Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Looking for big length gains


Sorry for bringing this really old thread back to life, but has anyone else had success with the routine RB is describing? I switched to that routine a week ago and I get all the positive ‘penis signals/feedback’ such as increased plumpness after each session and better EQ.

Sizeman, you and I are pretty much in the same boat. I’ve been a half-hearted PE’er for a while, but just decided to get serious about it again a week or so ago. I’ve experienced the same things as you. Let’s stay in touch and encourage each other.

Perhaps you should research RB.

His post stating a 3+” gain, was posted when he had only been a member for ~21/2 months (February 2003, joined Dec 2002).

If you go to the PE Data site, and look up his numbers, it shows the 3.5” gain between Jan 2003 & June 2003, 4 months after the post where he claimed the 3+” gain in this thread. It states RB gained 3.5” in 6 Months .

The only problem is that he claimed a 3+” gain in Feb 2003 in this thread, before the gain was complete, based on his own reporting on the PE Data site.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

That is pretty weird. Of course, it could be the case that he made those inputs in the PE data site much later just to test the possibility when he didn’t have the exact measurements and dates available, couldn’t it?

Or it could be that he was talking out of his arse.

I will echo what Ben1966 said, those posts from ‘03 are questionable and the results claimed are implausible.

Big to bigger.

I’ve been going through some of RB’s previous posts and back in 2004 loads of mods knew him (not real life of course) and believed him it seems, including Bib. But has anyone else tried such a schedule? 6 times a day a 5 min?

Or at least a routing that consists of spreading out short sessions throughout the day. All the ‘mainstream’ routines I’ve read about advocates once a day or maximum twice a day, but doesn’t mention the possibility of doing it many times with small sessions.

That would be good to get some actual feedback on multiple short routines. When you think about it, it would seem to make sense if you stay plumper through out the day with multiple short sessions it would better promote grow. Seems to make sense anyway. I don’t like to experiment personally because I hate losing time away from things I know are proven.

RB is full of shit. Use your common sense!

“I gained 5 inches of girth by slamming my penis in a door! go try it.”

I mean come on…

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can


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