Thunder's Place

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Lig, Tunica, shed some light.

Lig, Tunica, shed some light.

Can anyone please shed some light on the subject of Lig and Tunica.
O.k, you`re probably thinking, you should know all of this by now. I have only just joined Thunders site, have had some great feed-back on my first thread posted.

I did the test to see when you got pull-back when doing a kegel, and found that it was strong at 12.00, and not as strong at 9.00, had nothing at 6.00. Does this mean that bib-hanging will not suit me?
Length is my main focus at the moment, as girth is excellent.

Also with this in mind, what stretches will benefit me. My current erect measurement is 7.5 inches, my goal is 9.5-10 inches if possible. I started 14 months ago, with another website, (, at 6.75inches erect.
I want as much info as possible out there, anything to do with this subject is much appreciated!


Gettin Bigger

Was it not until 6:00 that you had no kegel pullback? Note: When you no longer have the glans pull back is where your lot is, you will always be able to see movement around the base when you kegel.

Hanging will work whether you have to target your ligs or your tunica, all you have to change is the angles.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.


Answering your first question, at 9.00 very slight pull-back, 12.00 is a strong pull-back, at around 8.00-6.00 hardly any. So in saying this, this is my Lot, limit is it.
So with stretching I would get more benefit out of stretching down?
If I do a blaster, and pull towards my chest, is this still working for me?

Another question, if I concentrate on length for a month to see how my gains are going, still doing girth, although not as much, am I going to see girth reductio

Also, when stretching manually, how long should you do the stretch, and length of time for the session?

Gettin Bigger


>Answering your first question, at 9.00 very slight pull-back, 12.00 is a strong pull-back, at around 8.00-6.00 hardly any. So in saying this, this is my Lot, limit is it.<

Do what soon says, look for the glans tugback, by sight not feel. Where do you lose tugback. The actual point where you no longer see the tugback. 8:00-6:00 is not specific enough.


Kiwi, why do’t you check the hanging forum? There’s lots of (LOTs get it? I made a funny!) info there that will get you on the right track.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....


Sorry for not replying to your question, had to go away for the weekend.
Anyway, I lose pull-back from the glands, visually, at 9.00, so is this my LOT, and what type of stretches could you, or anyone else out there suggest…


Thanks for the info…

Gettin Bigger


Downward and BTC stretching, that is the ticket. Forget about upwards and sideways stretching, do it all below your LOT, there are some relatively easy gains to be had.



What do you mean, BTC stretching, could you please shed some light.
Also, just wanted to let you know, did some blasters last night, 6 sets, quite hard for the first time, it was great. Currently I`m 7.5 erect, last night I was 7.75-8.0 erect, and even girth was thicker to my surprise. Is this normal.

Gettin Bigger

BTC is between the cheeks stretching. Lay on your side, and do a stretch where your penis is between your “cheeks”.

This is probably the best method of hanging/stretching to stretch the suspensory ligament (it will stretch the others some too of course, but most of the stress will be on the suspensory ligament).

New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Last edited by soon2b9 : 06-30-2003 at .

Thanks soon2b9…

Gettin Bigger

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