Thunder's Place

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lost 0,22" girth!! help!

lost 0,22" girth!! help!

-01-05-05 I started with clamping. Girth was 5,75 while clamped
-02-18-05 I measured myself again. Girth was 6,0 while clamped
-04-04-05 I measured myself again. Girth was 5,78 while clamped

This really sucks. Two weeks ago I started jelqing right after a (3 sets) clamping session. I thought clamping will make the cells more “open” so jelqing will be more effective. Anyways, the statistics does bad things for my motivation, but I really don’t wanna quit. I’m someone who tries a lot of new things: different routines, schedules, exercises etc, but maybe not for long enough to get reliable feedback information.
Maybe my jelqing right after clamping is a good thing and I must stick longer to that routine, maybe it’s a waste of time (and a waste of girth to). IT’S SO FRUSTRATING

Are there people who can give me some good advise, what to do?
thank you guys

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

The clamping only vs. clamping/jelqing has long been a thorn in my brain.

My advice to you is stop and think; take a 3-5 day break, perhaps.

How long do your clamping sets last?

Instead of doing 3 sets, why not change the 2nd set to a set of jelqing?
Maybe you overtrained?

If this is supposed to be advice, why do all my sentences end in “?” ?
That is because I would like to know what to do too.


From my experience girth gains come and go whereas lenght gains seem to be more stable.
Nothing to worry about.



Measurements while clamped are likely to vary slightly depending on the effectiveness of your workout. Some days you might have a bad ass workout and get past 6”, others you may not be so motivated, your dick may not be as warm, you may not squeeze as hard - whatever. Measure after two days of rest, and then you’ll get consistent measurements.

You do a 3 set clamping session and then follow that with jelqing? If your penis had a gun it would have probably shot you by now. It could be, and this is just a thought, that you are overdoing it just a bit. When I do 3 sets of clamping, that is all I do. I jelq in the morning and clamp right before I go to bed. I don’t know if I could do it all in one sitting. Try breaking thos up and see what happens. Also, I would recommend setting a routine and sticking to it for a while. Hope this helps. Good luck to you.


Thank you guys,

When I started with PE (several years ago), Kevin (a guy who is on this forum also) gave me the advice to measure not to often. I think that it is a good advice for me so my motivation will not be killed.

But, then you won’t find out if a routine is effective or not…

1) Are there people who combines jelqing and clamping? If so; in what type of routine?
2) I concentrate on girth, but is 2 or 3 sets clamping + 30 minutes jelqing 5 times a week, simply to much? I know everyone is different and PE reacts different on people…..
3) Which kind of indicators are there to see / feel if the penis healed good enough in the 24 hours time-pad?



GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

Thanks for your thoughts on this, RoomToGrow

There are two reasons I started jelqing after clamping:

1) I wanted more girth, and thought I must work on it more intensively
2) After a month of only clamping, I discovered less erections during the day. Since I started jelqing after clamping, that’s been improved….

You spit the exercises. That’s sounds interesting. But, when you clamp just before you go to bed, your penis has not been healed for 100% (I think). I’ve read that a guy (I don’t know his name unfortunately) had a theory that working out when your dick is not totally healed, is a good thing, because the dick don’t gets the time to strengthen it selves which leads to a penis of a newby (with newby gains).

It is cool to see that you follow a routine that suits his theory! For how long did you follow it now? What were the results so far?

thank you people. I love this site!!

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

Hey vanloon,

I think the working out while not being totally recovered works for length but not so good for girth. That’s just my opinion though.

I only clamp every other day. I jelq every day. I am currently on a week or so break because of a small thrombosed vein I started to notice. The odd thing is that after about 2 days of complete rest my girth felt and looked thicker. And when me and Mrs RTG had sex two nights ago (also after about 2-3 days of complete rest) she commented that it felt huge. She also had an orgasm to end all orgasms. She started shaking, squirming, and screaming uncontrollably. It was awesome! :thumbs: I haven’t measured yet but I would be willing to put money on the fact that I have gained. All of my gains so far have come after I started clamping. So far I’ve gained 1/8 in both length and girth. I’ve been clamping for a month now.

