Thunder's Place

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How to increase base girth and get an upward curve

How to increase base girth and get an upward curve

Hi guys. Here’s my question: Is there anyway to create an upward curvature? Also I have a slight base ball bat effect and was wondering if it is possible to increase just base girth? However, I need to do these things without getting any extra length. I’ve already crossed 9 and it can be painful to girls sometimes.


Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

strange as it sounds from peoles experiences clamping does create a bigger base girth, I thought it would do the opposite, but take some time to read the other threads and that should confirm what has been said

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Would clamping increase base girth more rapidly than girth further down to fix the baseball bat?

Read up on clamping first.if you have less than 3 month of serious conditioning, it’s not recommended.can be dangerous.

I agree, although you could start with some very light and short manual clamping, 3*1min hand clamping, though I would wait even 2-3 weeks with starting there.


What is your girth? Being a 9 inch is way above avg. If you are this big, you should post a pic. ::green: :

Dave, I might recommend jelqing first before you try the clamping. From the time that I first started PE 2 years ago until now, I have increased my jelqing up to over 3000 jelqs a day. My base girth right now is over 7”, check out my pics.

If I were you, I would also try to do as everyone else has said and start out extremely slow. Besides, with 9 inches, keeping your dick healthy should be your prime concern, not adding size. Good luck.


I have been doing PE off and on for a couple years, but have been doing it consistently for about 4 or 5 months now. I started pre PE at about 8” in length but never measured girth till after PEing for a while. I have tried manual clamping recently, only holding for a min or so each time.

Rock XP-
Mid-shaft I am a hair over 6” if it’s really hard.


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