Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wish I had found this place years ago intro.

Wish I had found this place years ago intro.

Hey guys,

Well first off wanted to say hello from Ottawa, Ontario (Canada).

For years I’ve been embarrassed about my penis. I’m an above average (6’1) muscular built guy. I have huge feet (13-14) and large fingers too. I’ve often had jokes especially from women when they see my shoe size that I must have a huge member.. Well things couldn’t be further from the truth. While I do apparently have an average penis (I don’t have a proper measuring tape, but it’s about 6” long and about a 5” circumference very erect) when its not hard it looks extremely small. Even hard I’ve seen much bigger (not in porn which is obvious but I’ve browsed over the years just average nudity sites out of curiosity and most guys seem bigger).

I’ve been embarrassed over the years in locker rooms and never want to change in front of my friends. I’ve had comments made from friends, and even once by a stripper that my penis is tiny (all times while flaccid).it’s absolutely destroyed my self confidence over the years in bed, and lately I’ve even been having ED with my wife.. For years I’ve wanted to have sex one and done, been very selfish and only made her cum once and a while (using my tongue - only made her cum through vaginal intercourse maybe twice in 14 years). Part of the problem is I find that when she’s really wet I “lose” myself, and then I start thinking about it, and then of course you can guess what happens. So for years I’ve been not taking the proper steps and just kind of wanting her only semi-wet. She’s never complained, bless her, and I’ve asked many times over the years if she’s satisfied with our sex life and she always says yes.. But what’s she supposed to say? Some times she’s been like “fuck my deeper”, and I already am as deep as I can go.. Another wood killer :(

Anyways this forum seems like a great place to be. I look forward to reading and educating myself on PE. I will try to read as much as I can (there is SO much info here) and I do apologize as some of these questions have been answered I’m sure in other forums, but again this would really help me if some mentors can help out (and I promise I will try to read more and more and ask less questions).

1) I have a very hard time doing Kegel exercise, especially holding. Is this normal? For me to get any kind of “hold”, I have to close my eyes. I definitely struggle with 5 seconds as per the newbie routine suggests. Is this normal or is that muscle possibly really underdeveloped?
2) An exercise I read to improve erection strength is to hold a Kegel, and try and think of thoughts that would turn you on and get a semi or full wood. I haven’t been able to do this at all. I’m not sure if this falls under PE per se, but has anyone heard of this and able to do?
3) When I do measurements, should I press the tape right into the skin (for length)? Should I be as erect as possible? I guess as long as I’m consistent its fine?
4) Has anyone else experienced what I have as far as “losing” themselves in sex, and do you think a girth improvement will help?
5) I’m looking at the Penis Master (or some other multiple hour per day hanging device) as well as these exercises. One of the huge things I struggle with is my flaccid penis, and according to the ADS (on their site mind you) says that this is one of the biggest things that this does.

Anyways guys thanks so much, this seems like a really supportive community and I’m glad to be a part of it. I’d love to walk into a locker room naked and not be embarrassed.


Hi Ottawa,

Welcome to the forum. What a coincidence that your user name is also where you are from ;)

PE will certainly help with the flaccid, probably pretty quickly. The rest take hard work.

As you say you are already of an average size, when erect, so try not to worry too much.

When you wife asks you to fuck her deeper change positions so that your do. Some positions are way deeper than others. Try getting her on her side pushing one leg up and forward, with the other down. You straddle the leg that’s down whilst fucking her sideways. Or doggy, doggy is good for deep. If she’s too wet, pick a position that puts her legs together, like spooning, or restricts her in another way. Pretty much all the stuff you talk about can be sorted out with positioning. Oh and give her some Orgasms, it’s only fair, even if it’s by mouth before you enter.

1/ Kegels are a muscle excercise. As you continue the muscle gains strength. This is normal.
2/ With a strong BC muscle you will find a lot of control. It can be nice to pulse your erection whilst stationary in the vagina/anus.
3/ There are threads here about measurement.
4/ See above
5/ Don’t buy anything (except lube and a ruler and a tailors tape). Keep good measurements and start manually.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

You know what they say about guys with big feet?

Big shoes! :rolling:

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
You know what they say about guys with big feet?

Big shoes! :rolling:

The classics never die, apparently :p

Welcome to Thunders, Ottawa. I think growers should think of themselves as bringing big pleasures in small packages. I know how annoying it can be to reveal a small flaccid in public facilities, but keep in mind the amazed look your bed partner has when you show her the nice erection you can generate from the little flaccid.

