Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

List of Exercises that Target Girth

List of Exercises that Target Girth

I’ve been concentrating on gaining more girth recently so I have been doing a lot of reading on these forums. So as a reference to other people who want to focus on girth gains I feel it may be appropriate to compile a list of girth exercises into one thread. If you have anything to add please tell me so I can put it in the original post. I will add more exercises as I think of them and as I get the time to add them to this post.


Concerning the “Risk of Injury” part, you should note that most girth exercises are risky for newcomers to PE. An experienced PE’er does not need to concern themselves with that “Risk” section as much however they should still be cautioned.

Sadsak’s Slinky
Targets where?: Shaft of penis
Risk of injury involved: High
Erection level to perform: 15-20% however your penis should be “plump” from a recent erection. If your penis bends the way a metal tape measure bends than you are harder than you should be.
Basic steps to perform:
-Gain a full erection
-Lose most of your erection (now your penis should be in a good state for this exercise.)
-Make a tourniquet grip around the base of your penis
-Grab around the head of your penis (I dont use a tourniquet here)
-“Slinky” your penis as demonstrated in the video on the link below
-Repeat for different directions

Reference: Sadsak Slinky - Repost from old Big Penis Forum
Video: Sadsak Slinky Video

Targets where?: Shaft of penis (Mainly the middle of the shaft)
Risk of injury involved: Extremely High
Erection level to perform: High
Basic steps to perform:


I’m just wondering why is this in the newbie forum? If you’ve been doing PE since Sept. of ‘07, you may be ready for sasaks or horse squeezes, but a newbie is asking for trouble with those exercises. Jelqs aren’t the quickest way to girth gains, but they do work and are much safer for at least the first three months of your PE “career”.

Look into clamping, it seems to be working wonders for a lot of people and the post-clamping gives you a few hours of enlarged girth for the ladies if anything is occurring at night *wink* *wink*

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I’m just wondering why is this in the newbie forum? If you’ve been doing PE since Sept. of ‘07, you may be ready for sasaks or horse squeezes, but a newbie is asking for trouble with those exercises. Jelqs aren’t the quickest way to girth gains, but they do work and are much safer for at least the first three months of your PE “career”.

I guess you have a point there. I thought that I would be helping newbies out by making a compilation without even thinking that newbies shouldnt be doing most of the girth exercises. I joined this website in September 2007, I have been PE’ing for about 1.5 years.

Could a moderator please move this to the Members section please?

“Look into clamping, it seems to be working wonders for a lot of people and the post-clamping gives you a few hours of enlarged girth for the ladies if anything is occurring at night *wink* *wink*”

I’ll definately take some time to read up a bit on clamping. I have heard of the discolourations it may cause so I never really gave it much thought. However I have been coming across a lot of people who have made great gains with clamping so I will take a second look now.

Can anyone tell me what that man’s measurements are in the video?

So.basically, there are no low to moderate risk exercises for girth, eh?

What about pumping? Haven’t tried it myself but have read here on the board that it can be good for increasing girth. Of course you have to buy a pump but it seems less risky than say clamping or horses.

Last edited by JerseyDevil80 : 08-12-2008 at .

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I’m just wondering why is this in the newbie forum?

Because of his low post count.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

How about Uli & Uli extreme?

Try pumping in combination with Uli and Pinch Jelq, in a one-hour-workout. I have tried yesterday after reading “Stevie’s Favorites” thread and today I feel and see my unit really huge, also in flaccid size. I think that those are exercises that really increase girth. Try and give your feedback.

I want more. For myself only.

Jimmy those our temporary. You gave your penis a hard workout.

A 7 year old thread. He probably won’t see this.

Originally Posted by Meekie57
Jimmy those our temporary. You gave your penis a hard workout.

He could be called Michelle by now.

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