Interesting discussion about avg., Strive for number 1
So I am at dinner one evening with a bunch of friends and the female half start talking about what they think avg size of the penis is. They all agree upon 6inches being avg but when my male friends and I were like “how big is 6inches?” asking them to show with their hands a judgement of what they think 6 inches is. Well they all spread they hands apart roughly 8-9 inches, the length of my hand. They think 8-9 is 6. All of us guys started laughing and making stereotypical female jokes about how uncoordinated they are and other feminine perceptions. I then toss a figure up saying in reality only 5% of the male population have a penis that big. Then my female friend says yeah so… 5% of the whole male population on the planet, roughly 3 billion equates to 150 million men out there have 8+ inch penises and that is more than enough. That statistic got me thinking, wow I don’t feel above average anymore. Shame on them.
Grrrr. After that meal it got me back into the sudden urge to strive harder to be in the group < 150million others, I want to be number 1! (Hahah tho that is impossible, I blame my competitiveness and desire to be different from the average from my father)
Just posting this because I wanted to see if anyone else would find this as reason to strive for more!