Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is a 2 inch gain possible?

Originally Posted by keybord
I think a 2 inch gains is possible but I’m not sure it’s possible for everyone. And it depends on the effort and time people sacrifice to get there. I sure would be glad if I could achieve a 2 inch gain.

I thin it is far fetched but possible for everyone literally. I do believe most guys are happy with a solid one inch gain though

I’ve seen many posts here reporting gains of 3.5 inches, 3 inches. Big Girtha has increased his unit from 6x5 to 7x7.

Most of the time I see cumulative gains of 1.5-2 inches length and girth. Mostly length.

I made up my gains so I can impress strangers on the internet by having a magic growing penis. Is it really that surprising that many people don’t feel comfortable posting photos of their erect, measured genitals on the internet?

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

Originally Posted by R Dopa
I made up my gains so I can impress strangers on the internet by having a magic growing penis. Is it really that surprising that many people don’t feel comfortable posting photos of their erect, measured genitals on the internet?

No it’s not, but then you can’t blame people for taking unsubtanciated claims with a pinch of salt either.

and a lime I hope!

I’ve gained nearly a inch. All of the critics can suck my dick.

[BPEL Length 8.5] [NBPEL 8.0 - 8.5 Depending on EQ!] [BEG- 7.2] [MIDSHAFT 6.4/5] [GLANS- 6.1]

PE for life!

The fusionhead, you gained nearly an inch on girth or in lenght? what were your starting stats?.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

I hope that after years of PEing I’ll achieve a 2 inch gains.

Start : 23/12/2010 => (NBP : 15cm or 5.9 " X EG :13.5cm or 5.3").

Current : 10/03/2011 => (NBP : 16cm or 6.3" X EG : waiting gains).

GOAL : Years of PE.


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