Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Long time no-gainer finally gained!


Long time no-gainer finally gained!

The first day of november was my measuring day and it is now official: After two years of PE I have finally gained length! I have always measured slightly under 20 cm (7.87) EBPL but now I´m clearly above 21 cm (8.27). I knew just by looking at my dick that something had changed down there, but it feels soooo good to have it confirmed by the ruler…

This is my PE-story in short: For two years I have jelqed, stretched, and squeezed with no gains at all lengthwise. I even made a hanger without getting any results. Obviously I was doing something wrong so I kept experimenting, reading the boards, and asking questions and finally things started to change.

It began with Johan´s AI-stretches I think. He and the other guys that had some success with those stretches made me think of stretching in terms of “bursts” instead of those static long stretches that I´ve always been doing.

If the JAI:s was my first revelation, the DLD blaster was definitly my next revelation. Like many others I do some variation of the original DLD blaster. The important thing about them (at least for me) seems to be the kegel-release kegel thing. Working the PC-muscle while stretching somehow made me finally get in contact with the ligs and now it feels like the sky is the limit… :-)

My current routine is very simple: I do 10-20 minutes of stretching in the AM and 10-20 minutes in the PM. I try to do this every day if I have the privacy. That´s it. I do some occasional jelqing and Horse squeezes too, but not much. I´m happy with my girth so I do these just because they feel good.

Ok, I now that my gains are not that impressive, but the important thing is that they finally came and that I´ve reached my goal: having over 8 inches EBPL.

So what´s next? Well, I read somewhere that only 1% of all men are over 22cm (8.66) EBPL. I don´t know if that´s true (it might be more like 5 or 10%) but it´s a nice goal to go for; being a “one-percentage guy”… :-)

I would like to thank everyone at PEforum and Thunder´s place (sounds like the academy awards, doesn´t it?) that has helped me by posting interesting stuff for me to read, answering questions and being just good helpful guys. From the top of my head I would especially like to mention DLD, Johan, hobby, memento, 2in2002, Bib, Horse and [your name here]. I probably forgot someone, but it´s the community of accumulated PE-knowledge that counts and you´re all part of that.

Thank you.


Congratulations sizemoore!

That’s awesome man. Must have been an overwhelming feeling when the ruler went further than ever before. I also admire your persistance not giving up at any point during two long years! I think You’ll be among those 1% men in no time, wtg.

Keep Gaining! :jelq:

A Man behind his mask.

Congrats sizemoore

I think that’s a big gain. Did you gain anything at all in girth during these 2 years?

The DLD blaster variation you do still consists of a long stretch, or did you modify it to be in short “bursts” like the JAI stretches?


Great going, you should post the routine that has worked for you


It was an amazing feeling seeing the tip of my head parallel/slightly passed the 21 cm mark on the ruler. Then you start to doubt your measurment so I measured again…and again and again. It was still there. Truly an amazing experience.

As for my persistence, well, I think I was helped by the fact that I was already satisfied with my natural size. PE has always been something “extra” for me, the icing of my sexual cake so to speak. Being above average pre-PE has given me some kind of comfort in this exciting adventure we call PE, so I have never been desperate about gaining. But on the other hand, if I know it can be done, I´m going to try.

Having said that I have been PEing for two years sounds like much, but I haven´t been working my dick 24/7 for two years. I´m a lazy person and I don´t think I could ever invest the same amount of time in PE as some of the really tough guys, like Bib and DLD.

I don´t know if I have gained any girth during these two years. I probably have gained some, but I was always pretty content with girth so I never measured that.

Dino and Braker,
here´s my routine. I still experiment so don´t take this as etched in stone.

1. “warmup”: about 100 kegels while stretching straight up.

2. OK-grip behind the head (I´m uncut), then stretch straight down.

3. When at or close to max stretch I do a 1-2 seconds long kegel.

4. Release kegel and try to stretch it a bit more for about 5-10 seconds. I sometimes try to do a reverse kegel but I can´t seem to get it right everytime.

5. 1-2 seconds kegel again. Sometimes I also release the stretch a little bit here.

Repeat. It´s basically: stretch-kegel-release kegel-stretch-kegel and so on. I do a few of these then I relase the grip, slap/massage the dick a bit and then I do another “set”. The hard stretches (while relaxing from the kegel) are what I call “bursts”, but sometimes I keep my dick fairly hard stretched while during the kegel phase too.

As for girth I don´t do much. I don´t jelq regulary anymore, just when I feel like it. I do horse squeezes a couple of times a week just because it´s a thrill to see that insane swelling. They are not part of a serious girth routine though.

I´m running out of time here, but keep asking if I´m unclear on something.

Have a good one.


