Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is a 2 inch gain possible?

So in your opinion, nobody has gained on TP? please visit the thread of Saiyan22.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Sophmoric: I hear you.
You posted your gains cause you convinced yourself you had some. Now you confess they were unearned?
Ok, I can understand that! However, the idea that commercial accounts on a not for profit site, listed gains to get more free subscribers seems a stretch, at this point still non profit after how many years? But then, I had no idea honest Internet host vendors would stoop to do such things? For my money, the very fact that this site has been around more than 12 years per “8-Ball” is a contradiction to it’s viability as a site that claims “penis growth” when none exist!

As to your “con-formant” gain reporting theory, maybe? But myself, as an example, I didn’t post my gains on my excel schedule using my best but rather my lowest number for measurement day (I do this weekly), sort of telling myself I will have those gains next week if they are there and besides I hadn’t quite achieved that best number every time anyways.Furthermore, I had no intention of promoting / posting those numbers on “Thunders” site. Until one day I decided, why not? So I did, in January 2011 using my data from my excel schedule that I downloaded from Thunders. It seemed the right thing to do, since I had pretty fair gains and I kept reading how this type of stuff motivated the other guys. It did for me, when I reviewed thunder’s data to find a guy that had my same size as my next week’s goal.( I needed the volume numbers, to post to my log) The cylinder formula I looked upon the Internet, just didn’t get the same results for some reason, so I went with Thunders volume postings.?
Could there also be the possibility that members or non-members did not have gains so they don’t post their data.thus skewing the results to the positive?Certainly! But just like Government economic reports, “what else do we have to use?” So we must survey the Thunders data, accept them as fact & but verify,test the validity of the numbers. Do Government statistics “lie”, not necessarily they ‘redefine” their results. So use the “Thunder data”, I say, it’s the best we have! If someone can shoot bullet holes into the findings with competent statistics, then I surrender to their awesomeness! But skewing the averages by a fraction of “mm“‘s isn’t the same as reaching the conclusion that 2 inch gains are “outliers” not to be believed.

Meanwhile I keep PE- ing, cause my wife says, “I haven’t noticed you grew oh soooo much,” to which I replied, “well then I have more work to do then! Don’t I?” Then after 3 weeks of no gains, last week I enjoyed another growth, happy I made my first updates to my personal data on Thunders since 12/31/10. Fortunately also, today that girth gain was still there.. On Tuesday.. As measured on Friday! So it wasn’t my imagination yahoo! :>)

“Always with the negative waves “Moriarty” why can’t you say something righteous & hopeful for a change”.Kelly Heroes!

Originally Posted by Twofister
Sophmoric: I hear you.
You posted your gains cause you convinced yourself you had some. Now you confess they were unearned?
Ok, I can understand that! However, the idea that commercial accounts on a not for profit site, listed gains to get more free subscribers seems a stretch, at this point still non profit after how many years? But then, I had no idea honest Internet host vendors would stoop to do such things? For my money, the very fact that this site has been around more than 12 years per “8-Ball” is a contradiction to it’s viability as a site that claims “penis growth” when none exist!

As to your “con-formant” gain reporting theory, maybe? But myself, as an example, I didn’t post my gains on my excel schedule using my best but rather my lowest number for measurement day (I do this weekly), sort of telling myself I will have those gains next week if they are there and besides I hadn’t quite achieved that best number every time anyways.Furthermore, I had no intention of promoting / posting those numbers on “Thunders” site. Until one day I decided, why not? So I did, in January 2011 using my data from my excel schedule that I downloaded from Thunders. It seemed the right thing to do, since I had pretty fair gains and I kept reading how this type of stuff motivated the other guys. It did for me, when I reviewed thunder’s data to find a guy that had my same size as my next week’s goal.( I needed the volume numbers, to post to my log) The cylinder formula I looked upon the Internet, just didn’t get the same results for some reason, so I went with Thunders volume postings.?
Could there also be the possibility that members or non-members did not have gains so they don’t post their data.thus skewing the results to the positive?Certainly! But just like Government economic reports, “what else do we have to use?” So we must survey the Thunders data, accept them as fact & but verify,test the validity of the numbers. Do Government statistics “lie”, not necessarily they ‘redefine” their results. So use the “Thunder data”, I say, it’s the best we have! If someone can shoot bullet holes into the findings with competent statistics, then I surrender to their awesomeness! But skewing the averages by a fraction of “mm“‘s isn’t the same as reaching the conclusion that 2 inch gains are “outliers” not to be believed.

Meanwhile I keep PE- ing, cause my wife says, “I haven’t noticed you grew oh soooo much,” to which I replied, “well then I have more work to do then! Don’t I?” Then after 3 weeks of no gains, last week I enjoyed another growth, happy I made my first updates to my personal data on Thunders since 12/31/10. Fortunately also, today that girth gain was still there.. On Tuesday.. As measured on Friday! So it wasn’t my imagination yahoo! :>)

“Always with the negative waves “Moriarty” why can’t you say something righteous & hopeful for a change”.Kelly Heroes!