Because of my experience of the past couple of days, I am starting to believe that for me to promote good girth gains I need sufficient rest. What I am planning on doing (after my injury break) is starting a new routine schedule. I am going to clamp MWF, and jelq M-F. That way I have Saturday and Sunday to heal before I satart again. I will also have Tues and Thurs to get a little rest seeing that I will only be jelqing on those days. We’ll see what happens.


You going to clamp MWF, and jelq M-F.

It sounds like a good idea. I will do that routine also the next two months (or longer if it does good things). Jelqing before sleep and clamping in the morning right?
Do you also stretch or hang?


GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

Originally Posted by vanloon
Kevin… gave me the advice to measure not to often. I think that it is a good advice for me so my motivation will not be killed.


I measure every morning in the same way. This way I get higher accuracy (by averaging over a few days) and I can see trends. Yes, there are day-to-day fluctuations, and a retraction always bums me out. However, if you only measure once a month, happen to first do it on a good day, next time on a bad day, then the motivation will *really* plummet.

Similar to you, I got less vigor in my erections after adding a device (a vacuum pump, in my case). After easing off for the last five days, I suddenly had a thunderous erection yesterday, with a new record length.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Originally Posted by vanloon
You going to clamp MWF, and jelq M-F.

It sounds like a good idea. I will do that routine also the next two months (or longer if it does good things). Jelqing before sleep and clamping in the morning right?
Do you also stretch or hang?


I usually Jelq in the morning and clamp at night. My only reasoning is because I jelq during my shower, and clamp after the wifey goes to bed. (putting a cable clamp on my penis gives her the “willies” :) ) You could do it the other way. Keep me updated on how things go and I’ll do the same.

Yes I do stretch every day. I usually do 2 or 3 15 minute sessions depending on the time I have. However, I am not looking to add a lot of length because my wife is pretty shallow.


The best way to measure truthfully is to wait a few days after a workout, rather than measure right after one. After all, we’re not trying to measure how puffed up we get after a workout, but how big we are without being artificially pumped up.

Also, you will get more consistent measurements this way, NOT dependent on how hard you worked out.

I have 5.5 girth after an intense workout, but under 5.25 with a regular erection, no jelqing or clamping. So I use a 5.2 figure as the real one in my stats.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics


You need not to measure so much, I measure girth about twice a year now maybe three times max.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Losing girth fucking sucks man. I hope that never happens to me. If anyone has ideas of how to prevent this I’d be interested in knowing. How often do you guys suggest taking 1-day breaks? Maybe that’s a factor. I’ve been thinking about randomly throwing them in there. Some weeks I’ll take 2-3 breaks, some weeks I’ll take none. It’s a kind of strategy used for growing plants. You don’t want them to get accustomed to any particular schedule. Surprise them! They’re shocked this way and the theory is that it induces attention/growth. Similar idea as acupuncture.


Originally Posted by Dino9X7

You need not to measure so much, I measure girth about twice a year now maybe three times max.

Amen. I’ve measured twice since my start back in December. Once just before starting and once a couple weeks ago. I rather get my “measurements” from my wife’s reactions (which are more satisfying to me than just a number)

Originally Posted by thatthickunit
I’ve been thinking about randomly throwing them in there. Some weeks I’ll take 2-3 breaks, some weeks I’ll take none. It’s a kind of strategy used for growing plants. You don’t want them to get accustomed to any particular schedule. Surprise them! They’re shocked this way and the theory is that it induces attention/growth. Similar idea as acupuncture.

I see more and more guys buying into this method. Let me ask you, not to be a smart ass, but because maybe I don’t understand. How the hell do you know what works for you if you constantly change what you are doing?

Set a routine and stick to it until it stops (or doesn’t start) working for you. Once you see no gains, then switch things up. Change is good for breaking a plateau, but not a great routine, IMHO.


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