lot problem
Hey guys, I have read all the threads on LOT, for the most part all of their posts, but I seem to have a problem.
I do not have a Loss of tugback. I have read and re-read all the stuff about LOT, and I’m pretty confident that I am doing it correct, but I have no loss of tugback. All angles, straight up to like all the way down, I it always tugs back.
Does this mean that my ligs are VERY tight and that I should get LOTS of lig gains? Or that they are too tough so that I should forget about focusing on lig gains? Maybie I’m a freak, and should be put in jail? Heh, I always wondered why my penis was the way it is, cause I recall seing my father when I was young, and he was very big, and I have a naturally decent girth ( 5 inch girth, with no gains in the little over month of PE soo far) but only like 5.9-6” length, maybie my ligs are holding me back?