Try mixing a very small amount of peppermint oil into your chosen lube. Its very intense and gives excellent circulation. Only a few drops though as its very strong stuff.
What I am going to try out is something called deep heat, which is used on injuries. Once, I had a knee injury and aplied some of this ointment to it. Within a couple of minutes the whole thing fealt like it had been incased in a steaming hot towel, and the agony of the injury totaly disappeared, until I couldn’t even feal my knee at all. Just the heat. I have to say It was a very intense but nice experiense.
It will clearly have to be dileted down a few times, into another lube. So as not lumb your penis, but still get an intense warmth and pump.
I will try it out when I am recovered from my extender injury, but if anyone desides to try it, can you let us know what your verdict is.
The products name is deap heat, but it might be called something other than that ,outside England.