Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing with one hand

Jelqing with one hand

I have the bad case of the turkey neck syndrome and I just want to make sure I am doing my jelqs correctly. I restarted doing Jelqs but I want to consistently do it this time around.

With one hand, I hold the base of my penis and the other hand forms the “ok” grip. I proceed with the milking motion while keeping the base and the sac firmly in place with my other hand. I stop right behind the glans and I release the grip and perform the motion again.

Is this correct? I have tried the two handed, alternating jelqs but the extra skin keeps getting in the way and I end up just grabbing a whole lot of skin in the process. Is it also important for the hold at the end of the jelq? I try to hold for a second or two.

Comments and feedbacks are greatly appreciated!

Go Celtics!

Sounds like you are doing it right point1. For the ‘holding at the end of a jelq’ part, I would say it is not necessary unless you are looking to increase the size of the head of the penis.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

Point1 I am like you with some extra skin. So I decide to jelq one handed and with the palm down. Goes way better for me.
Otherwise I feel like I am only stretching the skin and that’s really not what I am looking for (have enough already)

Keep in touch with all your tip would be appreciate. Have you try a cock ring or something similar to hold your sac ??


Goal: done, in peace with what I have

Less is more.

Are one hand jelqs safe? I feel like if you only jelq with one hand you’ll develop a curve or something

Originally Posted by Okish6er
Sounds like you are doing it right point1. For the ‘holding at the end of a jelq’ part, I would say it is not necessary unless you are looking to increase the size of the head of the penis.

I hold and it hasn’t done jack for my head size.

Start: 6.6bp x 4.875eg, 2006: 7.2bp x 5.00eg (5.5 base), 2009: 7.6bp x 5.25eg (6.0 base)

28876 28885

Why not alternate the hand you use to hold the base with the hand you use to jelq? You could even alternate every 10 jelqs or so to make thing easier. That way you can jelq symmetrically while still keeping your loose skin out of the way. That’s how I do it anyways.

I do dry jelqs and switch hands every 10 strokes.

Yeah, definitely switch hands. You will develop a curve after a long time because you will inadvertently put more pressure on one side of your penis.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

I’ve been a dry jelqer since day one and the single overhand OK grip stroke is the only one I’ve found feasible— but then I’ve loose skin and haven’t ever really cared about “turkey neck”

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

I read Palin/Beck 2012 and I nearly vomited lol.

Turkey neck is caused not because you pull that sack skin up to your dick but because your dick grows in size so the skin their just rises up naturally. You need to do skin exercises to grow more skin their.

I just do it with one hand, grab at base bring up to head and go back with the skin down. Good grip going up, light grip going down. I also have a bad case of turkey neck, tons of ball skin and the skin of my ballsack begins halfway the underside of the shaft.

Start: 5.75 inch BPEL 4.75 inch girth BSEG (Nov 1 2007)

Current: 7.4 inch BPEL 5.4 inch MSEG 5.75 inch BSEG (Oct 24 2009)

Goal: 7 inch NBPEL 5.5 inch EG=> New Goal: 7.75 inch BPEL 5.75 MSEG

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