I always wondered how big Big Foot’s penis is.

You’re starting where I started. It really works so stay focused and consistent while avoiding injury and you will build yourself a great dick in a few years (maybe less). I can’t wait to hear how your wife starts to react better as you grow. You have so much to look forward to.

Best of luck.

Start (aug '09) 6x5

Current [(AUG'10) 7 x 5.25] [(OCT'10) 7.25 x 5.3] [(OCT'12) 7.5 x 5.5]

Death is real, it comes without warning and it cannot be escaped, therefore, Penis Enlargement

Originally Posted by tootyfisty
You’re starting where I started. It really works so stay focused and consistent while avoiding injury and you will build yourself a great dick in a few years (maybe less). I can’t wait to hear how your wife starts to react better as you grow. You have so much to look forward to.

Best of luck.

Nice, thanks. And thanks everyone else too who commented.

I’m looking forward mostly to stronger erections which I think will happen when my PC is stronger and of course how it looks flaccid which is my biggest embarrassment right now.

Like I said, wish I found this place years ago.

Best of luck man. I feel where you coming from.

Starting: 1/1/13 BPEL 6'' EG 4.75'' BPFSL 6.25'' FG 4''

Short Term: 1/1/14 BPEL 7'' EG 5.5''

Long Term: 1/1/15 BPEL 8'' EG 6''

Ottawa, I know exactly how you feel as my flaccid is nothing to brag about. I can tell you that the newbie routine helps and recently after swimming I was able to give my member a few jelqs in the shower and it was hanging great! The only problem, nobody was in the locker room…the one time I wanted other dudes to see my flaccid and nobody was there, lol.

I’m also in the same boat in the sex life. One thing you can do is if you are in the missionary position; wrap your arms behind her knees and push them forward, ball her up so to speak, then pound her in the plank position. This allows you to give her long strokes to help simulate going deep and you also can push hard against the pubic bone which provides the the deepest penetration.

Work on the newbie routine before trying and devices…it does work and I’m about to add to my signature my gains for the last month.

I’ve also copied the measurement guideline below that memento posted.

Originally Posted by memento
  • Always use the same ruler.
  • Measure after a minimum two day break.
  • Ensure a good hard erection.
  • Stand up straight or lie down.
  • Don’t push the hips forward.
  • Measure on the top.
  • Push hard against the pubic bone.
  • Don’t dig in under the pubic bone. Rotate the ruler along the axis of the width 45° to avoid this.
  • Angle the penis at 90° to the body.
  • Straighten the penis to the ruler along it’s length.
  • Take multiple measurements over the course of several hours and use the mean.
  • Be consistent in the way you measure.

  • Use a tailors measuring tape
  • Measure after a minimum two day break.
  • Ensure a maximal erection (less than maximal may inflate the figures).
  • Measure at three points along the shaft: base, mid, behind glans. Measure the glans, if attempting to track this.
  • Take multiple measurements over the course of several hours and use the mean.
  • Be consistent in the way you measure.

Pre PE: 5/8/04 BPEL 6.25" EG 5"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.5"

Routine, Pics

I’m on injury break and one of the things that I’m confident has cemented or is impermanent is the flaccid length. Unfortunetly I didn’t measure before, however I would always be acorn-ed in before, now I get around 2.5’ -not allot, but it’s helped my confidence loads. I will go pee at the urinals now, before I wouldn’t.

Originally Posted by Mrmonow
I’m on injury break and one of the things that I’m confident has cemented or is impermanent is the flaccid length. Unfortunately I didn’t measure before, however I would always be acorn-ed in before, now I get around 2.5’ -not allot, but it’s helped my confidence loads. I will go pee at the urinals now, before I wouldn’t.

I actually have only done 4 routines (and am now on break) but already my flaccid size looks much bigger. Maybe it’s in my head as I didn’t measure either, but it definitely looks bigger. Loving it.


Originally Posted by iamaru

You know what they say about guys with big feet?

Big shoes! :rolling:

I have a friend with size 14 feet. He wears big shoes, so this is true!

(I also told him about this place…) ;)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Maybe put more effort behind your hips when she says go deeper?

My penis is smaller than yours and I’m 4” taller. Count your blessings!


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