Thunder's Place

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Just starting, curvature advice?

Just starting, curvature advice?


I posted a thread in the pictures forum, but it has been suggested I post it here too with a link to the pictues thread. Here is the post:

Hi folks,

I’m just starting PE. I’ve just recently joined and found this forum through their forum. Their’s is fairly quiet though so I’ll post here with pictures.

It feels reallt weird talking about my knob and posting pictures of it on the Internet, but here we go.

I am currently 7 inches long and 5 inches girth (I notice you all use abbreviations for different measurements, perhaps someone could explain them?). I would like to achieve 8 or 9 by 6 if possible.

However, the main thing I want to fix is my downward curve. My penis has about a 90 degree curve. This doesn’t really pose much of a problem during sex, but I want it to be straight.

I have always worn briefs and jeans, if I get an erection while wearing clothes could this force my penis into this shape? If so, what should I do?

I want exercises which I can do quickly and quietly (preferebly with no lubrication) at the moment because I don’t want to tell my wife about this until I start to achieve something.

Have any of you overcome this type of problem? I’d love to see some before and after pics which would fill me with hope.

Many thanks,


The original thread with the pictures is here:

Just starting, advice?

To be honest, I never really realised just HOW curved it was until I took these pictures. Would this be a turn off do you think?


What would be the fastest way of fixing this? I want to fix the curve first, I’ll worry about size later.


Before you attempt PE, you need to go to your doctor, and let him determine if you indeed have peyronies, or if it is a simple, natural curve.

If it is peyronies, you can still do PE, but you need to take a little more care. Peyronies with it’s resulting scar tissue, does tend to make the area of the bend weaker, and more susceptable to tearing.

Once you know how careful you need to be, you can begin jelqing against the curve. Also, stretching or hanging has been reported to help straighten curves.


I would follow Bib’s suggestion before anything else. I’m sure you can make it better, but definitely find out if you have Peyronies before continuing.

I’m not Anna, but no it wouldn’t be a turn off. At least for me.

(and I saw the pic)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Hey sunny … how YOU doin’?

Are ALL of the moderaters here female? If so … this is the best forum EVER!

Any pics of you up here sun?

Yes, there are pics of me posted. Look in Erotic and Fiction, thread what would you do, orginally started by Dino, and go to the second page, I start there and go to the end.

Not all females here are mods, DW, Anna and myself are.

Doing great by the way.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

My cock had a curve at first, but it has straightened from manual stretching. My advice would be to manual stretch and it will probably straighten itself, just tell wifey your trying to straighten it and Im sure she’ll understand. In my opion you need atleast 30 min of PEing 5 days a week to see good gains, I dont think there is any way around that.
Seeing a doctor could be a good idea.


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