Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


There’s been some work on that. Here’s one paper:

Accumulation or production of arsenobetaine in humans?

>As in your body. It’s one of those minerals that’s always trouble.<

Like hydrogen. Highly explosive. Maybe the breakdown of water in the body explains spontaneous combustion ? ;)

You know what they say “water doesn’t kill people, people drinking water kills people”.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

betaine is trimethylglycine it’s perfectly safe but arsenic is toxic so arsenobetaine is toxic.

Arsenobetaine - Wikipedia

All toxins are relative :)

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Damn, I forgot that one. Classic hydrogen poisoning. Actually, the venous leakage that water poisoning causes (venous leakage alone sounds bad, right?) is pretty bad. The swelling of intracranial cells and the resulting coma / death is even worse.

So, never use excessive water as lubricant guys!

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

Originally Posted by Surferdude1234
Good call dude.. I use Jojoba oil but it’s expensive

I’m surprised that Jojoba Oil was only mentioned once in this thread. I use it after showering, for jelqing and jerking off. My dick seems to love it and the best is - even after 24 hours and sweating - no smell.

I use Jojoba Oil by Primavera - a bottle for about 17 Euro lasts longer than one month.

(22.4 KB, 41 views)

What if you increase your precum ? I think it’s the best lubricant ever

I use leach oil.

It is the best.

I think PE is NOT only PE, This is a lesson to be patient and perseverance

Any opinions on almond massage oil for jelquing. I have been using it for almost a month and like it.

Starting BPEL 6 3/4" x EG 5 3/8"

Working on 10% increase :<]

Current BPEL 7 1/16" x EG 5 1/2"


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