Cheap, Easy, No Wrap Wench ADS
Cheap, Easy, No Wrap Wench ADS
A few months ago PirateSteve challenged me to come up with a simple design for an All Day Stretcher. (PirateSteve - The Captn’s Wench Amazing ADS) As he said then: “My design criteria were these: the Wench itself had to be the most complicated part of the process of construction and use, and the additions to the Wench had to cost under 5 bucks.”
Well, I think I’ve come up with something that might meet the criteria. I’m about to describe an ADS design that is:
Very cheap and easy to make. The initial out of pocket costs will total around $12 to $15, but those materials will make several wenches, so the per unit cost is well under $5. (Hope that’s not cheating.)
Very comfortable. I’ve worn this wench for as long as two hours a session, and only took it off when I had to pee. My penis never gets cold or discolored. The materials used are soft enough to use directly on the penis, yet the wench stays put even after hours of use.
Effective. Like Pirate’s Pegleg (The Captn’s Wench Amazing ADS) this ADS tugs on the ligs and keeps them under constant tension; plus, they get that satisfying extra pull with each stride. I also find it is very effective when used with RisingUpto7’s configuration, where the dick is pulled back up between the legs and seated in the ass crack.
Plus, wrapping is not necessary. And, it’s very easy to hide in pants.
So, here’s all it takes to make it:
Materials (see first pic.)
1 package of 2” wide self adhesive bandage. Ace makes it. I think Coach and Dome also have versions. Available in any drug store, in the US at least.
1 package of 1/2” to 3/4” elastic band. I found this at my drug store, but the fabric store next door has several types.
1 package of Velcro. Both types pictured will do. I’ve found it available at big box department stores, fabric stores, and Home Depot or Lowes.
Cut a length of the adhesive bandage. I’ve been using a 16 inch piece.
Take a three or four inch piece of velcro and stick it firmly to the bandage about four or five inches from one end. Either the hook side or the loop side will do. (I have been surprised that it sticks as well as it does, but I’ve been wearing one wench for several sessions and the velcro remains stuck.
Cut a length of elastic band. I’ve been using a 10.5” piece so far, but you can experiment to see what amount of tension works best for you.
Cut two pieces of velcro slightly more than twice the width of the elastic band (example: 1.25” for .5” wide band). Use the opposite of the type you stuck you the bandage.
Fold the velcro over the end of the elastic band and press it together firmly.
Okay. Well, that was tough, wasn’t it?
With the velcro facing away from the shaft, wrap the first portion of the bandage around your penis. I wrap between the circumcision scar and the base. You’ll just have to experiment with the amount of tightness. I’ve found I can wrap pretty tightly without cutting of blood supply to the glans.
When the velcro starts wrapping around your dick, stop and stick the velcroed ends of the elastic bands to the velcro on the bandage on opposite sides from one another.
Continue wrapping the bandage around your penis, making sure to cover the velcro so it is stuck firmly and can’t scratch the skin of your thighs.
Now, two alternative anchorings…
To anchor on the leg: I use the boy’s elastic belt in the picture, putting it through the elastic band and then securing it just below my knee cap. The two elastic components — belt and band — create a really comfortable pull.
To anchor BTC: I put a pants belt half way through the loops of my jeans. Then, I pull my ball sack to one side and align my dick back into my ass crack (which is cleaned to Gee-Your-Butt-Smells-Terrific pristineness.) Next, I reach back and grab the elastic band, and thread the belt on my pants through the elastic loop. Then I put the belt all the way around my pants, and pull them up. Yow. That puppy’s in there. I wore it this way during a 40 minute drive up the freeway yesterday, and it was steadily tugging hard enough that my ligs got sore, but my dick stayed warm, cozy and comfortable in my bun warmer. (Here’s RisingUpTo7’s thorough description of his BTC method: RisingUpTo7 - How to build an invisible All-Day-Stretcher (cheap and simple)) This configuration did pull the back of my pants down, but it was not visible under an un-tucked shirt.
The self adhesive bandage will eventually fatigue and lose some of it’s stickiness after a week or so of use. You can then secure the end around the dick with tape or something. Maybe someone can think of another material with a longer half life; regular elastic bandage is one possibility.
The elastic bands work best for me because of their elasticity. (Every time I extend my leg behind be while walking I can feel my another few cells in my ligs screaming “yo asswipe, we’re breaking up down here.”) Rubber bands might work too. I just don’t know yet how well the velcro adhesive would stick.
As usual with such things, you just have to try it and see what you think. Let everyone know what worthwhile changes you discover.
Thanks to PirateSteve for the peg leg and especially Capt’nHook for the brilliant wench design. This is just a variation of their good work and ideas.
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Last edited by Ike : 03-05-2004 at .