Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I’ve been using petroleum jelly mixed with baby oil and it seems like the perfect mix but it’s messy. I’ve used lotion in the past but it seems to dry out rather quickly. Can you guys recommend a lubricant for me that’s not messy and washes out with water? Thanks for the info in advance. Litl Willy

lil willy

I use a cheap vit e oil the cheap ones are a lot thinner than the good ones and easy to clean up. I buy it from rite aid or kmart. k-y jelly works good feels a little to good makes be want to cum not PE also you have to keep adding water so it doesn’t dry out.


Originally posted by dino775
lil willy

I use a cheap vit e oil the cheap ones are a lot thinner than the good ones and easy to clean up. I buy it from rite aid or kmart. k-y jelly works good feels a little to good makes be want to cum not PE also you have to keep adding water so it doesn't dry out.


Thanks Dino, I’ll get some today.

udder balm

has anyone tried udder balm? just curious.

life is short, enjoy it while you can at Thunders Place.


Guys, Vit E oil is very thick (at least what they sell in the UK) and not cheap, but if you mix it with Sweet Almond Oil (which doesn’t smell sweet - don’t worry!) about 50/50 you get good lube. It works very well indeed and also will nourish your willy’s skin and help it adjust to the extra stretching. Its viscosity is maintained throughout the PE session, too.

If you want, you could add a couple of drops of essential oil - a masculine one like Sandalwood, for example. I don’t, personally, but it would be nice, probably.

Peace to all



the one I get is mixed with, safflower and sesame oil it’s very thin and it’s about 3 dollars for 4oz bottle, last about a week and a half. Like you said the good ones are thick and very expensive.


snake balm

I used snake balm last night with my pe program… I dabbed a bit on my hand, mixed it with vaseline and applied it to my johnson… wow.,.. I was engorged like never before… snake balm also helps in the repair process as it sooths and helps heal soreness… etc,etc… it can be purchased at any walgreen’s or cvc and it costs about 5 dollars

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Hey Going Deep is snake balm like tiger balm sold in Asia. Some type of sotthing soreness remover. Think bengay but different? I have never heard of it before.

sorry.. the name is tiger balm… where the hell did I get snake from… maybe because I want my penis to look like a big snake… a!

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Bag Balm (udder balm) works pretty good, if you mix it with a little water or cooking oil. But I’ve got to advise against it, it is a real mother to clean up, even a nice soapy shower usually does not get all of it off!

cool, i knew i heard of something like that before. glad i am on the same wave length. thanks

I use plain ol cooking oil.(canola) Washes up easy for me. Hot water and soap.

Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

I never thought of applying tiger balm afterwards….. but I dunno what the stuff is like that you’ve got but the jar we have is so damn potent I thin ki’d be too scared to put much on to begin with… a tiny dot on the shaft or somthing to see if it doesn’t burn a hole in the skin first heheh

Vitamin E in lotions and oils etc.

Awhile ago I’ve read (can’t remember the url :( ) that there are
usually two different kind of vitamin E which are used in lotions: one, which is mostly found in the more expensive lotions, and is proven to have a positive effect, and another type which is found in a lot of lotions which has no real effect what so ever.
Does anyone have more info about this ?

What about smell ? What’s a good lubricant with a non existing odor ?



My favorite lubricant for manual jelq exercises is a product called Albolene. Albolene is an oil-based facial cleanser that contains mineral oil and parrafin. It comes unscented and is long-lasting. It is sold in the cosmetics section of the drugstore or supermarket with the facial cleansers. You’ll have to look around for it, not everyone carries it.

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