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Lasting results of PE?

Lasting results of PE?

Hi all, I was wondering if there is anyone here that can attest to the fact that the gains do not go away or diminish after you stop? Everyone I see has gains, but I am curious as to how long they will last after you stop. Even if you “cement” them do they stay for life or what? Also, how do you “cement” gains.. say girth gains?

Some do report losses of gains. Those who have cemented their gains have held onto most - if not all - of their gains after long breaks. The only way I know of ‘cementing’ a gain is to have held onto a size for quite some time, weeks - months. Usually those who have hit a plateau for a long period of time have cemented their gains by then.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Well, do you have to continue PE for years in order to not only expand the tissue, but grow new tissue in permanence? For now, I am enjoying a few gains, mainly for confidence ha, but I question whether it is worth it if they will all go away. I like doing it either way so I will not quit until I fully get tired of it haha, most times I actually look forward to it. It’s kind’ve my alone time I guess, and I watch Robin Williams comedy so it’s fun ha.

In my case, I PE’d for one year (2003) and gained during that time. I hit a plateau for the next year (2004) and didn’t gain much - possibly a slight gain in flaccid stretch which is still arguable. During the winter of 2004 and early 2005 I stopped PE due to being unsuccessful with a hanger and comming close to a real scare with it! I took a year off (2005-2006) and began T-taping. Currently, (2007) my measured length is roughly the same (I actually measured at “.25 longer, but again I don’t hold that into much account), yet my midshaft girth has skyrocketed due to the T-taping (basically stretches the shaft skin). So in my case I haven’t lost anything- but at the very least - maintained what I had. It will be interesting when I do return to active PE, how soon and how much more I will gain.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Originally Posted by Wt282
In my case, I PE’d for one year (2003) and gained during that time. I hit a plateau for the next year (2004) and didn’t gain much - possibly a slight gain in flaccid stretch which is still arguable. During the winter of 2004 and early 2005 I stopped PE due to being unsuccessful with a hanger and comming close to a real scare with it! I took a year off (2005-2006) and began T-taping. Currently, (2007) my measured length is roughly the same (I actually measured at “.25 longer, but again I don’t hold that into much account), yet my midshaft girth has skyrocketed due to the T-taping (basically stretches the shaft skin). So in my case I haven’t lost anything- but at the very least - maintained what I had. It will be interesting when I do return to active PE, how soon and how much more I will gain.

Good luck to you, may you have rock hard boners forever.

I took more than a year due to illness, did not lose much length maybe quarter inch during that time but when I returned to PE I recovered that and then some.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I can’t find very much information on the t-taping. Tried searching, but was unsuccessful. Would you care to elaborate on it? I am very curious, because I am concentrating on gaining girth.

You have to have a maintenance routine if you don’t want to loose any of your gains.

Even if you cement them, which is very hard, it’s good to jelq and strech a few times a week, if nothing then for your penis health.

I think bird2 once wrote that he did the amazing isometrics excercise and never lost a thing.

Yeah, what is T-taping?

I’m guessing it means traction wrapping.

Originally Posted by viva51
Yeah, what is T-taping?

A form of foreskin restoration.


Kinda defits the purpose of PE if the gains go even if they are not cemented dont you think?

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I worked pretty hard for about 6 months to get from just under 6” EG and 7” BPEL to 6 1/4” EG and 7 5/8” BPEL - not huge in either dimension, but a volumetric increase of 4 cubic inches. My routine was primarily dry jelqing and bungee stretching, though I started with a few weeks of fowfers, and eventually tried some hanging, pumping, and clamping (nothing serious).

I stopped and within 2 months, I had lost almost all my new girth. It’s been almost a year since I stopped and I’m just above 6” EG and haven’t lost any length. That means I’ve lost about half of my gains (in terms of volume).

It seems like girth would take a lot more effort to cement than length.

I’m just curious why you stopped? And then why you didn’t start back up when you saw you were losing your gains?

Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

I stopped because of a family emergency that took a few weeks to resolve and because I lost my private office, which I mentioned here. I had/have every intention of starting again, but when I look back at my tracking spreadsheet, I was putting a lot of hours into this. I’m not sure how I would be able to do that, now. I’m much more visible and accountable for my job than I was a year ago, so sitting at my desk in a tension rig all day isn’t really possible. I have tried to resume a couple of times and then surrendered to impossible circumstances. I still haven’t given up, though. I just need to think creatively.

Originally Posted by slipstream
I’m much more visible and accountable for my job than I was a year ago, so sitting at my desk in a tension rig all day isn’t really possible.

Traction wrapping is nearly invisible under clothing.


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