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manual stretch grip technique?

manual stretch grip technique?


I’ve been PEing for about 6 months now, and hanging for the last 2 months. I normally hung BTC twice a day while at work, but due to some changes I do not have enough time for that anymore. I felt I was getting a pretty good working hanging, I ended up gaining about .5 BPEL. But I never really felt any soreness from it.

So my new routine is to do four sets of 10-15min manual stretches during the day. I am simply standing up and stretching down. I feel like I am getting such a better workout, I am getting lig soreness for the first time. Although, the soreness only lasts about 30 minutes.

The problem I’m having is getting a good grip. I tried various grips and I have found a few that allow me to get a really good workout with minimal discomfort… but towards the end of my 10-15min workout, I find it harder to hold on and the area I am gripping starts getting sore.

I have tried wrapping with Thermaband and toilet paper but both ended up causing greater discomfort. Does anyone have any opinions on what to grip with when manual stretching?

Also, any opinions on my routine of four sets of 10-15min manual stretches? I am currently holding the stretches for about a minute or two each.

I Love Baby Powder. The grip is incredible.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Dont hold the stretches for a min or two, I would say 30 sec MAX, some people say 10 sec max. This allows you to be more intense, also your pc muscle has a kick back so after a few seconds, you arent really stretching as much. Look for the JAI thread.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Here’s the

JAI’s thread.

The grip illustrated in that link always hurts my dick and I never feel a good stretch from it. I usually grip the head like a rip cord on a lawnmower… thumb behind glans, glans between index and middle fingers…seems to work. I use baby powder too, works excellent.

JAI stretches seem to be of an opposite philosophy to the DLD Blaster technique, where you’re holding a static stretch for a while…. has anyone tried both and can compare effectiveness? I’ve had satisfactory results from DLD’s method…either one works, right?

I use an overhand grip with my thumb under the shaft and behind the glans, and the glans nestled between my middle and ring finger. I was using baby powder, but I’ve found that a paper towel (regular white kind on a role) torn into four equal squares, use one between your hand and prick, works just as well for me without the mess or smell.

i use a duster, not like a feather duster but a thin piece of material, the best part is i can leave it in my room and it look totally innocent.


Shooting for 9"

I stretch BTC and I allways stretch back as far as possible and then close my thighs and let the hand rest on the cheeks. The only thing you need to worry about then is to hold the grip but you can use the other hand to support with

Is it a missile in my pants or am I just happy to see you?

I’m not understanding something right here….

Its good to hang for 15-20min, but not to stretch for a straight 15-20min? If the PC muscle is “kicking back”, then wouldnt hanging for 15-20min be counterproductive as well?

The past few days I would manually do 10-15 stretches for a duration of 1-2 minutes each and felt a really good stretch and immediately afterwards my unit had that freshly stretched appearance, indicating that the workout was a success. (I know micro-tearing is what we are going for, not stretching)

Well today I decided to take the suggestions and do 3 sets of 20 JAI stretches for a duration of 2 seconds each, over a period of 4 hours and felt a similiar but weaker stretch than I felt the other day while doing the workout. However, since the workout appeared to be alot less intense, and my unit looked almost identical to the way it did before the workout, I’m not sure that it was a success.

Based on my experiences, I would say that the longer stretches were more effective.

Any opinions on the effectiveness of static/long stretching vs JAI/short stretching?

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