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Why is Girth so hard for me to GAIN?!?

Why is Girth so hard for me to GAIN?!?

Hey guys, I’m really starting to get frustrated with reading about how a majority of the guys here seem to always keep saying that their girth gains are easy to come by.

I have been PEing for around around 20 months and I have been able to gain 1.5” in erect length from 6” to 7.5” and my flaccid hang is currently around 5”. But, I have only put on a lousy .25” in girth during that time and my girth SUCKS!!! I have tried just about everything except for pumping. I’m still debating on whether or not pumping is really any good for permanent gains.

Whenever I get real serious with a new girth routine I seem to have what I think is good success only to have my girth go back to it’s regular state. I have been on a clamping routine for the past month and a half and it seems like now my girth is shrinking. WTF?


I don’t like the way clamping cuts off blood flow and thereby chokes the penis of oxygenated blood circulation. I think you should start looking at pumping.

| LA Pump

Clamping does seem to scare me a bit when I start to see my dick getting darker and darker as my sessions go on. I only clamp for 3 minutes at a time for 4 sets once a day, every other day. I tried the 10 minute method at first and really didn’t get as good of a pump from when I do the shorter sessions. I always warm up with a rice sock, but I still don’t care for the discoloration.

I’m right there with ya XXX, I’ve been PEing for more than a year on and off, and have some noticeable length gains, but my girth has never budged and i’m stuck with a pencil dick. I decided to buy a pump, and add some low pressure pumping to my routine. I’m also taking l-arginine, and waiting for some NOX2, so I have enough blood flowing down there to fill up the pumping gains I’ve accomplished. Who knows how permanent pumping is, but i figure it’s worth a try, when half the condoms I use slip off. Good luck.


Hey skinny, keep me posted on whether or not your new routines happen to work for you or not.

Feel your pain, brother! I’ve jelqed for over a year with only .5” gain in length and maybe a little under .25” in girth! The sad part is jelqing is probably the best technique for girth. I have absolutely NO complaints about PE, though. I’ve gained well over 1” in length from stretching alone without losing any girth. I gave up jelqing months ago and now I only stretch. I can always get the ‘fat transfer’ method to increase girth but we’ll see……

I’m in the same situation as you guys and I’m not sure how I should solve this problem. I’ve been thinking about going on a girth only routine when I’ve reached 7.5 EBPL. I’ve also been thinking about buying a pump lately so by the end of the summer I might be a pumper also. My only concern about pumping is “what if I loose my gains after I stop pumping” and the fact I’ll have to spend a lot of money on a piece of equipment that I’ll have to hide.

But perhaps pumping is the best way to go for slow girth-gainers like us. So, just like XXX-man, I’m also very interested to hear about the success of your new routine skinny. I hope it works for you because then there might be hope for me as well :)

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

xxx-man, I have had decent girth gains but only at the base, you should be happy about your length gain. I have only gained .25 in over 2 years of length. Guys in the Hangers forum would kill for 1.5 in length. gain. My problem is midshaft girth I am a little over 4.0 EG and can’t seem to gain. This should make you feel better.

Finally a post where all the respondents have my type of girth (well maybe a little bigger than me). It’s really tough reading about guys with 6in girths, and how they want more. My girth is around 4.5 in near the head, but gets slim down to 4 at the base. But my BPL is almost 7in. Whome, how did you add the girth down there? Just stretching?

Anyway I’ll keep you guys posted about my pump, I’ve only been back PEin for a week now so we’ll see what happens. My routine consists of hot wrap, then jelquing for 15 min with some horse 440’s, followed by 10 min of pumping at 4hg. This all ends with 10 minutes of jelquing and another hot wrap. i do this every other day, and am taking L-arginine. I just received my NOX2 in the mail, but I don’t wanna start taking that until I’m back in the gym (been recovering from shoulder surgery for a while). Wish me luck.


Hey skinny,

I had jelqed for a couple of months and then from help from the forum learned about those horses which I see your already doing. I was lucky to have an immediate gain and within only one month had an inch gain from 4.0” to 5.0”. I did alot more than a couple though. My only warm up was wackin off to get enough wood to jelq and every 50 I’d get as close to 90 to 100% erect to either horse440’s or ULI and start again. Watch those tutorial videos by johan, There awesome. Are size is pretty similar. I am hanging now and am still doing uli’s when I can. I am trying mid shaft horses to try to thicken up my mid shaft.

Originally Posted by whome1269
xxx-man, I have had decent girth gains but only at the base, you should be happy about your length gain. I have only gained .25 in over 2 years of length. Guys in the Hangers forum would kill for 1.5 in length. gain. My problem is midshaft girth I am a little over 4.0 EG and can’t seem to gain. This should make you feel better.

Oh, don’t get me wrong whome1269, I do feel fill good about the length gains which I have made. I did put in my fair share of time and dedication to stretching and hanging, however, sometimes I tend to be a tad bit GREEDY and won’t be totally content until I get the FULL package.

Whome, where can I download those video tutorials on horse 440s? Also what was your routine? Last question….do you notice any erection difficulties, or desensitization? I already have plenty of ED problems which I believe are mostly psychological. Thanks.


Well xxx-man I can understand and hope to be as greety about my gains someday in the near future as you.

Hey Skinny, I tried to do a search for those videos and couldn’t find them. I am no pro as I feel my gains are small but this was a pretty good gain and worked well for me. I would do 200 to 300 jelqs and every 25 to 50 depending on erection quality do my horse 440’s. I would get erect as possible and kegel and pump it up as much as possible as you would do with a uli. Grab your unit at the base with thumb and pointer as hard as you can and then with opposite hand around the glands and squeeze the blood into the shaft and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Although I would try to do atleast 10 horse440s throughout the routine. I also threw some erect bends and uli’s in there as well. I was also advised to be very careful.

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