Measuring angle question
Ok so here goes;
When I measure my cock I usually measure it laying down and it pointing straight up, or sitting up and my penis pointing straight out. However, when I engage in sex (especially oral), more often than not I like to point my cock downwards a bit (and I mean just a bit, if pointing straight up when laying down is 12, then its pointing at 1 or 2 o clock, just enough to increase the erection) as for some reason it increases the firmness and size of my erection. I’m sure most of us are well seasoned in hitting certain angles inside the vagina with our cocks, and you know that most of the time when having sex our cocks (or at least mine) point at various angles. When I measure my cock with a slightly downward angle, the angle at which I fuck and get blowjobs from, the length increases. Can this be my true length since it is the angle and indeed length that I use during sex? Or am I just hoping for an instant jump in my nbel?