Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is the angion method compatible with other forms of traditional PE?

If you want to push blood alone, then do kegels. Not only it pushes more blood, it also does that for a whole area, and trains muscles as well. With single kegel I get around .1 inch girth increase and that’s around 12ml difference by size alone (without density difference). For comparison, volume of pencil is around 4-7ml and there is no way we can push few such sizes by some outside slide.

As note, people who do kegels also notice EQ improvement.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

Originally Posted by Nudgetracker
I stumbled across a wealth of research regarding pneumatic compression of the legs to improve blood flow and creation of new arteries in the limbs especially the legs. There is a ton of research out there. Even pictures of new arteries growing in the leg from compression several times a minute. It’s not theory. The rush of blood causes shear stress which releases nitric oxide and growth factors inside the vessels. It’s used to treat blood flow problems in the leg mostly (diabetics etc). I think the angion method *in theory* seems like it could speed up blood flow in similar ways to compression therapy in the limbs, but like everything else, it has to be proven. For example, there’s no muscle in the penis, so you can’t just extrapolate the limb studies to a penis even though it sounds like it should work. THere’s even a study that shows compression therapy in the legs improved blood flow near the balls, they were showing there were upstream nitric oxide benefits. I’m not surprised it helps EQ and agree it seems like a great therapy for ED on the surface. I agree, I can’t see how it could create a longer penis. A fatter one, maybe. One with more arteries, very likely. But it needs some scientific testing and proof.
Anyway, I won’t post links just google sequential pneumatic compression therapy and all the science, methods and even devices are there.

I always said the basic principles of the so called angion methods were basically the same as jelqing.

This is from the wiki page on pneumatic compression.

The primary functional aim of the device “is to squeeze blood from the underlying deep veins, which, assuming that the valves are competent, will be displaced proximally.” When the inflatable sleeves deflate, the veins will replenish with blood. The intermittent compressions of the sleeves will ensure the movement of venous blood.[2]

Sequential compression devices (SCD) utilize sleeves with separated areas or pockets of inflation, which works to squeeze on the appendage in a “milking action.” The most distal areas will initially inflate, and the subsequent pockets will follow in the same manner.[3

“milking action” being the key phrase here.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I always said the basic principles of the so called angion methods were basically the same as jelqing.

This is from the wiki page on pneumatic compression.

The primary functional aim of the device “is to squeeze blood from the underlying deep veins, which, assuming that the valves are competent, will be displaced proximally.” When the inflatable sleeves deflate, the veins will replenish with blood. The intermittent compressions of the sleeves will ensure the movement of venous blood.[2]

Sequential compression devices (SCD) utilize sleeves with separated areas or pockets of inflation, which works to squeeze on the appendage in a “milking action.” The most distal areas will initially inflate, and the subsequent pockets will follow in the same manner.[3

“milking action” being the key phrase here.

Yes however I believe the milking action needs to be in the direction towards the heart. so its opposite a jelq.
In ether case it prob doesnt matter. The squeeze empties blood from the tissue and the resulting flow back causes nitric oxide and growth factors to release
I like the kegel idea. Kegeling under slight compression from the hand could theoretically improve eq.
Maybe squeezing your penis is the main unifying pe technique!

Originally Posted by Nudgetracker

Yes however I believe the milking action needs to be in the direction towards the heart. so its opposite a jelq.

In ether case it prob doesnt matter. The squeeze empties blood from the tissue and the resulting flow back causes nitric oxide and growth factors to release

I like the kegel idea. Kegeling under slight compression from the hand could theoretically improve eq.

Maybe squeezing your penis is the main unifying pe technique!

That’s Janus Bifron talking; all wrong but if you think it works than fine.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

That’s Janus Bifron talking; all wrong but if you think it works than fine.

Acimedical has a device called artassist

After 3 months arteriogenesis occurs

This stuff has been known about long before janus.

In fact alot of questions janus had have been answered already one just needs to know where to look

This all makes sense now and I highly doubt it will add length to a penis. Although people are growing arteries with this therapy they are not growing taller.

Do you know why this device aids in ateriogenesis?

Originally Posted by Nudgetracker
I stumbled across a wealth of research regarding pneumatic compression of the legs to improve blood flow and creation of new arteries in the limbs especially the legs. There is a ton of research out there. Even pictures of new arteries growing in the leg from compression several times a minute. It’s not theory. The rush of blood causes shear stress which releases nitric oxide and growth factors inside the vessels. It’s used to treat blood flow problems in the leg mostly (diabetics etc). I think the angion method *in theory* seems like it could speed up blood flow in similar ways to compression therapy in the limbs, but like everything else, it has to be proven. For example, there’s no muscle in the penis, so you can’t just extrapolate the limb studies to a penis even though it sounds like it should work. THere’s even a study that shows compression therapy in the legs improved blood flow near the balls, they were showing there were upstream nitric oxide benefits. I’m not surprised it helps EQ and agree it seems like a great therapy for ED on the surface. I agree, I can’t see how it could create a longer penis. A fatter one, maybe. One with more arteries, very likely. But it needs some scientific testing and proof.
Anyway, I won’t post links just google sequential pneumatic compression therapy and all the science, methods and even devices are there.

So, wearing an anti-turtle sleeve will increase veins and give better results then AM?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Do you know why this device aids in ateriogenesis?

I know you have a medical background so if you can explain that would be great. I’m not a medical professional just very interested.
The website does talk about sheer stress causing nitric oxide and growth factors to be released:

“It is generally accepted that an increase in rapid compression equals an increase in shear stress. (To measure “rapidness,” the slope of applied pressure = change in pressure / change in time)
Resulting Effects:
Shear stress causes the release of:
Nitric oxide (NO) for acute vasodilation and
Growth-related protein expression by vascular endothelial cells for promoting arteriogenesis”

Originally Posted by Mike03016

So, wearing an anti-turtle sleeve will increase veins and give better results then AM?

I have the same question. I read one study that demonstrated faster blood flow around a ring type constriction on an artery causing nitric oxide release.

That naturally led me to investigate if wearing cock rings make sense. I can’t find anything and not sure what search terms to use to filter out all the junk search results.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

That’s Janus Bifron talking; all wrong but if you think it works than fine.

I just learned there’s a difference between arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. I think I remember you debating with janus about angiogenesis caused by hypoxia in which case you are correct. The shear stress stuff causes arteriogenesis. Wow more stuff to learn

Arteriogenesis versus angiogenesis: similarities and differences

Just do whatever exercises you choose to do and let the body do what it does.

I’ve definitely seen a size increase in my veins doing AM. I stopped a while back from doing it manually. I hooked up a Johnson boat impeller to a drill and a let it do the work. You can actually feel the blood pumping through the veins with a light touch at the base of your unit.

Last edited by birddog242 : 08-30-2019 at .

I tried doing it today with a jade roller. Unfortunately I couldn’t keep my erection for more than a minute. I’ll keep trying, but I’m curious how people are able to do this exercise - seems almost impossible.

It gets easier, or you get better at it, over time. You will go from barely being able to do it for a few minutes at a time, to being able to do it for an entire twenty minute stretch without losing your erection. I think this result is likely just from becoming mentally and physically trained, or conditioned by these workouts.

edit: I had to Google “jade roller”. That looks like a cool gadget to use for this.

which exercise are you doing with the rollers? AM1.0 or the corpus spongiosum?


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