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Jelq dilemma, any help

Jelq dilemma, any help

I made a new routine for my self and this routine has a lot of jelqing. So now to do it good I really need to understand the jelq and to be 100% sure I’m doing the right thing.

Hers my question, jelq is a good technique for the tunica because when you do it, it stretches the tissue of the tunica and makes more mass.

So when you jelq, do you need to have a felling of pressure in the tunica from the base to the head, or what? When I jelq I only fell good pressure in the head of my dick.

And I think I can get enough blood in it.

After my jelq theirs no felling of pumping my dick whit blood, it’s stupid like I did some thing wrong!some people say the fell a similar thing like when they train muscle and when the work outs is done.well I train my muscles and I know that felling, but theirs no sort of a felling in my dick after the jelq!good or bad?

But I’m not sure, that’s a constant jelq dilemma! Can some one stop my wandering and answer my questions?

Hmm, the only time I fell the pressure in my whole dick is when doing extreme Uli. Then I fell the whole dick pumped and full of blood.. :D

IMO the secret to a good jelq is to move blood through the penis. You can do this with a mild erection, but it’s almost impossible to do while flaccid. The flaccid penis just holds too little blood.

I like to vary my erection strength during my jelq sessions. Sometimes I have a very weak erection—puffy but still too weak for sex. Then I try to become more erect. Jelqing with a full erection is unwise, as it can cause an injury. It’s also not very effective. Remember, the goal is to move blood. If the penis is too soft, there’s no blood to move. If it’s too hard, the blood stays put and can’t be moved.

You want to be somewhere in the middle. As for pressure in the glans or base, some pressure in both places is ideal, but neither is really necessary as long as the jelq stroke effectively squeezes blood over the length of the penis.

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Originally Posted by Luka89

After my jelq theirs no felling of pumping my dick whit blood, it’s stupid like I did some thing wrong!some people say the fell a similar thing like when they train muscle and when the work outs is done.well I train my muscles and I know that felling, but theirs no sort of a felling in my dick after the jelq!good or bad?

I don’t get any pumped feeling after jelqing either (unless I put a theraband wrap around the base, which I usually do), but my dick hangs much larger and fuller, so all the penile structures are relaxed/tired out. This is an indicator to me of a good jelq session, even if there is no feeling of pump.

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