the gains are coming along quite nicely. My point is don’t take what you read to heart about others lack of gain. It is usually attributed to lack of consistency in exercises, days worked, duration, effort while doing them etc. etc. etc. There are a thousand reasons you won’t succeed. Buy into them and you wont. You can literally convince yourself this just doesn’t work. I am here to tell you it does. Many others here will attest to it’s working too. Adopt a new attitude towards PE, believe it works and gains will come to all who persevere. I wish you luck in your PE adventure……. mowinman

Try dry jelqing, and every 15-20 jelqs try doing some squeeze/bends. This really helped me!!!!!

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Hi dry jelqing and Uli’s really improve girth. Horse squeezes with full erections are also great. Worked very well for me

You must always remain patient as growth comes with time

I will tell you how to gain girth but you cannot stray from this!!

I cannot stress that the first sign of discoloration STOP, if you experience low eq the next day STOP I actuelly recomend you only do excersizes evry other day, you will see improved wood and will be hanging lower and looking healthier, no beat up sausage lookin bull..
This is what you want to do.THIS IS ONLY FOR EXPERIENCED JELQERS
It involves erect jelquing
You want to firmly grab the targeted area and jelq, (this is good for evening out a baseball effect)
Do a low number (20-50) then do the same amount of kegals, or more if you this untill you cannot preform any more kegals, this is to make sure you never lose EQ.and I cannot stress egnough the need for a rest day inbetween, you can do kegals on the rest day, but no kind of excersizeing, maybe some light stretching to prevent turtling..

I have been jelquing for years now and I have experienced all kinds of problems, low EQ, no EQ, discoloration, priapism,
I am sooo lucky my penis isnt permanently damaged.
I never jelq any more, but if you want to do it you HAVE TO DO IT SAFELY
I have good strong arteries, I’m sure if I had any problems my penis wouldn’t be working.I also made sure my health was in peak condition before realy getting into jelquing.

I also take fish oil and a multivitamin, both good for arteries.and eating cherries before and after jelqing is awesome!

Don’t overmasturbate, you won’t notice gains, and if you’re jelquing while mastubating you could lose gains (TRUST ME) I only mastubate like once or twice a week if I even do, it was hard to stop at first (I would twice a day) but I feel so much better now, I can talk to women alot easier and I just feel happier now that I’m not addicted to porn.

Wherever you jelq is where you will gain the girth.don’t experiment with going for longer.don’t go past your limits to gain faster, YOU WILL REGRET IT as I do.I did all the experimenting for you :)

You can do this wet or dry.I did dry because I just wanted to focus on the base because of my baseball really works.the kegals inbetween and the rest day are the most important part!

Last edited by s101 : 11-11-2009 at .

Ok guys we got it figured out. s101, who joined Nov 2009 (this month), has done ALL THE EXPERIMENTING FOR YOU!! All you have to do is erect jelq and eat cherries before and after your PE. Close the forum. Inform the media.

I have been jelquing since I was 12 ass.I did it before I even knew what it’s called

The supplements and food only help strengthen the arteries.

The key is the kegals to make sure you’re EQ is good and the rest day to make sure you’re always moving forward and never back..
You don’t have to listen to me.but my girth is like shane deisel and it aint natural.

That was a bit harsh lol, he was only trying to help.

Although, I don’t recommend doing erect jelqs at all, regardless of experience level, it is too risky. I personally think rest days are not important unless you are clamping or doing extreme exercises but this is just my opinion.. I think frequency is important, I do my jelqs as many times a day as I can and use each night time to rest.

Originally Posted by s101
I have been jelquing since I was 12 ass.I did it before I even knew what it’s called

The supplements and food only help strengthen the arteries.

The key is the kegals to make sure you’re EQ is good and the rest day to make sure you’re always moving forward and never back..
You don’t have to listen to me.but my girth is like shane deisel and it aint natural.

Damn I wish I would have seen this first, then he would have been banned.

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