Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I Think My Teacher Does PE


Sincerely, was that joke told in mixed company? This is a professor? Very inappropriate.

Tell him you would like to “hang” out after class because you so “pumped” about his lecture. After “PE” class you would like to “clamp” down on your studies. I am just “jelqing”, I mean joking.

Just tell your teacher:

“My tiny dick is so so small. What can I do to make it bigger?”

This is so funny.

It reminds me about my story.
I had my clamp cable in my pen bag and my cock ring in the back pocket of my pants. The clamp cable has been seen many times by my teacher and friends :D Two of them have hold it and they asked me what I use that thing for… LOLZ. That bad thing is, when I tried to pull my wallet out of my back pocket and my cock ring was dropped on the floor right in front of a bunch of friends… Damn.
I pay more attention with those things now :D


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Any of you personally known of students who boned teacher in hs? Or college, for that matter (but TAs don’t count)?

After telling us this story which had very little to do with hospitality, he said that he has a little Corolla. BUT! He also stated that he used to have a Corvette. Also he said that he once had a size 8 shoe, and now he has size 12. What was he trying to Imply?

That he should be on the sex offenders register?

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly

Originally Posted by vkn1
Any of you personally known of students who boned teacher in hs? Or college, for that matter (but TAs don’t count)?

My brother married his TA in his master’s class.

I did not know any others. Seriously there was maybe one very low grade MILF type teacher in a our entire High School. Not good.

Hospitality class?

Horny Bastard

What exercises did he do to make his feet go from size 8 to size 12?

Honey, it's not the end of the world that you have a small penis, just the end of our relationship :swimmer: :moon2: .......

I hope that tiny mobile phone is inversely proportionate to the size of your penis

You need to discover the truth here!

If this man has made serious gains, we need to know how!!



Buy your teacher a stuffed elephant with a clamp around his trunk.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by all4show
My brother married his TA in his master’s class.

I did not know any others. Seriously there was maybe one very low grade MILF type teacher in a our entire High School. Not good.

How much older was she and did the romance begin while she was still his TA?

In the original question, though, I was also including girls. There seems to be a notion that it’s not uncommon for hs girls to bone PE teachers and stuff like that. Of course, it’s probably exaggerated notion, but that partly why I thought I’d ask here what other people knew.

Originally Posted by mravg
Buy your teacher a stuffed elephant with a clamp around his trunk.


I like that one.

As he is teaching Hospitality, perhaps you could raise the question in class “could you please explain how to jelq a cocktail?”


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca


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