Thunder's Place

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Interesting Thera-P Method

Interesting Thera-P Method

I’ve been using the Thera-P wrist wrap, and I realized that maybe there is a better way to gain flaccid length with it. Now, this method may have already been described many times, but I haven’t seen it posted personally, so bear with me.

Instead of doing one of two regular ways to wrap (around base of dick / around balls and dick), I thought that wrapping all along the flaccid dick would work better. Let me explain.

I tug on the head of my dick until my flaccid member is fully stretched. With the other hand, I start the wrap at the top of my dick, just below the glans. I spiral it down so that its not fully overlapping as it circles downward towards the base. It’s almost like “wrapping” the dick to ensure length, as has been discussed here. The difference is that this is really easy to remove and reapply, and I thought some people who use the thera-p might want to try it.

This method basically ensures that your dick stays long as long as you want it. For me, who usually has a 4 inch flaccid, this wrap gives me a “permanent” 5-5.5 incher, as long as I keep it on. It also doesn’t constrict the dick too much in any one spot, and is relatively safe. It doesn’t really do anything for girth, if that’s what your after. Although maybe wrapping in general expands girth. Which brings me to a question…is wrapping my dick like this and constricting the expansion of it bad for girth or not?

I hope this works for all you folks! Happy PEing!

Answer a few questions for mr if you would:
1) What is a Thera-P wrist wrap? How uch does it cost?
2) How tight is your “wrap?” Close to the strain as a hold?
3) How long have you been using this method?
4) In this time frame, have you noticed any permanent flacid gains?

In the very least, the way you described this product sounds as though it would provide extra heat on your shaft which, needless to say, is always good.

Originally Posted by Esc
I’ve been using the Thera-P wrist wrap, and I realized that maybe there is a better way to gain flaccid length with it…Instead of doing one of two regular ways to wrap (around base of dick / around balls and dick), I thought that wrapping all along the flaccid dick would work better……Which brings me to a question…is wrapping my dick like this and constricting the expansion of it bad for girth or not?

I hope this works for all you folks! Happy PEing!


Thanks for sharing your technique. Finding new ways to use known apparatus is always a good thing. I would not worry about this being bad for girth at all.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by Canon
Answer a few questions for mr if you would:
1) What is a Thera-P wrist wrap? How uch does it cost?
2) How tight is your “wrap?” Close to the strain as a hold?
3) How long have you been using this method?
4) In this time frame, have you noticed any permanent flacid gains?

In the very least, the way you described this product sounds as though it would provide extra heat on your shaft which, needless to say, is always good.


You can do a search on TheraP for many threads including use with pics in the Members pics sections or you can link here to the original thread:

Cost is between $10-$12 US dollars, depending on store location.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by Canon
Answer a few questions for mr if you would:
2) How tight is your “wrap?” Close to the strain as a hold?
3) How long have you been using this method?
4) In this time frame, have you noticed any permanent flacid gains?

In the very least, the way you described this product sounds as though it would provide extra heat on your shaft which, needless to say, is always good.

2) I’m not sure if I understand this question. The Thera-P comes in one size fits all. The length of dick I actually wrap is 3-4 inches. I wrap pretty tight.

3) I’ve been doing this for a week and a half.

4) Not long enough to tell for sure, but theoretically it has to work at least somewhat. I have notices a longer (if not necessarily thicker) hang, after I take the wrap off, and this lasts for varying periods of time, but the longer I keep it on the longer the effects stay. I will report back later on with long term results.

I was expermienting with this a bit ago, for me it simply doesn’t work. After like 20-30 minutes my head just slides down inside the wrap and it returns to its normal flacid length. If i wraped it tighter it would become uncomftable. However I think i’ll experiment further.


Quit shaft-only and wrap both cock and balls for a couple weeks. You only need to wrap tight enough to keep your balls from slipping back through the wrap. This way you don’t have to worry about what your head is doing.



Originally Posted by peforeal
Cost is between $10-$12 US dollars, depending on store location.

Along with that, I’ll just add that after several trips to various drug stores, I found it at our local Walmart.

Move a little closer, Honey.

I've got a big prick for you.

Nobody by me had it, so I ordered.

http://www.sunp … wmagwrissu.html

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

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