Thanks sizemoore

Just let me make sure I got you: so you do keep your stretch for long periods, rather than 2 sec. stretch like the JAI stretch, but you would sometimes release the stretch just a little bit during the kegels, right?

I think this is great stuff generally. I’ve been experimenting with jai stretches and kegeling but without the reverse kegel because I’m afraid of injury because if you pull too hard, and you are inhibiting the pc’s contraction ability by reverse kegaling an exhausted pc, you could tear something.

I’ve been doing three second jai stretches with three second pauses in between. On the pauses, I kegal for three seconds. This seems to tire the pc allowing a much greater stretch when I then do the next stretch. I’ve never tried kegaling a stretch as that seems counter productive but I have heard of many that do it.

Anyhow, the exhausting of the pc in between the three second stretches really allows you to stretch the hell out of the thing.

exactly. I keep my dick stretched during this whole thing, but it is not stretched with the same force all the time. The bursts (or whatever you like to call it) is when I try to stretch hard for about 5-10 seconds. Then I back off a bit on the stretch force when I do the kegel, but I still keep the OK-grip and I still keep my dick under a bit tension.

my theory considering the whole kegel/stretch-thingy is that it is not only the exhausting of the pc that makes stretches better, but the very pc-squeeze-release pc-squeeze action that is the key.

Back in my pre-gain days (finally I have pre-gain days!) I used to do static stretches in all imaginable angles. As you know, this gave me no results. I think one of the reasons for that is that I never knew what level of contraction my pc was in; maybe I made a long static slight kegel without noticing it, maybe I wasn´t, who knows? But with the kegel-relase kegel I can control the pc tension and that somehow is good for the stretches.

I see it like all those weird muscle pains/tensions in back, shoulder and neck that you can get from sitting in front of the computer too much. You don´t really notice that you are contracting and building up tension, but after some time you begin to feel the painful result of this. On the other hand, imagine the feel of relaxation in a muscle when you release after you have flexed it. Flexing and releasing a muscle is to me pretty much an On- Off-thing: On->Tension, hard. Off->Relaxed, soft. It´s very 1-0.

My guess is that many of those who has been successful in stretching their dicks is controlling this On-Off thing without noticing it (for different reasons). Others, like myself, has to do it conciously.

I hope I made some sense… :-)


YAY…this is wonderful news

oh I gave you a 5 star rating too!

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Congratulations, Sizemoore. I can imagine how elated you feel after two whole years of frustration. And you didn’t barely eek out a 1/16” or so - you reeled out a full .4”. Amazing!


Congrats man! Your perserverance is truly amazing- I am glad you finally found something that works for you. I started experimenting with the kegel/ stretch stuff before my surgery when DLD was first starting to work on it in early October and I could tell then that he was onto something- plus it was what I was researching at the time for a post I have been working on for a month or so and the research was supporting the practical outcomes he was having.

I can’t wait until I am healed up enough to hang and do these exercises, as I think that is where the greatest potential for these will be. While I am healing I hope to finish this f*#king post on all the research I have done- I think you will find it interesting in that it supports DLDs’ experiments :) I am really happy for you, man- been a long time coming.

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

Re: sizemoore

Originally posted by 2in2002
I started experimenting with the kegel/ stretch stuff before my surgery when DLD was first starting to work on it in early October and I could tell then that he was onto something- plus it was what I was researching at the time for a post I have been working on for a month or so and the research was supporting the practical outcomes he was having.

*confused* what surgery?

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


I am recovering from an inguinal hernia surgery that is non-PE related. I went to the doctor for a follow-up last week and he told me to give it another 2-3 weeks before exercising, so I will simply put the word “hanging” in place of the “word” exercising and get back in my Bib right around Thanksgiving. In the meantime I am pumping and doing light jelqing. I am also trying to stay away from Jens’ pics, as it will make me want to do more than I should be doing right now :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


Thanks for the support, the stars and the gains.

I guess my .4 is the famous fast-and-big-intial-gain-for-the-noobs. Ok, I´ve been at it for 2 years but haven´t been doing too much right, so I guess I´m still a newbie in some sense. *hoping for more*

I´m looking forward to that magnum opus of yours - have you found some scientific stuff backing up the kegel-stretch combo?

Hope you heal up fast,



Originally posted by 2in2002
I am recovering from an inguinal hernia surgery that is non-PE related. I went to the doctor for a follow-up last week and he told me to give it another 2-3 weeks before exercising, so I will simply put the word “hanging” in place of the “word” exercising and get back in my Bib right around Thanksgiving. In the meantime I am pumping and doing light jelqing. I am also trying to stay away from Jens' pics, as it will make me want to do more than I should be doing right now :)

Wow…my best to you for a speedy recovery…and yes stay away from the Jennifer pictures for now!

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

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