I’m not accusing Thunder, I appreciate the non-profit layout of the site. Instead I was suggesting independent PE product retailers could seed false results to encourage sales on external sites.

Sophomoric what was you’re routine? And how constant you were?

01.11.2010 BPEL - 7 ,EG - 5

GOAL - 0.5 so I can be a believer!

Sophmoric, I’m a little bit confused by your post. You say that not everyone reporting gains is necessarily lying. But you reported gains even if they are rather small. So that would lead me to believe that most people reporting gains are in fact telling the truth. The only thing you would perhaps take issue with is how closely their claims match their actual gains?

I admit I’m sometimes suspicious of claims of huge gains, but for every person that makes huge gains there has to be someone such as yourself that has struggled to make any. The rest of us are caught some where in the middle.

Started: BPEL 6.75" MSEG 4.75", Now: BPEL 7.75" MSEG 5.438", Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

Originally Posted by ItzGrowing
Sophmoric, I’m a little bit confused by your post. You say that not everyone reporting gains is necessarily lying. But you reported gains even if they are rather small. So that would lead me to believe that most people reporting gains are in fact telling the truth. The only thing you would perhaps take issue with is how closely their claims match their actual gains?

I admit I’m sometimes suspicious of claims of huge gains, but for every person that makes huge gains there has to be someone such as yourself that has struggled to make any. The rest of us are caught some where in the middle.

Kinda like bodybuilding, some guys get real huge, real quick, while other guys train their asses off for years and see mediocre results. Me, I’m in the middle, I have a great physique that took many years to build that I get many compliments on, but I’ll never be Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman.

PEing is very much the same, some people just have what it takes (genetics, tenacity, good routine, good diet, proper rest) to build a really big unit, while others see mediocre results, and there are many left in the middle.

PE is also like bodybuilding in that many people get discouraged because they don’t see results quickly so they stop training.

I don’t think anyone will tell you that PE is easy, but with tenacity and the right attitude, you will see some gains, which you can enjoy. In the long run, you really have to like to PE or you will get burnt out, you have to make it fun!

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by Twofister
Dog Bone: my routine is posted with my data.I believe that info is available.nothing special, just consistent beating stretching & tugging of my penis.and following the recommendations from the “lot” angle.{Which I looked up 11-12 angle range}.so I had to pull mostly down hard. I began to clamp on 1/29/11.

Well I would recommend you download the Excel data spread sheet.{except you have been on this forum a long time, whereas I have not}. I did this when I started. If you had, you would find plenty of the 2” claims of gains with the dates to the right. Now on over 11,000 lines of data, you use your soul experience to conclude that others could not be successful because you were not.huh?
The data has been examined & found to be well within normal standard deviations for typical Penis size averages I have forgotten the stat man that did the work, but his analysis is on this Forum somewhere. If the population was full of lies, the bell curve would not have “fit”, but it did. I suppose math or statistics may not be your forte, if they were your arguments could have been based from Thunders PE data derived from this source providing statistical proof for “false & misleading data” instead of your critical & anecdotal opinion!

So there is the challenge! Where is our stat guy that cleaned up the data? Let’s ask him to set up a test of gains to determine IF 2” gains are out sized beyond the population norms. Where is the center of the bell curve for length & girth! Since girth & length are two significant codependent variables, I propose that the “VOLUME’ change is the key variable to test the outlier data. Let’s find out where 2 standard deviations limits are & find out WHO is outside Thunder’s bell curve..

Until then 8-Ball:
When faced with what appeared to me to be overwhelming evidence for possible growth & gains, you deduced just the opposite.. Your logic was impeccable.


What’s wrong? You can’t discuss the actual issue at hand and instead have to resort to ad hominem attacks on my intelligence? That doesn’t sound like the behavior of someone who is very secure in his beliefs. Perhaps what I wrote struck a nerve with you to elicit such a rude, condescending post when mine was nothing but polite and respectful.

You put words in my mouth when you claim I’m using my “soul” experiance to conclude that other’s could not be successful. I listed multiple other reasons you chose not to mention. Also, I never said no one gains with PE. I just don’t think people are gaining 2 inches with any type of frequency around here, if at all.

I was not aware of this excel file you’re mentioning, but if it contains self-reported data from anonymous people on the internet, then whatever statistical conclusions you draw from it won’t mean much to me.

Regarding math/statistics not being my forte, if you knew what I did for a living and what I majored in in college, you would surely have to retract that comment.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Last edited by 8-Ball : 02-16-2011 at . Reason: spelling

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
Kinda like bodybuilding, some guys get real huge, real quick, while other guys train their asses off for years and see mediocre results. Me, I’m in the middle, I have a great physique that took many years to build that I get many compliments on, but I’ll never be Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman.

