My outlook is the more the better. When I first started PE I only knew about the pumps and bought one. Back then there wasn’t much about PE and not many products on the market. The pump did not come with instructions so i just sat there and kept my cock in the tube at high pressure for an hour or two. Sure afterwards i was pumped but I could of damaged my erection. I got frustrated and quit after 4 months of “big today, small tomorrow”.
Awhile after that I found Tom Hubbards site and it entailed noose hanging. I made my stretcher and hung with little knowledge and hurt myself. I thought I was doing it right and Toms site was fairly new so he hadn’t went through all the trial and error yet so to me it was the way to go.
Through the years PE evolved more into a science and people were becoming educated enthusiasts. This helped make PE what it is today. This board is full of vast knowledge and we learn through other people’s trial and error and innovative strategies. This knowledge has helped people pass their insecurities and anxiety of PE and brought on new techniques that simply “work”.
To me the knowledge gives me a wide range of options and sparks imagination. It also helps me become more in tune with my penis which helps while PEing. I didn’t have this back then when PE was in it’s infancy. You couldn’t come to a place like this because it wasn’t there. With everything I’ve learned on the boards I’d say I’m well educated and more secure with putting stress on my cock. I wish I had a place like this back in the stone age of PE.