Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing only- Length gains NOT POSSIBLE

Originally Posted by petitfaun
The thread title is at fault here. It should have been a personal remark that gains had not been made- not a generalized statement that no gains can be made.

I second this.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

I know without a doubt that jelqing has given me significant length gains beyond those from erectional quality. I believe it’s very clear that the potential for gains solely from this technique varies amongst different body types. The reason I know it’s possible to gain significant length just from jelqing is because for a long period of time I could not remain flaccid enough to do regular stretches. I could only jelq, squeeze, clamp, etc. During that time I had significant length gains.

It is true though that many people are limited by characteristics contained within their penis that some were born without. Some of them never get any gains (due to lack of motivation) and others just have to put an incredible amount of work in (hanging, etc) for significant gains.

Either way, it’s absolutely ridiculous to make such an ultimate statement. Everyone’s different, end of story.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Originally Posted by theskyisthelimit
I know without a doubt that jelqing has given me significant length gains beyond those from erectional quality. I believe it’s very clear that the potential for gains solely from this technique varies amongst different body types. The reason I know it’s possible to gain significant length just from jelqing is because for a long period of time I could not remain flaccid enough to do regular stretches. I could only jelq, squeeze, clamp, etc. During that time I had significant length gains.

It is true though that many people are limited by characteristics contained within their penis that some were born without. Some of them never get any gains (due to lack of motivation) and others just have to put an incredible amount of work in (hanging, etc) for significant gains.

Either way, it’s absolutely ridiculous to make such an ultimate statement. Everyone’s different, end of story.

Thank you.
Wise words,wise words.

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

I think a lot of it depends on jelqing technique. When I jelq I make a point of stretching my penis, whether it be ligs or the shaft. So hopefully in theory I should see a bit of length and girth gain. Well I darn well hope so.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

Originally Posted by theskyisthelimit
I know without a doubt that jelqing has given me significant length gains beyond those from erectional quality (…) it’s absolutely ridiculous to make such an ultimate statement (that jelqing doesn’t give length gains). Everyone’s different, end of story.

The thread title is a little crude: Tiger probably should have called it “my cord prevents jelqing based length gains”.

Do you lucky people who get length gains from jelqing have noticeable cords?

Sorry I didn’t title the thread whatever you all wanted me to title it.


When I explained all the routines I’ve done, hanging, extender.etc, that was NOT the order in which I did them. Those were just what I did at different times of PE and the results.


Originally Posted by the tiger

Assuming you meant “length” gains here, your theory still has two problems.

To quote you: “But unless you do V and A stretches to break down the septum, or the “chord” you feel in your penis when it’s stretched out in the flaccid state, you can jelq all you want, but your penis won’t actually GROW in LENGTH unless the septum lets it. So all the claims of jelqing is the best and most popular way to length gains- all over the internet, is physically impossible. Unless someone can explain otherwise, explain how your dong can GROW longer while your septum is still the same length, I won’t believe it.”

The medical term for the cord seems to be “dorsal thickening”, not “septum” (see my sig), and not all guys have strong penis cords (see the poll in my sig).

Last edited by Foryourprivacy : 01-18-2010 at .

Originally Posted by the tiger
Sorry I didn’t title the thread whatever you all wanted me to title it.


When I explained all the routines I’ve done, hanging, extender.etc, that was NOT the order in which I did them. Those were just what I did at different times of PE and the results.


We forgive you :)

But surely, Jelqing is a form of stretching. Putting it crudely; both mean you are manipulating your dick. One is more or less, pulling. The other is more or less, pushing.

(Please Use bold rather than capitals - They make people think you are shouting) :)

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Well I’m gonna go do my A and V stretches and then jelq. Talk to you all next month when I have a 12 inch hog


Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Originally Posted by the tiger

When I explained all the routines I’ve done, hanging, extender.etc, that was NOT the order in which I did them. Those were just what I did at different times of PE and the results.


Tiger you said that’s not the order, but here is what you post in another thread: Flaccid stretched length

Originally Posted by the tiger
Here is my PE history: (I actually have all this logged in a book- so it is accurate)

Started 6.00nbpX4.75 girth

May 2004-september 2004
Newbie routine
Gained: .25 length .15 girth
End- 6.25 npb X 4.90 girth

October 2004-may 2005
All hanging and jelqing
Hung for 3 hours daily, did 1500 jelqs daily
Mostly ligs-hanging
Gained: .25 length, .15 girth
End: 6.50nbp X 5.00+ girth

Aug 2005- November 2005
Stretch/jelq routine only
Routine usually lasted 2 hours long
Gained: .25 length, .1 girth
End: 6.75+nbp X 5.15 girth

August 2006- November 2006
Jelq only
30 minutes daily
Gained: 0 length, .10 girth
End: 6.75+npb X 5.25girth

April 2009- October 2009 ( 6 months)
Everyday jelqed 30 mintues

October 2009- Jaunary 2009
Extender and Jelqing
Extender 4 hours EVERYDAY minimum- jelq 10 minutes daily- 100 kegels daily


Anyway, I agree with you that jelqing length gains comes from the stretching. But isn’t the stretching involved, part of the jelqing exercise as a whole?
That is why it is commonly recommended to jelq at a lower Erection level for length gains. Because obviously the stress of the exercise will be more directed longitudinally.

Yeah, I was talking about on this particular thread.

I wrote something about hanging, extender, and stretching, and I was saying that when I wrote that on this thread, that that was not th order inwhich I did them in my PE career. In this thread, on the 2nd page, I was just explaining my results I got from my different routines-in no particular order.


Originally Posted by the tiger
Sorry I didn’t title the thread whatever you all wanted me to title it.


When I explained all the routines I’ve done, hanging, extender.etc, that was NOT the order in which I did them. Those were just what I did at different times of PE and the results.


Well tell us what order you did them in.

And yes jelqing gains are helped by stretching.not just through A and V Stretches but any which target the ligaments and tunica. I don’t think targeting ‘the rope’ in the middle idea of yours is well thought out, you’ve just gotten confused over what v and A stretches do and the idea of jelqing.

Also I highly doubt since you’re reporting this all now you did your jelqing only first and most lately did hanging. You probably more likely just finished the jelqing experiments.

Good luck with that 12 incher. Haha you will make gains by doing the A and V Stretches by the way if you continue jelqing and if you stay at the routine they should be decent providing you haven’t toughened up your ligaments so much with the continuous jelqing for years. If I I was you I’d take a de-conditioning break first.

Fulcrum stretches is a good way of targeting the tunica/cord structures (especially the A-stretch). To make the stretch even more intense, try doing a bundled fulcrum stretch. Just a tip, use with caution (not for newbies).

My Measurements | My Favorites

And to clarify, my extender gains.I completely fouled up my measurement, when I said I got .25 in length.

I do 3 measurements for length.
NBP from the top, NBP from the side, and BP.
I compared 2 of the measurements-incorrectly, and in the end, never got any growth from the I stopped after 3.5 months.

It’s not about not putting the time in. 3.5 months of using the extender 4hours daily for 0 results is ridiculous, so I stopped.
Wise man once said, the definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.



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