PEing is very much the same, some people just have what it takes (genetics, tenacity, good routine, good diet, proper rest) to build a really big unit, while others see mediocre results, and there are many left in the middle.

PE is also like bodybuilding in that many people get discouraged because they don’t see results quickly so they stop training.

I don’t think anyone will tell you that PE is easy, but with tenacity and the right attitude, you will see some gains, which you can enjoy. In the long run, you really have to like to PE or you will get burnt out, you have to make it fun!

The bodybuilding analogy doesn’t fit. There are tons and tons of scientifically documented studies, as well as picture evidence, to PROVE that bodybuilding does in fact work very well for some, and seems to work at least moderately for almost all. This just isn’t the case at all with PE.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by avantasia

So in your opinion, nobody has gained on TP? please visit the thread of Saiyan22.

According to Saiyan’s signature, he has gained between 1.15-1.20 inches to his BP length. Even if true, how does this prove gains of 2 inches? Also, no one here said that nobody has gained on TP, just that we’re not convinced gains as much as 2 inches are possible.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

I think its possible…

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
According to Saiyan’s signature, he has gained between 1.15-1.20 inches to his BP length. Even if true, how does this prove gains of 2 inches? Also, no one here said that nobody has gained on TP, just that we’re not convinced gains as much as 2 inches are possible.

Look at the members pics section, there are a few guys with close to 2” in length gains with pics, I’m not aware of anyone with 2” of girth gains with pics though.

And BTW, Sayian’s pics clearly show his gains, go from his first set of pics, to his latest. Its pretty obvious the guy was big to start, and has made himself flat out huge! That is good genetics mixed with tenacity!

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Sayian’s pre PE picture is NBP, he then shows a NBP length gain of 1.1 inches but with a significantly reduced body fat %, potentially lowered erection angle from lig stretching and improved EQ from PE.

His MSEG increases significantly also, but, is it possibly as a result of improved EQ and swelling? Does that in fact constitute a gain? I know I’d be happy to gain 0.6 inches of swelling and improved EQ for the time investment.

I’ve seen a lot of signatures with claims such as: “gained 1.5 BPEL and 1 inch girth” which is fantastic - only to read their threads and find that their gains have “returned them back to their 25 year old penis size”

Reversing atrophy has nothing to do with genuine enlargement.

2.5"+ gain

Like the Kegelman doing only manual exercises for a long time, as I have been a very slow gainer, I have gained a bit over 2.5” EL and 1.4” girth at the base. Still working on it.

When young I was about bpel 6x5 by 2002 size had shrunk down to bpel 5.5x4.8 with age, had to do something!

09/10 bpel 8.4, eg 5.8 midshaft (6.3 base) Goal- 9x6.2 average eg.

Originally Posted by Sophomoric
Sayian’s pre PE picture is NBP, he then shows a NBP length gain of 1.1 inches but with a significantly reduced body fat %, potentially lowered erection angle from lig stretching and improved EQ from PE.

His MSEG increases significantly also, but, is it possibly as a result of improved EQ and swelling? Does that in fact constitute a gain? I know I’d be happy to gain 0.6 inches of swelling and improved EQ for the time investment.

I’ve seen a lot of signatures with claims such as: “gained 1.5 BPEL and 1 inch girth” which is fantastic - only to read their threads and find that their gains have “returned them back to their 25 year old penis size”

Reversing atrophy has nothing to do with genuine enlargement.

If you believe that true enlargement is not possible and all the gains in lenght are due to weight loss and erection increase returning to the 25´s. And girth is only temporaly swelling, then what in the hell are you doing here?.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Originally Posted by avantasia
If you believe that true enlargement is not possible and all the gains in lenght are due to weight loss and erection increase returning to the 25´s. And girth is only temporally swelling, then what in the hell are you doing here?.

Seems somewhat confrontational.

I’m skeptical rather than closed minded. I’m still performing exercises in the hope that my own results will be the evidence I seek. I think people fail to ask hard questions fearing the answers may be disillusioning. Take a good look through the routines/member pictures and note the large number of none gainers.

Some post a starting picture and then claim huge gains with no “after” picture. Some gain nothing at all and others stick their ruler into their stomach for their after picture to show a 1 inch gain.

All part of some great conspiracy? Hardly, just the result of the human condition: the need for recognition, conformance and success; the “will to power” as Friedrich Nietzsche would say.

Braindrain’s gains are perhaps the most convincing on the site, but… with his start age of 19 years old and reported lack of chest hair, it horrifies me to think it may have been late development.

Last edited by Sophomoric : 02-16-2011 at .

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