Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is a "belt-style" (around waist, left or right) ADS effective?

Is a "belt-style" (around waist, left or right) ADS effective?


since I am looking for and also built a belt-style ADS on my own I am would like to know your opinions If you think this is effective when fixing it around your waist, to the left or the right?
My version can also be worn BTC, but sitting on my own flaccid penis and walking is not optimal, so for keeping it on for longer times fixing it to the left or the right would be better, for practical and for stealth purposes….

The only reliable studies about ADS being affective it about the Andropenis which is a rod-shaped one (its listed on NCBI which means at least that its not complete bullsh*t) and is targeting the ligs.
For the phallosan (vaccum-style, belt version) there is a study but its a fake. The doctors listed there are not existing, its not on NCBI and the gains claimed are ridiculous (1 member of the study: 1 inch in 3 weeks).

You can do a search if you are interested in the fakeness of the study on mos forums in the big PenimasterPro thread.

So: is bending the penis to the left or right any effective for growth? IMO not really because it nearly doesnt target the ligs.
So maybe investing in a belt-shape ADS is nonsense…

Pity that the rod-shaped ones are uncomfortable or not stealthy enough to be worn in public….

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Last edited by RisingUpTo7 : 01-13-2013 at .

As with everything else here at Thunders, one has to try for one’s self.

I don’t mean this negatively, it’s just that what works for one will not for the next guy.

There are so many factors to applying and getting results from each and every device and exercise here that you just have to try things and see how they work for you.

I love hanging and mechanical stretching because they have helped me to grow, but it would naive of me to think that doing what I do would work for the next guy but I will support anyone who wants to try.

As a method of keeping your dick stretched out between stretching, hanging or otherwise, the ADS is useful, but not on it’s own as your main source of PE, though I would imagine that someone has got results that way too.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I am in agreement with a-unit, you have to just try it, or something, but keep us post on your progress which ever way you choose.

RisingUpTo7 you have a couple of threads on the same subject, Keep everything together in one thread, you may get more answers.

I must say though, I like your adventurous spirit, but you have to act on it, just try it or try something, but please keep us posted, you

may teach us something. Give it hell RisingUpTo7. Try it, Do it.

Yeah, you have to try what works. I used an around-the-waist setup for a few months with very little results. I did left and right alternating. I also tried sort of a side-V stretch (penis goes left, then goes right). Nothing around the waist really worked for me. I’m thinking because my side ligs were stretched and not the entire unit’s ligs like when you’re doing a vertical V stretch. I am now doing a hot routine (modified Mem’s) and an around-the-leg inverted V-stretch. The pull feels so much better, and I don’t turtle up after a stretching session. The around the leg is “almost” vertical, only about 20 degrees off 90, and I alternate left and right.

@ Mike142: How is your ADS “around-the-leg inverted V-stretch” working? Or is it a manual exercise?

I am currently thinking that the belt-style is ineffective, it doesnt pull the whole penis. Its maybe just a way to keep the outer penis stretched but not giving a small and steady growth impulse to the inner penis/ligs like we want . Its a shame because I used it for the last 3 years. Whatever, now I will see if results come again :)

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

I take my rig that attaches to just behind the head, and uses a nitrile rubber cock ring as the tensioner. The belt pulls the head down and the ring pulls at midshaft up. The belt pulling the head down goes down and around the upper part of the leg, I guess right where your ass cheek and leg meet. Once up and around, the hook end is pulled tight and hooked on the ring.

I get a real good stretch, but it’s not really for ADS, because the belt around the leg likes to slip down. If you’re at a desk, it’s easy enough to keep it in place, but if you need to walk around, it will fall and you’ll be constantly adjusting it.

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