Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is medical science against PE?

Is medical science against PE?

I have been thinking this for a while now, what do doctors think about PE?
Do they think its a total scam or are the against because of the risk factor?

Or do they think its OK?

Many people who have gained are most likely much happier people, it is a huge issue to many people so why people don’t do anything about it?
Viagra is one thing that makes people smile but i think PE is another, and its a problem that follows a man trough his live, unlike impotence.

Now people are buying those fucking pills over the net, is that good then huh?

Is there anyone who works in the medical field and thinks PE is a good thing?

Looking to be a kiwi.

You asked, I’m in the medical field and I think PE is a good thing. I happen to be in the one area of medicine that deals with tissues and how they function, and it makes so much sense to me that if I can elongate a tight hamstring then you can elongate the penis.

No, the fibers in a hamstring are different than in the penis, but the overall principal is the same. Low loads over a long period of time, hence hanging is a great form of penile enlargement. And I used to be dead set against hanging, but a long chat with Bib one night helped me to see the light.

We have doctors on this board, so a few of them do realize the importance of PE. Unfortunately, most don’t, they will tell you that the penis cannot be enlarged that what you got is what you get. We know better here, just ask Bib, or Piet, or Y Guy, any of them will look at you and say yes it works.

Pills are mostly a scam, however, Viagra is the one exception to that, but it was developed for men who suffer from ED (erection dysfunction) . It was never meant to be used as an aid in PE, I don’t know if long term usage when you don’t need it will cause problems later on or not. Southpaw, our resident pharmacist, would be the one to answer that, or any of our doctors.
I do know from reading articles and the like that taking Viagra without a doctors knowledge can lead to serious health problems, such as heart attacks for one. (Disclaimer: just because it can, doesn’t mean it’s going to) If you are taking supplements in order to help your body maintain a healthy status, that is cool, that is good, and if they help with PE that is just an added bonus. Much is talked about arginine and lysine here as well as yohimbe as good supplements to take for various reasons.

I hope I have answered you query in a complete and understandable fashion. I’m sure our doctors will chime in later.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I don´t think there is any medical research recognazed by the Medical Comunity about it. There is no sesearch because labs can´t make money on it.

How much would a man pay to get 100% proof that his penis will grow to a bigger size? Especially if it was marketed on tv or by a doctor ? Some people have saved up for the moment someone would say that to them.

Yes, pe pills are for the most part a scam.
However, most of them do contain some herbs and trace minerals to help enhance EQ.
That is why last night I went to the local 7-11 and bought Enzyte, Extenze, and Sta-Max to see if these product will do anything or are they a waste of money. I will have to give them each a try and once I have in my notes everything I need I will write a full review and create more effective alternative for pennies on the dollar.

So far I have only been able to research a few of the main ingredients. When dealing with these proprietary piece if shit products you have to realize that the first items on the list are the most abundant and that they keep their profits high by using the “supplement sprinkle”, indicated by a large mg amount and Jesus cross followed by a laundry list if common supplements and rainforest herbs.

For anyone interested, guys just give me up to a week or so and I should have the full review and recipe on thundersplace.

The fact is while it may be fine and well to PE if you know what your doing down to a T. But the fact is PE is in the most part a dangerous practice, if done incorrectly and from what Iv seen in the short time I have looked into the dangers and benefits of PE (3 months) can be dangerous even if done correctly. The more PE becomes used over the coming years, the more idiots will cause permanent damage to their units. So even if the medical profession say “PE works” and every one starts doing it there will be a massive amount of injuries and PE will be hammered into the ground by both medical professionals and the victims of injury.

I think this is inevitable and it will be a good 15-20 years before a foregone conclusion is made that PE works.

Start January 2011 - NBPEL 7.1, BPEL 7.3, EG 5.5, FL ~4.5 FG ~4.5

AIM Long term - NBPEL 8 BPEL 8.3 EG 6 FL 6 FG 5

Originally Posted by Bfitnessjoe
How much would a man pay to get 100% proof that his penis will grow to a bigger size? Especially if it was marketed on tv or by a doctor ? Some people have saved up for the moment someone would say that to them.

I think it depends. If the answer is an instantaneously bigger penis, like picking up an inch or something, then I think they’d pay quite a bit for it. If however the answer is that it takes hours of commitment every week for many years, if not the remainder of your sexual life, then I think they will not be interested. We live in the microwave society that wants everything to be easy and “now.” They don’t want to hear that something takes a lot of time and effort. A combination of that and a need to be very careful to avoid breaking ones penis, to say nothing for the low but real probability of breaking it even if you do do everything right, and I think this will never hit the mainstream for real.

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)

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