Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is a 2 inch gain possible?

2” gain? Very possible.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Absolutely possible if you’re a strong gainer. I started with just under 6” bp, and am now pushing 7.5 bp using only “hands on” exercises. It was 4 and 2/3 months ago when I started.

I hope one day to gain 2 inches!

… The fuck? This is an old ass thread lol! I want two inches too!

1 inch girth in 1 month!? surely he measured wrong? Wannagain159 you brought up quite an old thread here. :)

Originally Posted by _Phoenix_
1 inch girth in 1 month!? Surely he measured wrong? Wannagain159 you brought up quite an old thread here. :)

Lol.This thread is from 2002.The OP is long gone

But can you get a 2 inch gain in girth? :O

Current size: 19.5cm by 12.5 cm

Short term goal: 21cm by 14cm

Long term goal: 23cm by 16 cm

I would settle for one inch on girth, nothing more.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

This does bring up a question. What are some of the fastest gains made? Since my newbie gains everything has been a struggle.

Started: BPEL 6.75" MSEG 4.75", Now: BPEL 7.75" MSEG 5.438", Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

To pass from 12 to 14cms on girth is AMAZING. Congratulations, your lady should feel the difference.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

holy thread resurrection, batman!

Originally Posted by ItzGrowing
This does bring up a question. What are some of the fastest gains made?

Well, the only guaranteed way to make super fast girth gains is the wasps. But very few guys have the resolve to use them day after day.

Kama Sutra wasp stings for girth

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Iamaru, please, please, explain me the meaning of your avathar.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

I saw this thread, and decided to read it because, like Jelktoid, I have been very fortunate with gains from the “get go”. I have kept a log of my gains and measurements and have shared them on this Forum. Although I measure weekly, I will be only posting new data upon any changes. ( I believe the data is available). I had a great “LOT” when I did the test that suggested good & fast gains using down to the floor stretching).

I believed this jelqing would work because many of the stretches & exercises made sense, as well as conforming to my wife’s Doctor & therapist’s rehabilitation workouts for her broken elbow. While her elbow was healing & before the surgery her arm was stationary, in an almost 90 degree angle. As it turns out 2 ligaments on her arm were also damaged and needed reattached. At the start of “rehab.” she could not extend her arm much at all from the 90 degree arm position, this is common with these injuries. So she had to HEAT ( never used cold ice packs after healing from the surgery was complete) her arm muscles & ligaments before doing the stretching exercises.They even had her hanging light weights on her wrist to aid in the extensions. She had this “crank arm brace” that after her arm became comfortable with the angle / degree of extension, she could crank up the brace to extend the arm further.. After 3 months of “rehab” she pretty much could nearly fully straighten her arm to full length again ( 175 degrees & less than 90 degrees to say 35 degrees). The Doctor stated that the lack of activity caused both muscle & ligaments to tighten and shrink.they also chewed her out for not “stressing” the arm enough, as the explanation to her slow progress, to the point of threatening her with another surgery “IF” she didn’t get serious with her stretching & exercise program.

So therefore, it was clear to me that the penis ( as claimed on thunders) that the tissues involved were not to different from my wife’s arm & elbow. So I went at the exercises hard and long, as much as my poor little weenie could handle.. Was I without injury? NO ! I must admit, I hurt my dorsal & the crossing nerve, both Thunders warned against. However my injuries were minor fortunately. I have had erection issues also, but that comes & goes and I am 59 years of age, maybe that comes with that territory? Two of the worst injuries ( minor nerve damage above) , I recall felt like a little knot or kink had developed both were very sore when touched, but eventually, by being more cautious both areas worked ( healed) themselves out.

At this point, beginning my 5Th month, I have gained 2.25 inches and this week my girth swelled to 0.75 greater than my starting measurements. Now on another post ( small penis thread) a few fellas were skeptical of my results, but I didn’t post here or there to receive accolades but to provide witness and motivation for my fellow PEer. The P.E. Activity is tedious and laborious and frustrating without measurable growing, I was plateaued for 3 weeks, until this week when I added to my girth finally, again. My Flaccid has changed dramatically (but not enough to make me satisfied?)and I am not certain how to correctly post those measurements.My personal log I maintain 2 length measurements, 1 when it is all curled up (turtle d?) and the other while in a looser hanging state. This latter measurement I have not posted on the forum BUT it is the one that makes me most excited about the P.E. Hard work!!

Start 5.5”BPELx 4.5”EG.. (3.75 to 4.0 “NBPFSL x 4.0 FG) to my current stats 7.75”BPEL x 5.25EG.(4.75” to 5.375” NBFL by 4.75 FG) goals>> 8” BP EG x 5.5”EG ; with 5.5” x 5 or more flaccid)

I hope the explanation of my wife’s rehab process adds to your future gains as I clearly believe this knowledge sure provided me with the confidence that her doctor expected her bicep to forearm ligs to re-stretch 4”-5” or more my penis could get stretched to normal or above average size say 1’ to 1.5” as well.. In fact I had to keep reassessing my final goal as week by week I was reaching my destination and had yet just begun. Best of luck.if your not growing work harder an longer like my wife’s Doc told her! Go for it guys..

Two-Fist er.

I wish he got his urologist friend to join thunders.


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