Max girth increase:
*tug passes cigars around*
Today I was able to Uli to a shade under 6” girth. My max girth formula includes doing some seriously hardcore UIis/Jelqs for around 10-15 mins, then spending another 30-45mins maintaining pretty strong and CONSTANT pressure with a good, strong (but not my-dick-is-going-to-burst, strong) Uli.
Although my erect girth is not going to be at 6” yet, it certainly is a prelude of things to come. At the start of my workout, I could only Uli to my usual 5.6”. At this very moment, my max Uli is about 6” (no chance of erroneous ‘gains’ due to measurement).
The difference between a 5.5” and a 6” is astonishing. My dick feels heavy and v/ thick in my hands. It also looks very thick and even ‘appears’ longer than it was before the exercises. I’m already contemplating setting a new goal to 6.25” but YGuy’s stories may keep me at an already large goal size of 6”.
I may hold off my girth exercises as I fear they may hinder my length gains. Also, I notice that I have a baseball bat dick currently, so I may begin to work closer to the base w/ a low Uli. Ok, I just made that exercise name up, but I’ve done it a couple of times and it seems to place my lower shaft under significant pressure; enough to eventually see some gains.
Also, I have to do something about these balls, as they’re still fairly tight under my dick and hinder my hang.
Anyway, it’s nice to take a glimpse into the future and see myself with a cock girth rating of 6. My 8”x6”er is just around the corner. Another 0.4” of length and another month of my afformentioned girth formula oughta do it.
I’m also thinking of increasing my body height as well.
tug_monkey raises his glass and proclaims “To gains!”