Thunder's Place

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Late Girth Gainers


Great to hear! However, I have never noticed the difference between the TP and the Paper Towel. They are all 5.25-5.37 inches thick. Also, I believe you can actually surpass these marks and still fail because of the squish factor. If you have a midshaft at 5ish, and an upper girth of 5.25 you wlll still fail.

I have found it easiest to check girth in one of two ways. The first is in comparison with a cylindrical or tubular object of known size, e.g, a toilet paper roll cardboard center. The other is by using a marked piece of string. Wrap the string around your erection at whatever point you wish to measure and mark it with a soft point marker like a Sharpie where the two strands cross each other. Make sure the string is not too stretchy. Lay it out on a ruler, and measure between marks.

The string method seems to be what pump cylinder manufacturers recommend. I have found it quicker than fumbling with a measuring tape, and the marks give you a very positive indication of even small increases in circumference. It helps to have two pieces of marked string, or more, if you measure at several points.

Titan, I was talking about flaccid girth.

I must then consider myself lucky as I started PEing during March /April 2010. Started only with jelges and stretching. I didn’t take my March stats but took it the first time towards en of May. From that time the only change I did was to start with an extreme type of clamping and have gained 1.8inches in girth and 1.3 inches in length. This in just over six months.

Originally Posted by Kabous
I must then consider myself lucky as I started PEing during March /April 2010. Started only with jelges and stretching. I didn’t take my March stats but took it the first time towards en of May. From that time the only change I did was to start with an extreme type of clamping and have gained 1.8inches in girth and 1.3 inches in length. This in just over six months.

OMG that’s insane.

Originally Posted by redbear52
I have found it easiest to check girth in one of two ways. The first is in comparison with a cylindrical or tubular object of known size, e.g, a toilet paper roll cardboard center. The other is by using a marked piece of string. Wrap the string around your erection at whatever point you wish to measure and mark it with a soft point marker like a Sharpie where the two strands cross each other. Make sure the string is not too stretchy. Lay it out on a ruler, and measure between marks.

The string method seems to be what pump cylinder manufacturers recommend. I have found it quicker than fumbling with a measuring tape, and the marks give you a very positive indication of even small increases in circumference. It helps to have two pieces of marked string, or more, if you measure at several points.

I think the string idea is great. I just wish I was more consistent. However, the TP doesn’t seem to work the same. Again, you can have a penis that actually measure slightly bigger in circumference, and still fit in. It has to do with shape of your penis as well, and that will shift over the course PE.

Originally Posted by Kabous

I must then consider myself lucky as I started PEing during March /April 2010. Started only with jelges and stretching. I didn’t take my March stats but took it the first time towards en of May. From that time the only change I did was to start with an extreme type of clamping and have gained 1.8inches in girth and 1.3 inches in length. This in just over six months.

I hope you realize most people won’t believe those claims without picture proof.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
I hope you realize most people won’t believe those claims without picture proof.

Doesn’t matter really, could be true could not be, no reason to lie thou.

Kabous what was this “extreme” routine you talk of?

The thing I noticed after being 6 months in, is that you really need to focus and slowly do your jelqs, because otherwise you won’t see any results.

I think that quality is way more important then quantity for jelqing.

I continuously made length and EQ gains but not much in the girth department.

I mean I barely fitted into my 2.25” cylinder when it first arrived however after about a year of using it and when my length
seemed to stagnate for some reason my girth just shot up to the 6.5” mark. However now I am back to 6.3”

It was out of this world and this only became apparent after a three month period of adjusting my pumping program with multiple
30 min sessions at low pressure.

It took me 3.5 years of PE to begin making drastic girth gains but that does not bother me length is
my focus but I will take whatever I can get.

This could have been achieved with clamping too but I live and die by pumping it suits my schedule and allows me to carry on working.
I clamp but very rarely the one thing clamping did for me was give me enlarged glands which is why I need to keep on go up to the
next cylinder size. However I am holding off for a while before I do that.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"


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