Thunder's Place

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Intro and kegel question.

Intro and jegel question.

Hi I’m a new guy and i have been inadvertently doing PE since i was 16. I used to love to see my cock get really hard so i would wrap a rubber band around it to make it full. I would do this flaccid and pump my dick up. After doing this for a while i noticed small gains, i never thought anything of it, never even new PE existed till i stumbled here. I’m 20 now and i’ve been jelqing for 3 months now and have noticed about a quarter inch gain in length but i’ve gained a half inch in girth already, idk if the pressure from the years of masturbation of only stretched the skin or what. That is just an intro to me. My real question is about jegels, when i do them my dick really moves, but i feel the burning right above and directly on the anus, is this where it is. I can shoot farther and am starting to get a rhythm with my orgasms and jegels but i just want to know if i’m getting the most out of them, where should you feel the burning after a good workout?

6” hard length 6” hard girth. ill get the lingo down soon.


Hi RA,

It’s Kegels, named after gynecologist Dr. Arnold Kegel who prescribed them to his female patients to tighten their pelvis after childbirth. You don’t have to squeeze real hard to build up the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle. If you’re feeling them in your anus, you are probably squeezing too hard. The next time you urinate, stop the flow. It doesn’t take a lot of pressure to do that. Now just squeeze a bit more and you’ll be exercising the PC. Squeeze even harder and you also contract the anal sphincter. You don’t need to squeeze that hard.

Congratulations on your gains so far. Keep us informed of your progress.

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