Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The results for 6 months of PE

The results for 6 months of PE

Started 06-23-2004

• Registered at thunders.
• My first workout, 2 days on.1 day off. - 6/23/2004
• Measuring NBP 6” X 5¼”
• Measuring BP 7”
• Bought Magna-RX pills 8/18/2004 - (56 days into PE)
• Added eveyday streching 10-15 minute & 5-10 minute warmup. 9/7/2004 - (76 days into PE)

My workout:

5-10 minutes with heat pad
Streching 10-15 minutes (using different types of streches etc.)
Dry Jelqing for 15-20 minutes (using a wrist wrap)
Streching another 5-10 minutes
15 minute warm down with heat pad while Kegaling

I did this same workout for 6 months to a “T” (I’m talking about waking up at 4am just to get my workout in from a busy day etc.) I measured 12-23-2004, only to find that I didnt gain anything at all. The only thing that changed was an increase in veins being more prominent, and having a sensitive penis, meaning it only takes me 2 minutes to orgasm. I stopped all together from the time I measured it on 12/23/2004 and here I am 6 months later, reporting. (Was very very discouraged) Anyway, I would like to hear anyones feedback, obviously I’m a hard gainer and I really could use some new direction or perhaps a new gameplan. To put it simply.Where do I go from here?

Thanks for reading.


Started 06/23/2004

You should use wet jelqs instead of dry jelqing. 20 minutes of dry jelqing is too much for a newbie. You might have been overtraining, which led to 0 gains. You might not be a hard gainer, and when you do the routine properly you might find gains coming out your ears!

What were your PI’s like during this time?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Have you measured since 12/23/04? Just curious. I’ve read posts here from members who have experienced gains after taking time off from a regular PE routine.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
What were your PI’s like during this time?

What do you mean by PI’s Alrdybig?


Started 06/23/2004

Originally Posted by Eroset
Have you measured since 12/23/04? Just curious. I’ve read posts here from members who have experienced gains after taking time off from a regular PE routine.

I measured a few times after, like months apart and it’s the same.


Started 06/23/2004

Wow, you got instant attention on this thread man. Almost minute by minute coverage…Nice.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
PI’s: Physiologic Indictors (PIs) to help growth!

Ok, I would have to say..

-Increased nite and morning wood (got more of these, noticed right away)
-Increased hardness of erections (a little)
-Slight achyness in your penis (at the base, after a seemingly nice workout)
-Increased size temporarily, a few minutes to a couple hours (right after a workout)
-Also strechmarks at the base of my penis, nothing too crazy just obvious.

And thats about it. I felt like I was making progress, however I was not.


Started 06/23/2004

I think you didn’t have much success in PE maybe partly because of your genetics and maybe your diet (the hard gainer thing), but to me it really looks like from the way you describe what you did in those 6 months that you stuck with the same old PE routine over and over and your penis adapted quickly to the stress you put on it in the first month or two and then you basically wasted your time.

I know this sounds harsh, but I think it may be true. You need to keep reading more information here on Thunder’s, find the time, and change your routine based on the answers we help you with from your questions, and what new knowledge you learn from reading here.

The more you try in PE whether that means increasing the number jelqs, not using a warmup, stretching while sitting down, lying down, standing, different stretchs, different girth excersizes (when your ready), nutsack streching (lol), etc, the better for you. This is because not only do you have a better chance to gain because you are trying different things but you will become more intelligent in doing PE from the wisdom you gain by actually doing it, so you will better know what to do next time you do a PE session.

It kind of sounds to me like you are being to cautious and get some balls and try some new stuff until you reach a gentle soreness at the base of your dick or on the shaft. I could go on and on about what I think you are doing wrong but I think I mentioned some of the most important things. Just use the advanced search feature here at Thunder’s and if you really want a big dick like most of us you must become obsessed with PE… It seems to be a fact of life. Once you get to your goal you don’t need to be obsessed with it anymore, then just do some basic PE excersizing manual stretching and 10 min jelq sessions as most people say probaly every other day for a few months of maitenence and things should be permanent.

That really sucks what you reported man, but hang in there, and I hope my advice helped you out somewhat…

BTW: I took those MagnaRX pills and they where pretty much worthless. I measured about the same after 4 months of daily taking them. Then last mid-January I learned about PE and it has been all good since then…
The pills did increase bloodflow to my penis for a bit harder erections (I guess this could help for jelqing and girth excersizes) but I think that is in a way like taking Viagra for hard erections, which I’m not knocking but it doesn’t solve the real issue of getting hard erections all the time from doing lots of lots kegel excersizes, and jelqing without having to resort to a drug like Viagra. Not many people would really need Viagra if they knew that PE works for a lot of men and is real, even though we don’t know exactly what we’re doing, we are men of faith and believers and that’s what it takes to succeed in this game.

Last edited by LoveMachine : 06-08-2005 at .

Hi, Soulfire!

