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Looking for big length gains


Looking for big length gains

I am a new member to this forum and find it quite interesting. I am also new to the PE scene. I was skeptical about prior claims, until coming to this site. Some of the members have impressive length gains through dedicated workout routines. I’m sure a lot of people (myself included) cannot conduct the workout regimen due to their job and their workplace setting. I came across the Danish web site that sells the jes-extender. It is a traction device (spring activated) that can be worn inconspicuously beneath baggy clothing. Therefore allowing people to wear it to work. Is anyone currently using this device? The long wearing times (min 12 hours), I think, would surely yield some impressive results if worn on a daily basis for 12 to 16 months. The manufacture claims clinical tests showed the average patient in the test group gained 1.9 mm per week once maximum tractive force was achieved. (The clinical test ran for 24 weeks). Maximum tractive force was achieved starting week three. That works out to be 95 mm per year, (1.9mm per/wk X 50weeks = 95mm). Divide 95mm by 25.4mm and you come up with 3.74 inches per year. Pretty impressive. Once again that is based on wearing the device everyday for a minimum of 12 hours at a time.

I have a Power Jelq device on order and plan to start my PE program upon its arrival.
Initially my goal was to achieve 9 inch bone pressed erect length and a 7 inch girth. But after visiting this site and reading DLD and Bibs achievements in length I am wondering if I could break the 10 inch barrier and end up in the range of 7.5 to 8 inch girth? I would try to achieve these results with a combination of hand exercises the power jelq and the jes-extender. I would like to achieve the 9X7 by the end of Dec. 2003. Break the 10X 7.5inch range by August 2004. These dates are assuming a March 1, 2003 start date.

My current stats:
Height: 6ft 4in
Weight: 182 lbs.
BPE: 6.75 inches
Erect Girth: 5.875

What to you experienced PE people think of my goals based on my current stats and methods of achieving them? Any suggestions or directions are greatly appreciated.

VS, great goals. I wish I could help more on this stuff but I don’t know alot about the gadgets. One think I think that would be a wonderful suppliment to make these goals is perhaps a daily set of Blasters to help make you length goals. The Blasters will also work on your PC muscle too which will be important to supporting these goals. If time is the issue or privacy maybe do them first thing in the morning, get up 20 minutes earlier. I think this may make a huge impact in your routine. Good luck and welcome to the best forum on the net.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


my experience (copy of my older posting)

the first days i had big problem because of the noose. it was painful like hell, so i had to remove it every 15 min., to do some jelqing and to reapply the jes extender.

what helped me a lot was not to stretch too much during the first weeks, i.e. just use a length that for no or only little pull was applied to my tool for getting used to this “instrument”.

then, skin was becoming thicker there and now i can wear it for 2 to 3 hours without pain. to avoid that the silicon tube slips away i use a lot of baby powder (which also helps to keep the skin smooth and fine).

so what happened: the first year i could screw the jes every couple of weeks a little bit more and i gained flaccid and erect length. these last months i still can screw the jes, i.e. i still gain maximum stretched flaccid length (now about 19 cm) but these gains are not translated into “standard” erect or flaccid gains.

I am still waiting for some more gains…

sorry for my poor English. as you can see in my user name i’m Swiss.

So far I havent seen any proof from personal experience or otherwise that most of these gadgets actually work. Your best bet is to find 30 minutes a day (ANYONE CAN DO THAT) and develop your own PE routine. You’ll get better results, spend a LOT less money, and go through a lot less frustration in the long run. You WONT get gains being lazy. In other words by putting your time and faith into some magic pill or gadget.

I think manual exercises would be your best bet overall. Atleast with manual exercises you have complete control of how effecient the exercises are.

I would set up my own manual routine and use the Extender to wear as an added bonus when you have the time, if you already have it.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

If you must use an all day gadgets, check the ADS (search button, upper right) It is free, easy to use, and seems to do exactly what the expensive ones do. BUT… the guys here at Thunder’s will not bull sh*t you… you still need to do a PE routine, then wear the ADS after your workout.

All of the guys that have gotten the kind of gains you are looking for have dedicated vast amounts of time and effort into PE, and IMHO, had the potential for big gains to start with.

halfassed PEing = probably no gains…possibly some gains
hardcore PEing = some gain……………possibly big gains

To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever posted here that they got a bigger unit from an all day devise and no PEing. I don’t believe that you will grow 3+”s in one year from wearing that thing. 2.25 inches in 10 months is possible…IF you are one of the lucky few that can grow that fast, and IF you dedicate the kind of time and effort that Bib and DLD have. Read up on either of these guys and you will find that they restructured their entire lives around PEing. Best of luck and keep us posted.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I gained over 3” in less than a year using only the hands God gave me, 30 minutes or less a day :)

Before I plunked down the cabbage they want for that thing, I sure as hell would try manual methods for a few months…

Testify my brotha RB! YESAA!! See, like he said try manual exercises first. Especially the DLD Blasters and “A” stretches.

Originally posted by Stillwantmore22
Testify my brotha RB! YESAA!!

…go on my brotha

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Vitual Seducer, I say go for what you think will work for you. I have the Power Jelq device and the Bib. they have worked for me. I’m currently at 8” nbp. but I have really dedicated myself to PE, 2 hrs a day. So if you think that’s is what will help motivate you and you have the cash do it. cause no one can do it for you.

this shit really does work, if you believe.

Originally posted by jojo
this shit really does work, if you believe.

Words to live by…

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

>>I gained over 3” in less than a year using only the hands
God gave me, 30 minutes or less a day <<

Thats incredible RB. What was your routine like?

First 7-8 months, dry jelqing and squeezing, very minimal manual stretching, for 30 minutes a day, broken into 6 5 minute sessions done throughout the day at work in the restroom. No hot wraps or other warm ups…

Plus, I wanted a big dick so bad I put my heart and sole into every stroke, visualizing an enormous penis protruding between my legs… :)

Plus, I wanted a big dick so bad I put my heart and sole into every stroke, visualizing an enormous penis protruding between my legs… :)

I’ve been wanting one since I was in college.

Thanks all for the advice. RB- thanks for your routine. Quite impressive. Jojo- when did you start pe and what has been your total gain so far to date?


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