Dance brings up alot of great points. For a 19 year old, I didn’t have a very healthy looking nor feeling penis. So some of my initial gains could of come just from getting my penis “in shape” and healthy.
I’m not sure how many guys have bought pay sites, but when I first jumped into PE, it was through buying PenisDevelopment. They had some ridiculous advertising such as promising 2 inches in 3 months. So I took their word for it, and I was expecting to gain 2 inches in 3 or 4 months. I was naive, but either way, I was expecting that sort of gain. So I think my mind played a role in gains, because I was expecting something that was probably unrealistic, but in my mind it was reachable. So a certain mind set and expectations can play a role in gains IMO.
I do think that genetics play a big part in gains. Some guys get most of their gains in the beginning months and others get their gains months down the road. There’s so many factors to consider that its hard to pinpoint why a certain person gains more than another person, even if they were doing the same exact routine. I do think recovery has something to do with it, as well as how efficently you are doing the exercises. There’s also nutrition…sleep…stress level…consistency…and endless other factors to consider.
Plateaus are unavoidable. Everyone at some point is going to be in a plateau, you just have to limit your time in the plateau, by experimenting, shock routines, extended rest, and reaccessing goals. Being in a plateau is more understandable, because at some point your penis will stop responding to the same routine over and over, month after month, and thats when its time to change things up.
As far as max gains go, I really do think there’s no limit to how much a person can gain. It sure as hell takes longer gaining that first inch than that last inch, but its still reachable.