I want a skinny dick?
Weird subject, just haven’t posted what I think about this area yet. I don’t know why but I think I want a skinnier dick than most people do. I guess that I’m attracted to long dicks in general when compared with fat dicks. See, a long dick can be skinny and still be big, but a fat dick can’t be short and still be a big dick(or big enough to brag about). I’m basically trying to get over the fact of saying my dick is bigger than so and so guy’s for whomever girl I’m trying to win over, or trying to have the most confidence in dick battles, and in my experience, it’s always the guys with the long ass dick getting cheers and one-ups and what not for having a big dick, not the guy with a fat dick. IMO, a long skinny dick is attractive, I used to not want to get any thicker at 4.5 eg but only longer, and have a 9” skinny ass dick because the skinnier it is the longer it looks. I’d say it’s kind of like not working out your forarms and only working your biceps, thinking that when your biceps get big it’ll make them look even bigger when compared to your forarms.
The only reason I’m going to get girth now is because of so many places I’ve read that girth feels good for the girl, and that I want flacid hang now, I used to read that and not care and still want my 9x4.5 lol. But now, I don’t want my wang looking too skinny, needs to look strong at least not like a spegetti string. Any input is welcome