Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Captn's Wench Amazing ADS

Hey Stewart, you saying the Pegleg isn’t a simple device any schmoe can make and use effectively? I know you are not, it just was a little vague. Glom me all you want Ike, we are here to make big penises - not big egos! I will say, I am at a loss to see how anything can get simpler or more effective than the Pegleg. A Wench, a rubber band, a strap. And since the tension is variable when you walk, the stretch is superb. I live for KISS design, and this is pretty KISS. You should have seen the original design, and the subsequent stages to get it where it is. It was a big project to simplify the design this far, and I am damn pleased to be able to say I took a phenominal and simple invention and merely added a rubber band and a strap to get something else.

So, I love additional designs using the wonderful CaptnHook Wench. I even like Cappy’s idea of a smaller Wench for the Pegleg. But if you want me to really swoon, it will have to be simpler than the Pegleg. The smaller Wench requires TWO Wenches - one for hanging and one for ADS. More complexity. Your design requires another trip to Home Depot. Mind you, I will go and get the parts, but I know you to be a Scotsman and I know you can do better. Ike, I WANT you to blow me away, but it will take a really simple design. My design criteria were these: the Wench itself had to be the most complicated part of the process of construction and use, and the additions to the Wench had to cost under 5 bucks. Pegleg smashes that criteria, and Wenchimaster even more if you already have a dusty Penimaster.

So Ike, I have seen your stuff. I know you can do KISS. I await your best shot Stewart. Let’s make some big penises for lunch money!

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Hey all!

Ike: That is a pretty damned cool idea!

Pirate: I wear loose jeans, but they aren’t as loose as khakis or slacks, so I put some effort into making a wench ADS on your design that was as stealthy as possible. It’s the same design, really, except…

First cut your two pieces of velcro for the main wench strap, but cut them 3” or 4” shorter than the original wench plans call for. When you have these two velcro strips, which are 2” wide, cut down the middle of each so that you have strips 3/4” or 1” wide. This will make our final wench product only 3/4” or 1” wide.

Next, before you stick the two pieces together, get the wench you use for hanging and note where the nylon strap connects to the velcro. Line this up with one piece of your thin velcro and place your new nylon strap right there. Put it right onto the adhesive of the velcro strip, but make sure the ends are 1/4” to 3/8” closer together than on your hanging wench (for reasons that will be clear in a bit).

Now put the two velcro pieces together as normal. The result is the main double-sided velcro piece of your wench except half as massive (or less) and thinner since the nylon strap is sandwiched between the velcro instead of additional velcro bits holding it onto the outside.

What else? Cut your foam pads to size (the grippers), and put the small velcro bits on them as you would normally. Now get a new exacto knife, or a really good utility knife, and carefully split the gripper in half so that it is only half as thick. This will remove the “grippy” textured surface, but that’s ok since it turns out that the cut product is still really grippy. I had to practice a few times, but it’s not hard. We’ve just saved an additional 1/4” in thickness!

Why did I do these things? I figure the most tension appropriate for an ADS (I’m new, I may be wrong!!!) works out to 3# or 5# or something like that. Too small a weight to concern ourselves with an “indestructable” wench. This allows me to make almost every dimension smaller, usually by half. Even the length of the double-sided velcro piece is significantly shorter for three reasons:

1) This wench is thinner than an ordinary one, so it takes less length to go around in the first place,

2) With the nylon strap on the insides of our wench strap, the velcro makes full contact all the way around (it doesn’t have to go over the nylon strap in two places). So we don’t need as much overlap,

3) At least for me, much less wrap is required since the tension is so much less than actual hanging.

Now when I put my jeans on I have a true stealth ADS.

y’all take care,
busted bus

Ah! And in the time it took to post my previous reply I see a new one by Pirate referring to a smaller wench idea of Captain’s!! I really must keep up with these forums more. I apologize for any duplication of others’ posts.

busted bus


Only until the hairs are finally all pulled out! Actually, I have a lot of leg hair. More like fur really. I have found the penis angle tends to pull the rubber band away from the leg instead of close against it. And the spot where it can rub is aside the knee - the least hairy part of my leg. So as shown, yes it could pull a few hairs. Me, I figure what are a few hairs for a bigger dick? One can tie the rubber band differently to get the band off the leg completely Stevie. If you get a handful of rubber bands, and play around a bit, you will find a way that works for you.

One of my prototypes had a nylon loop inside the pressed together Velcro strap to tie the band to. It added complexity, and, well, complexity pisses me off. So I got rid of it. You can add it if you want, but I don’t think you will need it. Tell you what, if you build Pegleg as displayed, and it pinches your leg hairs - post back and I will take some pictures of how to tie the band so it is off your leg. Deal?

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Bus, that was great. You gave a fine explanation and instructions! I like it. And you didn’t hold out on me like that traitor Hook. I’ll build yours first because you were kind enough to actually tell me how to build it. To be truthful, I don’t find my original Wench to be so noticeable as to require more construction. But for those of you that do, Bus has your back.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Another option for some is to use a strip of Theraband in place of the rubber bands. The best way I’ve found to attach it to a leg strap is to slip a loop of thin nylon cord over the strap. It doesn’t have to be nylon, just don’t use something with sharp edges such as a zip tie because it will knaw through the Thera over time. (I broke a few strips that way.)

