To those that have dismissed visualization:
Actually visualization is an important part of self improvement in general. It sounds like hippy shit, but don’t knock it. Look into the subconscious mind and self image — it’s a fact that your subconscious mind (ie. what makes controls the body’s unconscious processes, like pumping blood, fixing wounds etc.) cannot tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t real. If you imagine you’re hand is on fire for a few minutes, see how your hand slightly increases in heat, and if you imagine your girlfriend is fucking another guy, see how you feel an adrenaline rush and anxiety. When you think about something consciously, you’re subconscious mind basically goes on auto-pilot to make it into reality — stuff like releasing adrenaline is easy. Stuff like making your dick bigger is not “easy” on a biological level, but if you’re self image includes having a small penis, then your subconscious mind is going to try and keep your dick small. So many people who have achieved the unachievable have used visualization and “positive thinking”. It’s not just wishful thinking. It’s science.