Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mean versus Median for those of you interested in statistics

Originally Posted by mravg
First, the large variability between studies. Compared to average height or weight for example, penis size average is not known as precisely. A lot of that has to do with measurement technique.

I agree, especially with the flaccid stretched studies. My guess is that the docs don’t tend to stretch as hard as insane PEers do — and different docs will stretch with varying forces. In general, when talking about average size, I advise Thunder’s Place PEers that our measurement techniques (blood-pressed rather than bone-pressed, and with a 120% erection bent down parallel to the floor ;) ) probably exaggerate our measurements by a half-inch or more, compared to the medical studies. If you want to know how you compare to the averages in the populations that have been studied, you’d best take a normal, conservative measurement, like you might have before beginning PE, in my opinion. Extreme, maximized measurements are good for PEing purposes, so that you know whether you have really gained rather than just “improving” your measurement technique, but this kind of measurement probably isn’t best for comparison purposes. I think this partly explains why some guys claiming average size (say, 6x5) post about how all women mock their penises mercilessly as tiny; judging by some dubious measurement pics here, some guys “measuring” 6x5 probably really sport a 3x3 (only slightly exaggerating :) ).

Originally Posted by mravg
Also, a lot of the so called studies are self reported measurements. Is self reported data valid at all?

None of the studies in that “average penis size” thread involves self-measurement. I would think that self-reports would produce a lot of exaggeration, but the Kinsey data are only about an inch or an inch-and-a-half bigger than the medical studies, and the TP self-report thread corresponds pretty well to the third-party measurement studies, so in those two cases, at least, the data don’t appear to be terribly invalid. Some other self-report studies seem wildly exaggerated, though.

Originally Posted by mravg
Second, the wide variety of humans on the planet makes me wonder if any one study has been big and diverse enough to give an overall average for all human males. Even if that was known, wouldn’t it be more interesting to know separate averages of different races and regions?

Agreed. A big source of variability in the average size studies is likely the differences in populations the samples were drawn from. It appears that in most affluent Western countries the average dick is in the 6” range, just as the average height (for men) in these countries is in the 5’10” range today, but you’ll find substantial variation for specific regions and races due to both genetics and environment.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I would think that self-reports would produce a lot of exaggeration, but the Kinsey data are only about an inch or an inch-and-a-half bigger than the medical studies, and the TP self-report thread corresponds pretty well to the third-party measurement studies, so in those two cases, at least, the data don’t appear to be terribly invalid.

What do you think about page 65 from beenthere’s post? The Kinsey data there, which is credited as 1938 -1963 seems to suggest a pronounced racial bias.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I don’t know, Mr. Happy. It appears there’s a small difference in distribution between the black and white Americans in the Kinsey study, yeah. Could reflect an actual difference, could be self-report artifact (maybe black men feel more pressure to “measure up” due to stereotypes). Everyone has his own opinion on ethnic differences in dick size, but there aren’t any good studies on the matter. My own wild-assed guess, based on the fact that all the hugest dicks in porn belong to black men (not exactly the world’s strongest evidence (: ), is that there is a greater proportion of monster dicks among black men than among white men in America, but even if that were true it wouldn’t mean the medians are necessarily different.

Originally Posted by sam1966
Right here:

Penis Size: The True Average

There are two surveys which measured BPEL, and both of them came back with mean BPELs less than 6 inches.

Yes, but what about my post #10 in that thread in which I adjusted everything to bone pressed, and the resulting bp numbers, even though they are only estimates, still give indication that Thunder’s bp measurements are not so escalated. Did you miss that post?

First, thanks to the OP for starting a good discussion on a worthy topic.

It seems to me to be disingenuous when I see the claims that since there is some variance in the studies, that they should be virtually discarded out of hand. The studies clearly point to a range of average penis sizes being a bit under 6”, and possibly a bit over if bone-pressing or other measurement-maximizing self-measurement methods are used.

So the studies, in aggregate, put us in a pretty useful ballpark, clearly debunking some claims and impressions that average size is much over 6”. For instance, that, combined with some anecdotes such as where men have asked their partners’ estimation of penis size when they know their actual measurements, shows that women do tend to overestimate size, though it leaves some possibility that reports from women are also slightly skewed because they have a bit more sex with partners who are above average.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

My 2 öre from: http://www.mrav …

Penis Length
These statistics do seem to make sense.
It’s more or less a standard distribution, with a very large peak at the average. This implies that most (about 75% of) men will be Mr Average, when it comes to length.

The average is 5.88", however the nature of distribution means the average is not the same as most common. This is because the few very long ones, bias things. So the median is 5.65". That’s the point where 50% will be larger and 50% smaller. It’s the typical size.

Penis Circumference

The statistics here don’t seem to fit any sort of standard distribution. There is a fair peak at just under 5" and the numbers fall away quickly below 4" and over 5.5". 85% are in this range.
The average is 4.97", however the nature of distribution means the average is not the same as most common. The median is 4.67". That’s the point where 50% will be larger and 50% smaller. It’s the typical size.

Some clever person has suggested that some of these measurements were taken to the nearest half inch, rather than quarters. This would explain the strange distribution, but doesn’t significantly change the averages.

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

That Mr. Average website’s data are a bizarre amalgam of the Kinsey study and something else. There’s some discussion in the five or six posts following this one: Para-Goomba - Length Contest Thread

My erect penis, non-bone pressed, is just about exactly 5.88”. BPEL somewhere around 6.25”. And I have a small penis. That’s why I’m at Thunder’s.

There, I said it.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
That Mr. Average website’s data are a bizarre amalgam of the Kinsey study and something else. There’s some discussion in the five or six posts following this one: Para-Goomba - Length Contest Thread

Heh, when reading Swensk’s post I thought about that discussion, and was going to search for it, but then I noticed that you already had.


Your penis is only small compared to a large object.

Compared to other penises it’s normal.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Well, what about when some of those other penises are large objects. :-Y

Last edited by beenthere : 10-05-2007 at .

His dick is right in the average range.

If he’s comparing himself to Shane Diesel or Lex he’s going to be smaller, but that doesn’t mean he’s small.

It’s certainly fine to want to improve your lot, but don’t take for granted what you have.

There are others who would be happier if they had what he has.

Same as it ever was.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by muggles
Your penis is only small compared to a large object.

Compared to other penises it’s normal.

Maybe his dick is skinny. Variations in girth matter a lot more than length in determining overall dick volume, as we all know.


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