Now that you have the loop in place and legstrap attached, tie the Thera to it using a sheet bend . Imagine the loop is the cord on the left in that link, and the Thera is the piece on the right.

It doesn’t take long to learn how taut the Thera should be. You don’t have to get it exact anyway, as you can tighten or loosen the leg strap a little to fine tune the tension.

Don’t tie the Thera very tight. It is tacky enough that it holds fine when loosely tied.

You could attach the other end of the Thera to the Wench strap the same way. Or eliminate the Wench strap entirely and secure the Thera under the zip tie or whatever clamp you’re using.

By all means keep experimenting and posting. Your “into the adhesive” idea is excellent. A true Eureka Moment.

For anyone interested, I’ll just stress that Bus is right when he says it is best to have a “Main” Wench to refer to when plotting where it is you place your staps onto the adhesive. By permanantly fixing things you are essentially commiting yourself to a strap position, which heavily strays from one of the Wench’s main tenents which is 'total adjustability of all parts at all times'.

Bus makin all the stops tonight, y’all!


Excellent observation. I was actually doing almost exactly that in my third generation. But KISS drove me on to rubber bands. I have actually used the device that you describe, and it works well. The rest of you, feel free to try it. But it is more complex, and I found the rubber bands to work as well with less construction. It’s all in how much work you want to do.

By the way, I really liked your using the sheet bend. It was a masterful touch.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Originally posted by PirateSteve
But am I understanding you have no overlap on the Velcro, just using a releasable wire tie to hold it together? And are you using smaller grippers, or have you gotten rid of them completely?

With my average girth (not all of us have 6” like some people) and a 5 1/2” Wench there ends up being about 1” of velcro overlap where the two ends meet - that’s with a wrapped package (10” of Theraband).
I also scale the gripper dimensions down from 1” x 2” to 1” x 1 1/2”.

As you know, the presence of the grippers helps create the “dorsal bridge” I’m so friggen proud of with the Wench. Nice lateral compression with plenty of circulation. I think the Wench should always include grippers, otherwise you might as well wrap a rag around your unit and hang/ADS.

With this smaller sized cylinder, the strap of the device ends up completely on the outside of the Wench but the strength of the Velcro and wire-tie ..ahem, excuse me…releasable wire tie keeps it firmly in place. You are also allowed to adjust your strap position without needing to remove the Wench which is, hmm what’s the word…KISS.

And also, as Ike has pointed out in the past, a smaller Wench allows for a better “Squeeze Hand” grip when first attaching the Wench to your boy. Because of this added hold many people will find a clamping device of any kind unnecessary. This will of course leave your strap clinging to the Wench cylinder on Velcro power alone, but due to the fact that the tension of the Peg Leg is relatively minor this shouldn’t be a problem — it’s hard enough to purposely separate the strap from the cylinder, let alone by accident.

—El Cptn

>By the way, I really liked your using the sheet bend. It was a masterful touch.

I figured you might appreciate that. :)

Stevie and Pirate

Simple solution to the leg hair problem for us in the colder climes…
Long Red Underwear. Can’t wait to try the Pegleg with the unit pulled out the fly buttons and the strap and elastics mounted outside the long underwear material.

By the way I have been looking for an ADS to compliment my recent introduction to hanging with the wench these past four weeks and the Pegleg sounds great as do the modifications to reduce overall bulk.


Tooco, Leave it to a Canadian to find something positive about wearing long underware! You are a real trooper. You are now in two of my threads. Sure hope this becomes a habit…

due to the fact that the tension of the Peg Leg is relatively minor this shouldn’t be a problem

Cappy, speak for yourself. I have 25 rubber bands on mine! (just kidding viewers, I actually am using just 2 now). I like what you say here masterful inventor of the device that makes my penis large. Since you are the master, and I am only the adder of rubber bands, I will accept all your ideas with happy abandon. But if you cut the Wench down, is it still a Wench? It seems more like a Mini-P to me.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Sounds good, Pirate. If and when I construct the Peg-Leg, I’ll see how it goes and let you know.

Both Hobby’s and tooco’s ideas sound like viable solutions in case the rubber bands are causing too much discomfort. Although for tooco’s option, I would have to mail order the long underwear and turn my air conditioner on when wearing them. January 7th and the low today was in the high 60s. I haven’t had to wear long pants at all this “winter”.

I guess a fourth option could be to shave your legs. My girlfriend has been trying to get me to shave my legs for sometime now. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too hairy for her or if it’s just some weird fetish she has. Oh well, at least now I have a reason of my own to do it.

Stevie, try it first. I am betting I have more hair than you. And I went to the rubber band from the more complicated options and never looked back. I think you are worrying about a likely non-issue. Give it a try, for me??? Buddy, pal??? It’s not like the construction will take more than 30 seconds!

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

I’m sure it is a non-issue, it’s just bringing back horrible rubber band war memories from my youth. I’ll try to find some time this weekend to construct one.

BTW, what’s up with the sudden invasion of the ADS threads?


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