I hear you, and only can imagine how distress you probably feel! I am a hard gainer too. I needed more than a year of very persistent work to gain 17 mm (0.7”) in gird and 0.00 mm (0.00”) in length. I wish I had the answer to your problem, but you see, I myself am in need of help, especially for my length.

My theory is as follow:
The problem of the “so called” hard-gainers is not so much their LOT (the Bib’s theory of Low and High LOT), but their body type. I have this observation from myself and few other friends that work out with me in the gym. The body of the hard-gainer adjusts very fast to the physical stress and the result is no growth, but strength (at least in the gym). For instance after working out on a machine designed to develop ones biceps I discovered that after the second week my muscles refused to grow any more from this exercise. I thought I have to increase the weight and the intensity. The effect was that after a month I was able to work out with weights that are 3 times heavier than the ones of the other men in the gym, but the growth of my biceps was 0.00 mm. (When the people in the gym see me approaching the machine to do my set, they can’t believe I can do it with this heavy weight, but I do it after all.) The same is true for my triceps and every muscle of my body.
Then I realized I have to change my routine and types of work out every other week to keep growing. Then the things begun to change, slowly though.

Although the penis is NOT a muscle, it is still part of my body and behaves in the same way as my muscles do – it adjust so quickly to the new routine that unless I change it on time, there would be no growth at all, it doesn’t matter how hard I pull, how many reps of jelq I do.
So the hard-gainer has to tricks the fast adjusting tissues of the penis, by changing on time with new routines, though not too fast before the routine has played it’s role on the tissues.

Although this theory looks nice I wasn’t able to find a way to put it in practice for length. Till now I did just manual stretches (and a little bit of applying a ADS), although I have to admit I don’t like them and prefer to jelq. I think the manual stretches are too weak facilitate growth for a hard-gainer. Therefore I decided to begin hanging and ordered my Bib-starter a week ago. As soon as I have spent at least 100 hours with the hanger, I will report my results.

Don’t give up Soulfire! Try experimenting and forget about the pills – they are scam.

P.S. Sorry for my English!

NBPEL – 143 mm (5.6”)
EG – 111 mm (4.4”)

NBPEL – 143 mm (5.6”)
BPEL – 168 mm (6.6”)
EG – 129 mm (5.1”)

Originally Posted by Juri
Hi, Soulfire!

I hear you, and only can imagine how distress you probably feel! I am a hard gainer too. I needed more than a year of very persistent work to gain 17 mm (0.7”) in gird and 0.00 mm (0.00”) in length. I wish I had the answer to your problem, but you see, I myself am in need of help, especially for my length.

My theory is as follow:
The problem of the “so called” hard-gainers is not so much their LOT (the Bib’s theory of Low and High LOT), but their body type. I have this observation from myself and few other friends that work out with me in the gym. The body of the hard-gainer adjusts very fast to the physical stress and the result is no growth, but strength (at least in the gym). For instance after working out on a machine designed to develop ones biceps I discovered that after the second week my muscles refused to grow any more from this exercise. I thought I have to increase the weight and the intensity. The effect was that after a month I was able to work out with weights that are 3 times heavier than the ones of the other men in the gym, but the growth of my biceps was 0.00 mm. (When the people in the gym see me approaching the machine to do my set, they can’t believe I can do it with this heavy weight, but I do it after all.) The same is true for my triceps and every muscle of my body.
Then I realized I have to change my routine and types of work out every other week to keep growing. Then the things begun to change, slowly though.

Although the penis is NOT a muscle, it is still part of my body and behaves in the same way as my muscles do – it adjust so quickly to the new routine that unless I change it on time, there would be no growth at all, it doesn’t matter how hard I pull, how many reps of jelq I do.
So the hard-gainer has to tricks the fast adjusting tissues of the penis, by changing on time with new routines, though not too fast before the routine has played it’s role on the tissues.

Although this theory looks nice I wasn’t able to find a way to put it in practice for length. Till now I did just manual stretches (and a little bit of applying a ADS), although I have to admit I don’t like them and prefer to jelq. I think the manual stretches are too weak facilitate growth for a hard-gainer. Therefore I decided to begin hanging and ordered my Bib-starter a week ago. As soon as I have spent at least 100 hours with the hanger, I will report my results.

Don’t give up Soulfire! Try experimenting and forget about the pills – they are scam.

P.S. Sorry for my English!

NBPEL – 143 mm (5.6”)
EG – 111 mm (4.4”)

NBPEL – 143 mm (5.6”)
BPEL – 168 mm (6.6”)
EG – 129 mm (5.1”)

Thanks for those kind words Juri, I also find it interesting you mention working out, I have been working out for years and my growth is fine, I don’t have to lift extra weight to make me grow. I’m not sure what I should do at this point in regards to my PE, it seems I put so much time into it, and yet I get nothing in return. When I workout, things happen (slowly, but they totally happen) one thing I know for sure, im not going to be doing any manual PE anymore, I need a ADS or something. I need to experiment more like you said. And I agree with you 100% about pills, I bought 90 days worth that had ZERO effect. Anyway, take care and good luck on your future gains my friend.


Started 06/23/2004

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