Long time no-gainer finally gained!
The first day of november was my measuring day and it is now official: After two years of PE I have finally gained length! I have always measured slightly under 20 cm (7.87) EBPL but now I´m clearly above 21 cm (8.27). I knew just by looking at my dick that something had changed down there, but it feels soooo good to have it confirmed by the ruler…
This is my PE-story in short: For two years I have jelqed, stretched, and squeezed with no gains at all lengthwise. I even made a hanger without getting any results. Obviously I was doing something wrong so I kept experimenting, reading the boards, and asking questions and finally things started to change.
It began with Johan´s AI-stretches I think. He and the other guys that had some success with those stretches made me think of stretching in terms of “bursts” instead of those static long stretches that I´ve always been doing.
If the JAI:s was my first revelation, the DLD blaster was definitly my next revelation. Like many others I do some variation of the original DLD blaster. The important thing about them (at least for me) seems to be the kegel-release kegel thing. Working the PC-muscle while stretching somehow made me finally get in contact with the ligs and now it feels like the sky is the limit… :-)
My current routine is very simple: I do 10-20 minutes of stretching in the AM and 10-20 minutes in the PM. I try to do this every day if I have the privacy. That´s it. I do some occasional jelqing and Horse squeezes too, but not much. I´m happy with my girth so I do these just because they feel good.
Ok, I now that my gains are not that impressive, but the important thing is that they finally came and that I´ve reached my goal: having over 8 inches EBPL.
So what´s next? Well, I read somewhere that only 1% of all men are over 22cm (8.66) EBPL. I don´t know if that´s true (it might be more like 5 or 10%) but it´s a nice goal to go for; being a “one-percentage guy”… :-)
I would like to thank everyone at PEforum and Thunder´s place (sounds like the academy awards, doesn´t it?) that has helped me by posting interesting stuff for me to read, answering questions and being just good helpful guys. From the top of my head I would especially like to mention DLD, Johan, hobby, memento, 2in2002, Bib, Horse and [your name here]. I probably forgot someone, but it´s the community of accumulated PE-knowledge that counts and you´re all part of that.
Thank you.