Thunder's Place

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Is flaccid gains before errect gains true for you?

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BPFSL increases before BPEL


Flaccid before Errect gains



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Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Well, the fat pad itself is cause of higher body fat due to lifestyle.
So if you are very lean you probably have less fatpad.

Obviously you can be fit and still have a fat pad if you have more energy intake then energy output.

Im very thin but not fit lol. I have no fat pad but some EQ problems cause I dont exercise enough right now.
But Im rather good trained in my pelvic floor which enables me to relax down there which helps with a better hang/flaccid.

A nice side effect of exercise can be to have better pelvic floor muscles and maybe better control over them. (for sure better blood flow if you train for example your legs with squats.)
If your pelvic floor is tight or unbalanced it might lead to faster turtling. To prevent that stuff reverse kegels and conciously relaxing the pelvic floor can help.

Thanks man. I have been doing some jogging myself for a couple of weeks but not all days. I want to lose weight and obviously my fat pad to be more lean and thin. With exercises this should be no problem.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Well, the fat pad itself is cause of higher body fat due to lifestyle.
So if you are very lean you probably have less fatpad.

Obviously you can be fit and still have a fat pad if you have more energy intake then energy output.

Im very thin but not fit lol. I have no fat pad but some EQ problems cause I dont exercise enough right now.
But Im rather good trained in my pelvic floor which enables me to relax down there which helps with a better hang/flaccid.

A nice side effect of exercise can be to have better pelvic floor muscles and maybe better control over them. (for sure better blood flow if you train for example your legs with squats.)
If your pelvic floor is tight or unbalanced it might lead to faster turtling. To prevent that stuff reverse kegels and conciously relaxing the pelvic floor can help.

Thanks man. I have been doing some jogging myself for a couple of weeks but not all days. I want to lose weight and obviously my fat pad to be more lean and thin. With exercises this should be no problem.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

My opinion on flaccid size is that it is nice to go from at least 5 inches of fat soft meat to whatever size your erection is. I mean how nice is that for you and the girl, for there basically always be meat to play with!?

I’ve been watching lots of homemade amateur porn clips for my girth workouts. I still skip the porn altogether about half the time or more, just to mantain strong neural synapse EQ rigidity instead of flaccid Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction.

Anyway I’m relieved to see a ton of small and average black dicks along with some big ones in this genre. I love interracial because I’m nasty. But these black dudes will go from 5.8 by 5.2 to 5.9 by 5.3. It’s crazy. They also aren’t rigid. But they are never small in the sense of the small flaccid dick. But the girls love it, it doesn’t pop off its load, it isn’t overly stiff.

A white guy that goes from 3.5 by 4.2 to 5.97 by 5.3 has technically “passed” the black guy, in the sense that his absolutely erect cock is a hair bigger. It is also ready to pop at that level of erection, and is quite stiff. Quite unlike the swinging dick of the black guy who basically started at this dimension. Well that explains a lot for confidence! The extreme shower guy basically always has the size of an erection, with an appealing meat texture. Girls aren’t going to give you a pass for appearing in anyway stubby down there, at any time of day or condition. You are a long way from their favorite stripper and they love to let you know it.

Now take that white guy or general “grower”, who knows and works the PE game. He wears extenders or stays wrapped, period. He pulls his dick with the Marinera and OK grip, period. He pumps/jelqs/clamps in rotation, period. He takes rest days so his girth workouts can go hard.

He ends up with more like a 4 to 5.4 inch length fluctuating flaccid, with a girth of 4 to 5 inches. His erection is 6.8 by 5.4, and growing.

Now he’s in a better position than even the big shower, isn’t he? Oh, and his near 7 inch fat boner is still pretty rigid, with a little added squeezy fatness. It is still ramrod straight compared to big softies like our earlier example. Did I mention it’s a straight, upright, fat dick on its way to 7 and beyond? Yeah I’ll take that life, even if I am not 5.8 flaccid, yet. By the time this PE knight is at 5.8 flaccid out of the extender, he might be 7.75 inches erect.

Or only 7.18999. Shessh, oh darn.

Christmas, man. Everyday.

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

Last edited by Devotion9 : 02-06-2014 at .

Originally Posted by Devotion9
My opinion on flaccid size is that it is nice to go from at least 5 inches of fat soft meat to whatever size your erection is. I mean how nice is that for you and the girl, for there basically always be meat to play with!?

I’ve been watching lots of homemade amateur porn clips for my girth workouts. I still skip the porn altogether about half the time or more, just to mantain strong neural synapse EQ rigidity instead of flaccid Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction.

Anyway I’m relieved to see a ton of small and average black dicks along with some big ones in this genre. I love interracial because I’m nasty. But these black dudes will go from 5.8 by 5.2 to 5.9 by 5.3. It’s crazy. They also aren’t rigid. But they are never small in the sense of the small flaccid dick. But the girls love it, it doesn’t pop off its load, it isn’t overly stiff.

A white guy that goes from 3.5 by 4.2 to 5.97 by 5.3 has technically “passed” the black guy, in the sense that his absolutely erect cock is a hair bigger. It is also ready to pop at that level of erection, and is quite stiff. Quite unlike the swinging dick of the black guy who basically started at this dimension. Well that explains a lot for confidence! The extreme shower guy basically always has the size of an erection, with an appealing meat texture. Girls aren’t going to give you a pass for appearing in anyway stubby down there, at any time of day or condition. You are a long way from their favorite stripper and they love to let you know it.

Now take that white guy or general “grower”, who knows and works the PE game. He wears extenders or stays wrapped, period. He pulls his dick with the Marinera and OK grip, period. He pumps/jelqs/clamps in rotation, period. He takes rest days so his girth workouts can go hard.

He ends up with more like a 4 to 5.4 inch length fluctuating flaccid, with a girth of 4 to 5 inches. His erection is 6.8 by 5.4, and growing.

Now he’s in a better position than even the big shower, isn’t he? Oh, and his near 7 inch fat boner is still pretty rigid, with a little added squeezy fatness. It is still ramrod straight compared to big softies like our earlier example. Did I mention it’s a straight, upright, fat dick on its way to 7 and beyond? Yeah I’ll take that life, even if I am not 5.8 flaccid, yet. By the time this PE knight is at 5.8 flaccid out of the extender, he might be 7.75 inches erect.

Or only 7.18999. Shessh, oh darn.

Christmas, man. Everyday.

Lets do it! Go for it & and rech the sky :-)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

How is is your physical fitness and pelvic floor strength? Are you relaxed down there?(same question to others who dont see flaccid improvement.)

My physical fitness is good. I try my best to be in the gym 5 days a week. Define pelvic floor strength, please. I would say I’m fairly relaxed down there. I could be totally wrong, but I think I’m relaxed.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!


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